Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Why exploring/monitoring trends is important

I've been bouncing between 74-77kgs since August last year and I've not been able to work out why. I was starting to think that weight loss was impossible again and that my body was broken somehow.

On paper, I am eating 1500 calories per day or 10500 per week (all numbers are approximated for ease). At least, that's the goal. I have tracked accurately since Nov 30th but have got stuck in to weight loss since after Xmas. So we'll say 8 weeks of effort. I have lost 2kgs since then (around 4lbs). 0.25kg or roughly 1/2lb per week. This makes my deficit roughly 250 cals per day from my TDEE, which would make my maintenance calories about 1750 (sedentary).

Now, this might lead someone to think that they are eating 'too many' calories and that they need to drop down to 1300 to lose faster. However, when looking at the data I've only hit my net goal of 1500 on 4 of those 8 weeks. On some of those weeks I've overeaten by 1000s of calories, meaning I could be gaining fat. Even justifying to myself 'Oh, I walked more that day' doesn't cut it.

I was starting to get frustrated by the slow loss, even with the idea that obviously there would be water weight fluctuations. But if I am only hitting goal every other week, something evidently needs to change. Let's not work harder by dropping calories, but smarter. I need to increase adherence.

So what can I do?

  • I am getting less than 1000 steps most days because of lockdown and the fact I quit my full-time job. I used to walk 8k-12k per day. Walking makes you feel good and boosts your burnt calories. So I'm going to aim for an easy 5k steps per day.

  • I am already calorie cycling - I take away 50cals per day during the week to add them on the weekend or on a day I feel I really need them. It averages out over the week

  • I am completing a home strength training programme which gives me something to do and is building muscle, which is productive to my goals

  • I binge eat when I am tired or overwhelmed. If I stay up until 2am one day, I mess the whole rest of the week up. Phone off before 2300.

  • Maintenance is your friend. Even if it seems like the week might not be fat burning, I can stop it from being fat building. I've still lost weight since Xmas despite eating an extra 3500 cals one week (essentially cancelling out a week of weight loss). So if I could have made that only an extra 1750, I'd still be on track.

Take home messages? If you are losing slowly without explanation, start tracking everything fully for a month. Monitor your calories, weight, sleep and steps. Be honest. Compare it to times when you lost weight faster. What's the difference? What can you change? Don't drop calories further when you're not even hitting targets most of the time. Maybe you need a higher calorie goal to increase adherence. Maybe you need to get outside or off your phone.

Has anyone else managed to work through something like this? I'm going to go and get my steps now!

submitted by /u/healthyatlast
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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