Sunday, November 29, 2020

I'm almost at my goal weight - but I'm scared

So I (16F) started my weight loss journey about mid-February at 172 lbs and currently, I weigh about 134 lbs, with my goal weight being at approx 122-125 lbs. I've come along way and I am quite close to my goal, but the thing is I can't even visualise how the life of maintaining weight is.

Right now part of me loves the idea of being on a weight loss journey. Despite the agonising pain of denying chocolates and pizzas - there is such a lovely thrill about seeing the weight drop on the scale. I think life will be mundane once I reach my goal weight. I plan to focus on abs and toning, and maybe get back into HIIT workouts, but that’s about it.

Before weight loss, I was always an emotional eater. Due to my depression, I would just eat to mask my feelings and eventually that made me gain 20 lbs over an extremely short period of time. I literally have no way of listening to my body when it comes to eating. I can't differentiate signs of hunger, from signs of boredom and the need to fill an empty void.

I don't want to be scared out of my mind when I'm maintaining my weight - weighing myself weekly and obsessing over everything I put into my mouth - but I don't want to be blissfully unaware either, and only realise that something's wrong when I take a look in the mirror one day or realise that my jeans don't fit the same anymore.

I'm not medicated for my depression, so I still battle with it on a daily basis... Hence, my concern. Right now, I am begging - if anyone has any tips on how to maintain weight, and intuitively listen to your body and what it needs, and how to even keep the life of maintaining weight exciting and more purposeful than it felt when you were losing weight - please give me any tips or advice. I have no one else to talk to about this.

submitted by /u/missyy123456
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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