Wednesday, November 25, 2020

My weight loss journey during lockdown (M, 14, 6’1) 200 > 140

My weight loss journey during lockdown (M, 14, 6’1) 200 > 140

DISCLAIMER: i’m on mobile + this is my first every reddit post so sorry if the layout is weird.

March 23rd, the first day of quarantine in the uk (where I’m from) i had decided to take the plunge and do what i have always wanted to do, start my weight loss journey. i have always been a larger kid ever since a young child and wanted to shift the weight but i’d always make excuses “oh i don’t have the time right now / i have that thing coming up, i’ll start after that” and had never. when the lockdown was announced, i couldn’t put it off any more. i could do all of my school work at home and wasn’t required to do it around a schedule when i would usually have my lessons. i sucked it up and weighed myself.

i weighed 200 pounds. 90KG. this may not sound like a lot to many people but to me it was. i was fourteen years old and this is how much i weighed. i was already tracking my calories on my fitness pal but very loosely. that day it would change. i weighed everything i ate for a week without changing my diet and was eating more than 2,500 calories and was barely moving other than to go from my bed to the kitchen to stuff my face with unhealthy crap.

i started to pay more attention to the nutritional information of what i was eating and what i was actually eating. i replaced all the processed foods like ready meals, processed meats that i was eating with meals that i knew exactly what was in them (within reason if my parents were cooking), and replaced my unhealthy snacks to fruit and vegetables and having crisps as a little treat, not a regular thing i would be eating. i cut my calories by about 1,000 from what i was previously eating making me eat about roughly 1,500 calories per day.

while doing this, i tried going on a walk 4 times a week but i ended up going on a 2 mile walk everyday after eating my final meal of the day. you may have read this prior but walking is a great exercise for losing weight and just in general good exercise. i also went on a 5km bike ride whenever the weather was nice (surprisingly the weather was very nice most of the time).

within 2 months, i had lost 14 pounds / 6.3KG. i was very proud of myself but knew i had some way to go. i had dug out my wii from my wardrobe and played wii fit everyday in addition to my walking and my bike rides. i also started to do a ‘chloe ting’ program, one of her 28 day ones i cant recall the name exactly.

fast forward to July/August to when i saw my friends for the first time in a few months and they were shocked. they didn’t say anything to me until my very straight up friend said to me “you’ve lost weight, well done!” and i felt like all of my hard work hadn’t gone to waste. don’t get me wrong, i didn’t lose weight for compliments, i did it for my own health and athletic ability and so when i went into adulthood i was overweight. when seeing my friends, i saw a mutual friend of mine and we were aware of each other and we had spoken previously and he didn’t recognise me. i was gobsmacked.

then it was the day i was dreading, the first day back in school. i was scared of what people were going to say about me. a few people congratulated me and asked how i did it and i gave basic answers. but the thing i was dreading happened. people accused me of starving myself and when i had denied it they were adamant that i had.

September 27th, i got down to my goal weight of 140 pounds / 63.5kg. i was over the moon. i’m so proud of how far i’ve come in such a short amount of time and i owe it to the motivational posts on this subreddit making me want to continue on my weight loss journey. and since then i have maintained that weight for two months and hopefully for he rest of my life (or until i bulk up with muscle instead of fat)

than you for taking time out of your day for reading my journey <3

submitted by /u/uravgthrowawayaccoun
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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