Monday, February 1, 2021

I'm taking a much needed break from my weight loss attempt

Hello, I'm F23, 173cm, SW 100kg - CW 77kg - 1st GW 70kg. I've been doing CICO, IF 16:8 and since the last month OMAD, walking about 12k steps 3-5 times a week since the end of October and until now as you can see I've lost a whopping 23kg (~50lbs). I'm very proud of what I've achieved and I'm counting down to the days I hit my first goal weight (my ultimate goal weight is around 60-63kg). However I've decided to take a small break from my current diet.

Because last Wednesday, I fainted.

Well, it's not exactly fainting I guess? I was lying in bed then standing up to turn off the lights and all of sudden I found myself on the floor. It happened within seconds and I didn't completely lose consciousness but I also couldn't recall the exact moment I fell. It was like something in my body switched off and yeah, I collapsed. Landed face down and hit my chin pretty hard, got a massive bruise which makes SO MANY people think I got beaten up, lol. The next day I went to the doctor for a thorough check up, and fortunately there was nothing wrong with me - except I'm showing signs of iron deficiency anemia and lacking some minerals, which I got IV for. No supplements needed just yet, I just need to adjust my diet and eat a wider variety of food.

Yeah that was the wake up call. I've realized that the closer I am to my goal weight, the more impatient I become and since I don't even know exactly when, I was pushing myself too hard and under eating by a huge margin. And by that I mean I was consuming less than 1000kcal a day, roughly 700-800kcal approximately. Seeing the number on the scale go down was so satisfying I forgot that I'm a functioning human, a student struggling with a double major and a job that's currently in exam season and hasn't had any decent sleep for about a month now.

So yeah I've consulted the doctor and a nutritionist, and I'm officially stepping down from my diet for a short while. In the upcoming 2-3 weeks I will go back to eating multiple meals a day to make sure my blood sugar is stabilized and slowly increase the amount as well as the variety of food I consume. I plan to ease up a little and maintain my current weight, or keep losing but at most only 2kg within a month.

I write this post as a reminder to myself that losing weight is supposed to be for the sake of my health so if it's achieved by harming my health then it defeats the entire point of it. I'd also like to advise anyone who's similar to me - impatient weight loss challengers, that your body needs time to adjust to the changes you're making, and you should be mindful of every decision you make regarding your health.

Good luck to everyone!

submitted by /u/Tired_Broccoli
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Weight loss slump

Hi all. I’m not sure if this is the right thread to talk in but I have been in a slump for a long time. Probably since this time last year, I’ve been feeling so down. I’m not sure how to describe it. I’ve gone from 165/170 to the 180’s and I reached 190 today. I am so scared to be in the 200 and just hit that number on the scale. I WANT to lose the weight so bad but I feel like I can’t bring myself to do it. I’ve honestly lost all motivation and just drive in general. I can barely keep my room clean and I just feel like I can’t even bring myself to workout. But I want to so bad. I buy workout clothing and equipment in hopes it’ll get me to move around but it’s hard. There’s periods of time where I’ll calorie count for a couple days and then give up again. Some nights I binge on accident. I hate the way I look in the mirror. Well this morning I went for a walk and I realized how big my fingers have gotten. That’s where I thought that something really needs to change. Where do I start?

submitted by /u/kimberlyyu
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Almost made my Jan goal of 8lbs down and I've learned that it's okay to enjoy food.

I had a rough goal in my head of wanting to lose 8lbs this month, and lost 7.8lb! I'm really pleased with myself. In the last year I have spent a lot of time working on my mental health and I think this is really paying off in my attitude towards trying to improve my lifestyle this time.

I have previously gained and lost about 1.5 stone and lost weight mainly through counting calories but I rapidly fell off the wagon when I did this. The thing is, I know I'm not going to count calories for the rest of my life, and as a scientist I know there is no reliable way to know BMR without some serious lab tests, aside from that seeing food as numbers is really detrimental to my mental health. What I have learned is that I do know how to eat healthily for the most part, the problems that resulted in my weight gain were large portions, frequent snacking and too much fast food/eating out with not enough exercise.

This time I'm not counting calories, I'm not denying myself "unhealthy food" and I'm unashamed to enjoy what I eat. Cooking is something that has always made me happy and is important to me. I've naturally found myself being able to eat less of my unhealthy go to foods like cheese, chocolate and ice cream and when I do indulge, I'm sticking to a portion size and I enjoy it without guilt, this has been huge for my mental health. This is what feels sustainable to me and is a lifestyle change, not a quick fix, I know it means my weight loss may be slower but if it helps me keep it off in the months and years to come thats more important.

