Monday, February 1, 2021

I was told that it’s not healthy for me to lose the amount of weight required for me to be at a healthy BMI.

I’m a 6’1” man who started losing weight at the end of June last year. I started at 323.2 and a few days ago when I last weighed myself I was 246.0. I just cut my calories back a lot, right now I try to eat anywhere between 1,000-1,800 per day while working out a few days a week. I try to eat mostly lean meat/vegetables/fruit during the week but weekends I eat whatever (while keeping my calories low). I work from home so otherwise I’m pretty sedentary. I used to do 24-48 hour fasts too but not really anymore.

We were talking about weight loss with my fiancées family when we got together for my fiancées birthday over the weekend and I told them a healthy weight for a man my height is 160-189 lbs so that’s where I’d like to be. 170-180 is what I think would be best but I really don’t know until I get to that point.

All of a sudden everyone started commenting on how that’s way too low and that I’d look like a crackhead. My fiancées sister told me to just maintain at like 240-250 lbs.

Her boyfriend told me that it’s not “healthy” to be at that weight and the rest agreed. Imagine saying it’s not healthy to be at a healthy weight and thinking you’re right. He also said fasting for a day or two is unhealthy (the rest disagreed with that) but nobody had comments to say about how unhealthy it was for me to stuff myself full with 4,000 calories worth of food at one sitting back in the day.

My fiancées mom said I’m losing weight so fast that I look like I’m shrinking away and that I should be eating half the cake she brought (this little cake was somehow 7,700 calories and I didn’t know til I ate a piece that was probably 1,000 at least, lol).

My fiancées mom is actually a normal weight I believe, but I think the ironic part is that her sister and bf have obesity related health problems. So do other people in their family. Type 2 diabetes runs in their family. My fiancées sister has PCOS and insulin resistance. Her bf has high blood pressure and untreated sleep apnea. He despite being 30 years old and already taking blood pressure meds he likes to tell us that his doctor tells him that he’s “as healthy as an ox”. They’re both well over 300 lbs.

I know studies show that the average American doesn’t know what a healthy weight looks like but man... experiencing ignorant comments firsthand is wild.

submitted by /u/-----Nice-----
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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