Tuesday, November 3, 2020

NSV - Was just about to say "fuck it, one more day" and start a binge with a cookie, but stopped just as I was about to bite into it

I am so freaking proud! I have been trying to maintain my 40lb weight loss for the past few months and have been pretty successful. However, last week my old habits have re-emerged as I started binging pretty much non-stop because of stress and for some reason just couldn't stop.

Well I was just about to start a binge again, because I still have some left over junk foods that I bought to binge on last night, but I managed to stop! Literally could had the cookie in my mouth, I could taste it, smell it... and still, I was able to resist, knowing that if I had it, I simply wouldn't be able to control myself.

Physically I have been feeling so horrible, as at my current size (105 lbs or so), I'm really not built to binge on 7000+ calories a day for a whole week. But for some reason, feeling like absolute crap wasn't able to stop me for a long time.

I'm so happy omg, I feel like the week long cycle of binging has been finally broken. :)

submitted by /u/bmikesova44
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3oOAgYd

I made a TDEE spreadsheet for nerds to help plan out your weight loss goals. You might find this useful. It estimates your weight loss per week taking into account your new TDEE. Explained further in post.

First of all the spreadsheet to download. Link to the Spreadsheet

Picture of the spreadsheet

The only VBA code on the sheet

At the beginning I just wanted to see how much your TDEE decreased each week as you lost weight and whether or not it was worth adjusting your calories weekly to account for the decrease in calorie deficit.

Example a person who weighs 90kg might have a TDEE of 2480. If they lose 1kg in a week that person has a new TDEE of 2459. If you were eating at a 500 calorie deficit the first week and ate the same amount of food the second week you drop to a 479 calorie deficit. After 5 weeks your new TDEE would be 2379 meaning you are only at a 399 calorie deficit.

I then decided to make some graphs and add in functionality to calculate the calories you need to eat if you want to lose X kilograms by X amount of weeks.

The idea is that each week it uses your new TDEE and will track your estimated weight loss if you keep eating the same amount of food as you did in week one. Obviously for this reason you will lose more weight the first week and less and less each week as you continue.

Assumptions made:

  • BMR = Body weight in KG x 20

  • TEF = BMR x 0.1

  • EEE = 250 kCal per workout

  • NEAT = 250 (can be adjusted if you like)

  • 1kg of body mass = 7700 kCal

  • You don't change your food intake or exercise over the course of your weight loss journey (you can and probably should but this sheet doesn't track that)

How to use:

Firstly you can just used the red numbers on the left hand side to edit the starting body weight, calories consumed daily and days a week you work out. You can then look down at the table or graphs and see what your expected weight will be at the end of any given week up to 25 weeks. Spots to edit for this

If you would rather ask "I want to weight X kg in Y weeks" then first edit your starting body weight, the days a week you exercise then to the right of that, enter your goal weight and your time frame in weeks. Then click the Calc TDEE button. Once the numbers have stopped changing look over at your "Calories Consumed Daily" and that is how many you need to eat to achieve that goal. You can also look down at the graphs and chart to see your expected weight loss each week until that point. Explanation for this one

Some notes:

  • I threw this together fairly quickly, if you find a bug let me know and i'll fix it.

  • You need to enable macros for this "calc TDEE" button to work.

  • You cannot enter a time frame that isn't a whole number eg: not 3.5 weeks.

  • You can use this also to gain weight (wrong sub), numbers will just be in the negative, as I only designed this for losing weight. I don't currently have plans to make updates for this, but if you're half clued in you can work it out easily from this.

  • I couldn't figure out how to make the vertical axis on the charts auto update properly based on the new data entered so if your body weight is <60kg or >130 just adjust those yourself to make the graphs look pretty.

  • Remember TDEE is a rough guideline for your starting point and not 100% accurate, treat it as such.

  • I don't have plans to make add functionality for pounds (lb), sorry I am an Aussie. Just convert it or adjust the spreadsheet yourself.

  • If you find this useful let me know :)

submitted by /u/ahahaha399393
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3enR6bC

Monday, November 2, 2020

Adjusting down calories is hard

When I was 200 lbs my maintenance calories were 1912, and I lost 32 lbs by shooting for 1400 to 1500 calories a day and walking 3 miles a day. Weight loss slowed and now my maintenance calories are 1737. That is almost a difference of 200 calories a day!

At first I thought I would just accept a slower weight loss (3 lbs per month instead of 5 lbs per month) until I realized that the maintenance calories at my goal weight of 125 is actually only 1500 calories a day. So... basically what I'm eating now but with no cheat meals.