I've also learned that exercise is something that I need to enjoy, it shouldn't be a punishment to myself for eating too much, or having food that's bad for me. It's about more than just burning calories. I've taken up hiking and I've been out every week walking over 50 miles in January. I' m hoping to gradually add in some more exercise to get more active. Intermittent fasting is helping me on this journey and I'm feeling way more satisfied and full after eating the right portion size. I know this is going to be a slow process, but I'm feeling good about how it's going and I'm hopeful this mindset is going to get me to my goal.

submitted by /u/nervouszoomer90
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Getting back on track

Hi everyone, I’m just posting here because I really need some encouragement. I decided to start my weight loss journey back in August and since then I’ve lost 20 pounds. Actually, I lost about 30, but over the holidays I gained back about 10 pounds. My husband and I moved across the country (drove the whole way) and during that week I ate nothing but fast food. I told myself when we got to our new home that I’d get back on track but since then I’ve still been putting it off. It’s been about 3 weeks since we moved here and I’ve put little to no effort into dieting. I’ll tell myself I’m going to start over but then end up going right back to square one. Last night we had pizza and I drank about 6 White Claws and went to bed. Woke up a couple hours later and my husband was still awake and we started talking about how we both need to start eating better. I actually broke down and cried because I feel so disappointed in myself for letting myself get so off course. I decided that I’m sick of putting it off and today I got back on the wagon. Went for a 30 minute run even though it’s cold and pouring rain. Gonna start keeping track of my daily calories again and I am not drinking anymore. Drinking has always been my downfall because I can’t just have one or two drinks, I get a little buzzed and I just totally give in and stop caring. No more alcohol and no more fast food. I can’t do this anymore. I’m tired of feeling ashamed of myself and the way I look.

submitted by /u/caramelkitty___
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Maintenance Monday: February 01, 2021

If you've reached your goal weight and you're looking for a space to discuss with fellow maintainers, this is the thread for you! Whether you're brand new to maintenance or you've been doing it for years, you're welcome to use this space to chat about anything and everything related to the experience of maintaining your weight loss.

Hey everyone, here's your weekly discussion thread! Tell us how maintenance and life in general is going for you this week! And if you missed last week's (or simply want to reread), here's a link.

If there's a specific topic you'd like to see covered in a future thread, please drop a comment or message!

submitted by /u/satisphoria
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

7 Tips for Ordering Healthy Food Delivery or Takeout

Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, the number of people ordering takeout or food delivery seems been higher than ever before. With more people reluctant to leave the house, takeout or delivery have felt like safer options. For many, it’s also been something to look forward to after a long week. While we might not be able to go out and dine at our favorite restaurants, we can still look forward to ordering a special meal. Plus, many of us want to do what we can to support small businesses in our community.

While that’s all commendable, what has it meant for sticking to a healthy eating plan?

Fortunately, we believe that you can find ways to order takeout or delivery and still stick to your plans to lose weight. In order to help you make smarter choices, we’ve rounded up some tips for choosing healthy food options for takeout or delivery.

Going Out to Dinner? 6 Restaurant Calorie Bombs You Need to Skip

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1. Remember, it starts with your order.

a woman ordering healthy food delivery on her phone

At Nutrisystem, we’ve always acknowledged that dining out can have a social or entertainment factor that we don’t feel you should miss out on just because you’re trying to lose weight. That’s why we’ve offered numerous tips for dining out that help you to have the best of both worlds. Ultimately, a good majority of these tips boil down to making smart food choices and only ordering healthy meals. Just because you’re dining out does not mean you have to choose the unhealthiest menu items. Well, the same goes for takeout or delivery! Pay attention to what you’re ordering. Choose grilled meats over fried ones. Choose a green vegetable as a side as opposed to French fries. Try to pay attention to how your vegetables are prepared. Ask for them steamed and without butter. Since you’re ordering at home, you have even more time to research your menu options and make a smart selection.

2. Beware of “healthy choice” traps.

a selection of 5 healthy food delivery options on a table

We’ve talked about the fact that a salad isn’t always your healthiest option when ordering at a restaurant. The same is true, of course, for takeout or delivery. If a salad is smothered in a high-fat dressing and/or packed with toppings like bacon, cheese or fried chicken strips, the health factor of the veggies can be quickly negated. Just be wary of choices that sound like a healthy option but really are not. You can make simple changes—such as a lower fat dressing on the side—that increase the health factor of your meal. Since you’re eating at home, you could even use a homemade or store-bought dressing that you know is a better choice!

3.  Skip the drink.

soda being poured into a to go cup

If you are ordering healthy food for takeout or delivery, it’s even easier to forgo the sugary beverage and just drink water from home. Sometimes if everyone else at the table is ordering an alcoholic beverage or a soda, you might be tempted to follow suit. But at home you can try to drink more water and avoid getting empty calories from a beverage. It’s a simple change that can go a really long way in eating healthier. We find that people often underestimate just how many calories they’re getting from beverages in a day. And like meal portions, restaurant drinks are often oversized.

