Sunday, November 29, 2020

Emotional Eating in 2020

29F | 5’7” | HW: 230.6 | LW: 159 | CW: 185 | GW1: 155 | GW2: 140

The Road So Far:

In 2018, I lost 70 pounds. The bulk of the weight loss occurred from May to October: 55 pounds in 5 months. I lost weight by walking and finding ways to move more. I drank a lot of water and worked to eliminate unhealthy food habits. My biggest change was challenging myself to give up fast food for a year. I went from eating out several times a week to only eating higher quality food at restaurants every few months. I haven’t had soda since May 13th, 2018. Culvers and McDonald's are also still on the Can’t Eat Responsibly list.

In 2019, I struggled to lose weight by doing what had worked at a higher weight, so I maintained at 160. I had started a new job that was far more sedentary and more stressful. Learning a new job is always tough, but I also lost a lot of my support system in the transition.

And then 2020 happened. Depression, anxiety, pain, and boredom galore. I have stories, but we all have them. This year has piled crazy on top of our regular old problems. It’s twenty pounds of problems in a ten pound bag. So, I’ve been eating my feelings. I’ve been eating for sport and recreation. I’ve been eating just to feel something even if it’s a tummy ache. Eating has become my hobby and my security blanket. I’ve always been an emotional eater. I was successful with weight loss in 2018 because I took away the major calorie bomb (fast food) and added walking. But now, I’ve found new bad habits. Bread in all its forms has become a vice. I ate two bags of bagels last week, you guys. It’s a problem.

In 2020, I’ve gained 25 pounds.


I want to lose the weight. The emotional eating has left me feeling powerless, so I'm posting this to try to give myself from perspective and also to reach out to you guys. LoseIt was a powerful tool for me when I was losing weight.

I’ve managed to stop gaining for the last month or so, which I’m going to take as a victory. I’ve gained some perspective over the last nine months (pun not intended). I’ve learned that I was actually pretty comfortable in my body at 160. I’m also realizing that I don’t know what I enjoy doing anymore. This could be the depression talking, but I think I need to reconnect with myself. Boredom is a powerful thing.

Here’s the advice that I’ve found that I find helpful for me and I’m going to try:

  • Wait ten minutes. Or five minutes. Or even one minute. Take a beat and access what you are feeling. Don’t deny yourself the craving, because temptation is powerful.
  • Try to feed your feelings/boredom with something besides food. Go for a walk, watch a comedy, read. I’ve been making myself a cup of tea as a distraction lately (just tea, no sugar). It’s also worked for me as an after dinner treat instead of eating dessert. I usually go for a mint, caffeine free tea
  • Build a daily exercise habit. Winter is definitely coming in my neck of the woods, so I need to find ways to move while I’m in my apartment.
  • Get enough sleep. Holy cow, you guys, this is important. I feel like a bottomless pit on days I haven’t slept enough.

So, what have you done this year to combat emotional eating? Are you in the same boat as me? Please tell me your stories and/or solutions!

submitted by /u/GreyAtlantic
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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