Saturday, November 28, 2020

Rephrasing goals into positive language

I (33F) have trouble with compulsive / borderline binge eating. I’d like to make myself a daily reward chart to help me develop healthier habits, but I’m struggling to put my rewards into positive language, can you help?

I deliberately want the chart to include some easy habits so that so that I am almost guaranteed at least a handful of stars each day. Then I’d like the rewards to graduall my increase towards my goals.

I follow a weight loss program which I know works for me if I stick to it (I don’t know if its against the sub rules to discuss it). I have previously lost 2 stone this way. I have also been seeing a therapist for 2 years, but that’s it’s own story.

The program splits all food into 5 categories, using these terms:

trigger food = cake, chocolate and biscuits. My intermediate goal is to not eat any of these foods. My longer term goal is to be able to eat a small amount of these foods without triggering a binge. But for the purpose of the reward chart, the aim is zero.

synned food = food with low nutritional value. The program allows a small amount of these foods to be eaten in order to make it easier to stick to the plan and not feel deprived. These foods must be weighed and measured. My goal is to eat a maximum of 200 calories of these foods a day. Usually, if I can’t eat one of my trigger foods, I have zero interest in this category, except for maybe a tbsp of flour to thicken a sauce.

healthy extras = cheese and wholemeal cereals (including bread). My goal is to eat a maximum of one portion of each a day, such as sugar-free cereal for breakfast and one portion of cheese in either lunch or dinner.

free food = very low fat, low simple sugar foods like lean protein, rice, potatoes, fat free yoghurt, beans, pulses, all fruit and veggies that aren’t classified as speed food (see below). The program allows for the unlimited consumption of these foods (as long as you are hungry). My goal is to have all of my meals made up of these foods.

speed food = certain high satiety, low calorie food, like leafy salad vegetables and blueberries. My goal is to have a third of every meal made up of these foods.

So far I’d like my chart to include:

I haven’t eaten any trigger foods before breakfast today. I haven’t eaten anything in secret today. I haven’t been to the shop just to buy trigger food. I haven’t eaten any trigger foods today. I haven’t skipped a meal because I was full of trigger food today. I weighed and measured all my synned food food. I haven’t eaten more than 500 calories of synned food today. I haven’t eaten more than 200 calories of synned food today. I weighed or measured my cheese today. I have had one portion or less of cheese today. I weighed or measured my cereals today. I have had one portion or less of cereals today. One of my meals was entirely free food today. Two of my meals were entirely free food today. All of my meals were entirely free food today. One of my meals included a third speed foods today. Two of my meals included a third speed foods today.

Tl;dr - please can you help me rephrase the goals in the last paragraph into positive language, i.e. “I have” rather than “I haven’t”?

submitted by /u/HistoricalFrosting18
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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