I'm going to have to accept that I need to adjust down my average calories per day to reach my goal, but I fear this will be difficult. I'm fairly comfortable but definitely trying hard even at 1500 calories a day.

I need to cut out 200 calories from my day, and I don't want to increase my exercise (no time). Any advice from people who have done this before on how to reduce the pain?

submitted by /u/instantpig0101
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/36dZEy7

Do you HAVE to exercise to lose weight?

I(18) was recently talking to my mom about my weight loss and how I’m currently losing weight by mostly calorie counting. For context my mom weighs around 300lbs at 5’5 and is 49yrs old. I was trying to recommend her calorie counting and for her to maybe get Lose it or MFP. But she kept on insisting that she can’t lose weight that way and that she personally HAS to exercise to lose weight because of her metabolism. Is that possible? I can’t say whether or not she has any health problems that would cause that cause she hasn’t been to the doctor in a while and probably won’t anytime soon because of a lack of insurance, though I’m sure she has some health problems. If it’s not possible and she really DOESN’T have to exercise to lose weight, how do I convince her? And to clarify I’m not saying she shouldn’t exercise, but the chances of her getting up to exercise on her own are very slim and I was trying to tell her that calorie counting would be a lot easier.

submitted by /u/adri_anna7292
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/326RnKN

Holy shit I just lost the easiest 8lbs of my life

Hello everyone,

standing at 6'6" and currently weigh 394 lbs

Last Sunday Oct 25th I told myself that I would stop eating dessert like foods, cut off my sugary drink intake and I lost 8 lbs in just over a week. I still ate like crap (greasy foods, fast food, take out etc.) and I sort of increased my exercise but by not much. I know this isn't as impressive as these other bad ass posts but I just feel good about simply cutting off one of my main indulgences. I can now restart my weight loss journey! I know it's a long road ahead but if anyone can recommend some tips on how I can control my urges and what not it could be greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading this and I hope you all have a great week!

submitted by /u/SpookyTreeFrog
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2HOJRO1

Just realized I have exercise equipment in every room of the house

SW: 88 kg / CW: 62 kg / GW: 55-60 kg (but 62 isn’t bad either!)

I realized this morning - In the living room, we have a fold-up treadmill and a yoga ball, which I use for quick runs and core workouts in the early early mornings while I also work from home. Behind the kitchen cabinet are a couple kettlebells I use during breaks while cooking. In the bathroom, I have a heavy dumbbell I pick up while supervising my kids taking baths. In the bedroom, we have a pull-up/dip station and another kettlebell. (Well, technically there’s nothing in the kids’ bedroom, but that wouldn’t be safe.) I don’t even consciously think about it a lot do the time - it’s just habit now.

I think it’s symbolic of the way I’ve managed to make exercise a natural part of life. I’ve always enjoyed exercise, but it threw me for a terrible loop once I had kids we had to watch 24/7, on top of working, and I no longer had the time, opportunity, or energy to religiously get out to the gym. It also influenced my eating, since being active is a big inspiration for me to also eat healthily, and I felt for a long time that if I could no longer workout, weight loss was also doomed.

But about 3 years ago, after the birth of my last kid, I found this sub and asked questions and read others’, and it sunk in that, no, exercise and burning calories that way is NOT necessary to weight loss at all, and that really freed up my way of thinking. I made it a daily goal from the beginning to just do some, ANY sort of exercise. Instead of needing an hour at the gym, I started doing what I could, when I could. In addition to 5-minute, multitasking mini-workouts throughout the day, I go outside for longer runs when I get a chance, and every day I walk my kids pretty much everywhere possible in the baby carrier and double stroller. (Added bonus is that all 3 kids are already pro walkers/runners themselves, and from watching me and my husband know exercise is something fun we do to be healthy and strong.)

For anyone who has trouble fitting in exercise into a busy life, remember that you can lose weight without exercise, so no need to feel that pressure or make that an excuse - but also know that exercise brings so many health benefits both mental and physical, and that anyone CAN find a way to exercise, if you think outside of the box!

submitted by /u/Tigertigerishungry
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/35Xt4jJ

Maintenance Monday: November 2, 2020

If you've reached your goal weight and you're looking for a space to discuss with fellow maintainers, this is the thread for you! Whether you're brand new to maintenance or you've been doing it for years, you're welcome to use this space to chat about anything and everything related to the experience of maintaining your weight loss.

Hey gang, here's your weekly discussion thread! Tell us how maintenance and life in general is going for you this week! And if you missed last week's (or simply want to reread), here's a link.

If there's a specific topic you'd like to see covered in a future thread, please drop a comment or message!

submitted by /u/liyote
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3erNYeM