Saturday, November 28, 2020

How to stop spending every moment obsessing over food? (maintenance)

I'm maintaining my big weight loss, I went from 270 to 135 at 5'10 male. I pushed myself really hard to lose weight quickly and I cut calories drastically, which I slightly regret now.

I eat one meal a day to maintain, currently 1700 calories. I also exercise a lot.

I spend my whole day thinking about and planning this one meal. I'll prepare things way in advance, I'll even spend ages laying it out to make it look nice. I think I do this because I'm scared to actually eat it 😂

Even after eating this massive meal I'm still hungry sometimes and I don't understand why. I'm eating enough. It's frustrating. Sometimes I think I'm just destined to be fat, I'm a massive glutton and my body is always going to want more food than it needs. But then I realise how ridiculous that is and cut calories for even thinking that lol.

Restricting is much easier than maintaining for me, I like the high of losing weight and pushing myself, but now I've reached my lowest possible goal weight and I have no where to go and it's difficult.

I'm trying to re train my body to not feel hunger so much and just be normal and nothing seems to work. Any suggestions?

submitted by /u/dalet0
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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