Sunday, November 29, 2020

Emotional Eating in 2020

29F | 5’7” | HW: 230.6 | LW: 159 | CW: 185 | GW1: 155 | GW2: 140

The Road So Far:

In 2018, I lost 70 pounds. The bulk of the weight loss occurred from May to October: 55 pounds in 5 months. I lost weight by walking and finding ways to move more. I drank a lot of water and worked to eliminate unhealthy food habits. My biggest change was challenging myself to give up fast food for a year. I went from eating out several times a week to only eating higher quality food at restaurants every few months. I haven’t had soda since May 13th, 2018. Culvers and McDonald's are also still on the Can’t Eat Responsibly list.

In 2019, I struggled to lose weight by doing what had worked at a higher weight, so I maintained at 160. I had started a new job that was far more sedentary and more stressful. Learning a new job is always tough, but I also lost a lot of my support system in the transition.

And then 2020 happened. Depression, anxiety, pain, and boredom galore. I have stories, but we all have them. This year has piled crazy on top of our regular old problems. It’s twenty pounds of problems in a ten pound bag. So, I’ve been eating my feelings. I’ve been eating for sport and recreation. I’ve been eating just to feel something even if it’s a tummy ache. Eating has become my hobby and my security blanket. I’ve always been an emotional eater. I was successful with weight loss in 2018 because I took away the major calorie bomb (fast food) and added walking. But now, I’ve found new bad habits. Bread in all its forms has become a vice. I ate two bags of bagels last week, you guys. It’s a problem.

In 2020, I’ve gained 25 pounds.


I want to lose the weight. The emotional eating has left me feeling powerless, so I'm posting this to try to give myself from perspective and also to reach out to you guys. LoseIt was a powerful tool for me when I was losing weight.

I’ve managed to stop gaining for the last month or so, which I’m going to take as a victory. I’ve gained some perspective over the last nine months (pun not intended). I’ve learned that I was actually pretty comfortable in my body at 160. I’m also realizing that I don’t know what I enjoy doing anymore. This could be the depression talking, but I think I need to reconnect with myself. Boredom is a powerful thing.

Here’s the advice that I’ve found that I find helpful for me and I’m going to try:

  • Wait ten minutes. Or five minutes. Or even one minute. Take a beat and access what you are feeling. Don’t deny yourself the craving, because temptation is powerful.
  • Try to feed your feelings/boredom with something besides food. Go for a walk, watch a comedy, read. I’ve been making myself a cup of tea as a distraction lately (just tea, no sugar). It’s also worked for me as an after dinner treat instead of eating dessert. I usually go for a mint, caffeine free tea
  • Build a daily exercise habit. Winter is definitely coming in my neck of the woods, so I need to find ways to move while I’m in my apartment.
  • Get enough sleep. Holy cow, you guys, this is important. I feel like a bottomless pit on days I haven’t slept enough.

So, what have you done this year to combat emotional eating? Are you in the same boat as me? Please tell me your stories and/or solutions!

submitted by /u/GreyAtlantic
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Does exercise really hinder weight loss.

I’ve lost 43lb so far and I still have 52lbs at least to go until my final goal, I say at least because I may want to go lower.

I started working out yesterday, well I only managed 5 mins of the Chloe ting 2 week shred today and yesterday before I felt like I was going to pass out. I am so sore and very unfit.

I’ve read numerous threads about this and a lot say their weight stalled when they started exercising but they never said how long for or if they got stuck at that weight.

It’s really bothering me because, I have to lose another 17lbs to get fertility treatment.

So I’m worried that if I start working out and holding onto water weight I’m not going to get there. Obviously I want to get thinner, toned and stronger at the same time but I also need to lose the lbs.

submitted by /u/Avaxo20
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I'm almost at my goal weight - but I'm scared

So I (16F) started my weight loss journey about mid-February at 172 lbs and currently, I weigh about 134 lbs, with my goal weight being at approx 122-125 lbs. I've come along way and I am quite close to my goal, but the thing is I can't even visualise how the life of maintaining weight is.

Right now part of me loves the idea of being on a weight loss journey. Despite the agonising pain of denying chocolates and pizzas - there is such a lovely thrill about seeing the weight drop on the scale. I think life will be mundane once I reach my goal weight. I plan to focus on abs and toning, and maybe get back into HIIT workouts, but that’s about it.

Before weight loss, I was always an emotional eater. Due to my depression, I would just eat to mask my feelings and eventually that made me gain 20 lbs over an extremely short period of time. I literally have no way of listening to my body when it comes to eating. I can't differentiate signs of hunger, from signs of boredom and the need to fill an empty void.

I don't want to be scared out of my mind when I'm maintaining my weight - weighing myself weekly and obsessing over everything I put into my mouth - but I don't want to be blissfully unaware either, and only realise that something's wrong when I take a look in the mirror one day or realise that my jeans don't fit the same anymore.