Trouble Drinking Enough Water? 10 Hydrating Foods You Need to Be Eating

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4. Pass on dessert.

chocolate dessert takeout in a box

In the same way that it’s easier to pass on an added beverage when you’re eating at home, you can also forgo the restaurant-bought dessert. You won’t have any peer pressure or feel like you’re missing out. Instead, you can have one of these healthier dessert options that will still satisfy your sweet tooth without derailing your diet. Don’t have time to make something yourself? Nutrisystem has plenty of premade desserts that are ready-to-go when temptation strikes! Instead of skipping dessert altogether, you can simply make a smarter choice at home.

5. Be cautious about mindless eating.

a person eating pizza out of a takeout box as they watch football

We’ve talked a lot about the importance of mindful eating. When we’re not paying attention to what we’re eating, it can be easy to overdo it. The trouble is, when eating at home, we are more prone to mindless eating. If you’re eating in front of the television or even while scrolling through your phone, it’s easy to lose track of how much you’ve consumed. It’s important to slow down, shut off the distractions and pay closer attention. In this way, we end up enjoying our food more, too.

6. Portion food ahead of time.

5 healthy food delivery options in containers

You’re already aware that restaurant portions are almost always oversized and more than we should be eating in a single meal. We’ve provided tips in the past like boxing up half of the meal ahead of eating what’s left on your plate. The same goes for eating healthy takeout or food delivery. In fact, this might even be easier to do at home! Take out a plate from home and serve what you’ll be eating from the takeout containers, then put the rest of the boxes right into the fridge. Do not even give yourself the chance to overeat! If you’ll be able to get several meals out of a single order, divide it into individual Tupperware containers for other days. Now, you have pre-portioned meals ready-to-go.

How to Become a Nutrisystem Portion Pro

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7. Split a meal with the family.

two people sharing healthy food delivery

While sharing meals is sometimes discouraged at restaurants, when you order takeout or delivery, it’s up to you what you do with the food! Order one dinner but split it with your spouse, significant other or child. This is another great way to avoid overeating on oversized restaurant portions. We love that restaurants are being incredibly generous with their portions, particularly during these trying times. But when it comes to making healthy choices, dividing those portions into multiple meals—for multiple people—is the easiest way to enjoy a special treat without overdoing it.

The post 7 Tips for Ordering Healthy Food Delivery or Takeout appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

I was told that it’s not healthy for me to lose the amount of weight required for me to be at a healthy BMI.

I’m a 6’1” man who started losing weight at the end of June last year. I started at 323.2 and a few days ago when I last weighed myself I was 246.0. I just cut my calories back a lot, right now I try to eat anywhere between 1,000-1,800 per day while working out a few days a week. I try to eat mostly lean meat/vegetables/fruit during the week but weekends I eat whatever (while keeping my calories low). I work from home so otherwise I’m pretty sedentary. I used to do 24-48 hour fasts too but not really anymore.

We were talking about weight loss with my fiancées family when we got together for my fiancées birthday over the weekend and I told them a healthy weight for a man my height is 160-189 lbs so that’s where I’d like to be. 170-180 is what I think would be best but I really don’t know until I get to that point.

All of a sudden everyone started commenting on how that’s way too low and that I’d look like a crackhead. My fiancées sister told me to just maintain at like 240-250 lbs.

Her boyfriend told me that it’s not “healthy” to be at that weight and the rest agreed. Imagine saying it’s not healthy to be at a healthy weight and thinking you’re right. He also said fasting for a day or two is unhealthy (the rest disagreed with that) but nobody had comments to say about how unhealthy it was for me to stuff myself full with 4,000 calories worth of food at one sitting back in the day.

My fiancées mom said I’m losing weight so fast that I look like I’m shrinking away and that I should be eating half the cake she brought (this little cake was somehow 7,700 calories and I didn’t know til I ate a piece that was probably 1,000 at least, lol).

My fiancées mom is actually a normal weight I believe, but I think the ironic part is that her sister and bf have obesity related health problems. So do other people in their family. Type 2 diabetes runs in their family. My fiancées sister has PCOS and insulin resistance. Her bf has high blood pressure and untreated sleep apnea. He despite being 30 years old and already taking blood pressure meds he likes to tell us that his doctor tells him that he’s “as healthy as an ox”. They’re both well over 300 lbs.

I know studies show that the average American doesn’t know what a healthy weight looks like but man... experiencing ignorant comments firsthand is wild.

submitted by /u/-----Nice-----
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