I'm not medicated for my depression, so I still battle with it on a daily basis... Hence, my concern. Right now, I am begging - if anyone has any tips on how to maintain weight, and intuitively listen to your body and what it needs, and how to even keep the life of maintaining weight exciting and more purposeful than it felt when you were losing weight - please give me any tips or advice. I have no one else to talk to about this.

submitted by /u/missyy123456
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Someone tell me not to give up please. I just feel like giving up my weight loss journey again probably for the last time. I’m at a point where I can’t lose weight is what I think. I’ve tried everything. It’s not meant for me

I’m just sick to my stomach today. I’m (22 M 5’6 220) Just so discouraged and crying while writing this. I’ve tried to hit the gym and lift 3-4 days a week with cardio 1-2 days for a few months now. I’ve tried eating healthier portions when I can but it’s hard cause I’m not financially good at the moment. I’ve tried doing the things that other people do that melt pounds yet when I look at myself on the scale it hasn’t budged. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong am I just at a point where I went too far before focusing on my weight loss and so now it’s not possible? I don’t wanna give up but what’s the point if I don’t see results. I’m tired of the weight jokes and everything else but I just gotta accept it I guess. Only thing left for me is supplements but they sketch me out. Any advice?

submitted by /u/AP231198
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to figure out TDEE when I think the websites are wrong?

Y’all how are you calculating your TDEE. Mine seems way too high. I’ve done multiple websites versions but they just seem off. And they say I can eat 1800 to lose a pound a week. I’m a 5’6 24(F) and I weigh 237 rn. I am moderately active. (Walk everyday, too ADHD to sit still for long, two HIIT videos a week, mild weight training every other day, 15 min yoga practice every evening) But idk a TDEE of 2600 which is what they said just seems wildly too high. Especially when I see people post their TDEE’s here. Idk if you need more specialized equipment and metrics to figure out a TDEE? Obviously there is no way to be 100%, but I want to feel like I’m at least in the right range.

I mean, if I can eat 1800 for moderate weight loss that’s dope, but idk, it seems to good to be true. Thanks in advance!!

submitted by /u/thekindbooty
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, November 28, 2020

If you are anything like me, your weight loss will directly impact your cycle and PMS

This is something that I have been noticing for the past few months. All my teenage years I have been 96kg+ with my highest weight being 9 months ago at 116kg. (F18).

And for as long as I can remember my periods have always been painful, moody and heavy.

My boobs used to hurt starting with a week before my period. My cramps were really bad. My mood was horrific. It was just as bad as a period can get really.

But ever since I started loosing, all of those symptoms are slowly dropping to 0.

I have lost 33kg so far putting my weight at 83kg.

And my period got so much better, my cramps are much less painful and only last a couple of days. My boobs no longer hurt. My mood swings are also not extreme at all. Which is very surprising. And overall it started effecting me less.

I looked it up and apparently it’s due to the fat stored estrogen. But I am not a doctor. All I know is that there has been a change. And I hope it’s for the better.

If you had a similar experience I would love to hear it.

submitted by /u/highkeyxoxo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Don't hate yourself for eating that bag of chips or that slice of cake!

I want to share something I've found interesting from my weight loss experience. About two years ago, I was 10lbs from my goal weight, but during my final semester of undergrad, I put on 15 lbs. Since then, I've started my master's, and I'm about to finish my first semester. I'm not good at cooking, so I resort to snacks or fast food. I'm also a huge stress eater, and I'm picky about the food I stress eat. I love salty and spicy, and many times the healthy snacks are too sweet for me even if they aren't technically sweet snacks. Since I'm picky and I like crunchy, I resort to chips. Today I weighed myself, and I realized I lost 6 lbs in the last two months. I honestly thought I had gained weight and expected it to be around 160, but I'm at 151 at the end of the day. I usually weigh less in the morning, so I'm looking forward to weighing myself tomorrow. I might weigh more or less, but the point is I lost weight while eating junk.

I didn't make the post to share the weight loss but more to tell people that you can eat junk and lose weight. Don't recommend it but don't kick yourself for eating that bag of chips or for having a frosting-covered slice of cake. I've had it happen twice that I've lost weight eating junk food. The first time was when I took over my mom's housekeeping business one summer while recovering from surgery. I would be exhausted and didn't want to cook, and sometimes I'd be eating in-n-out 11 times a week. That month I lost 10 lbs, but it was because I was moving all the time. I wasn't sitting on my ass at home eating nothing but double-doubles and fries. This time, I have been sitting on my ass all the time because I now work almost full-time as a receptionist. I haven't made exercise a priority either, with school taking so much of my time, but I am aware that I am not doing anything. About a month ago, I was at my most stressed level. My face was feeling numb, and I was probably on the verge of a breakdown, so I turned to my comfort food. I probably ate 8 bags of Hot Cheetos in two weeks, along with other stuff I can't remember, but I know it wasn't healthy, but the whole time I knew it was a lot of calories I was eating. I started to skip breakfast because 1) I don't like it, and 2) if I eat breakfast, I tend to eat more during the day. I've been eating fewer calories than I burn just because I am aware that I've been eating high-calorie foods, and it makes me wonder how much weight I would've lost if I'd been paying more attention to what I was eating. I'm slowly trying to ween myself off the junk and add more fruits and homecooked meals to my diet.

The point of this post is CICO works and in my case, so does intermittent fasting. Don't eat what I eat, though. Eat healthily. Don't hate yourself for the occasional junk you eat.

submitted by /u/Meep1996
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from loseit - Lose the Fat