Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Gained 9 pounds!

I'm doing this as an accountability post.

I started my weight loss journey in September 2019 at 147.4 lb. I hit my weight loss goal of 109.8 lb in September 2020. I achieved this through IF (18:6), making smarter food choices, and running (5-10K 3x a week). I was so happy and comfortable in my body. It was great. However, since September 2020 I've been a bit loosey-goosey on the food I consume. Slowly over time chocolate biscuits and fizzy juice has started to re-appear in my cupboards and fridge. I knew I'd put on a few pounds but just ignored it. It was winter and a bit of extra insulation couldn't hurt... or so I thought.

February came around and my jeans were a bit tighter. I felt sad and angry with myself. How could I let this happen?! Over the last few weeks, I have been absolutely terrified to step on the scales, I was seriously losing sleep over it. Yesterday I bit the bullet and plopped myself on those scales... 118.8 lb.

EEEEEESSSH! 9 pounds in 5 months! Well, that sucks.

I could beat myself up about the weight gain but I'm determined to not do that. I'm just going to reel in the munch. No more chocolate, no more fizzy juice, and no more Saturday night beers! Well, for at least 9 weeks.

I honestly thought losing weight would be the hardest part. But I was mistaken. Maintaining is the hardest part. This was a lesson, a learning experience in which I learned:

- Healthy food choices are key in maintaining a healthy happy weight

- Regular weigh-ins keep you on the right track

So, I'm setting myself a goal and will be sticking to it. Get back to my happy weight by the 27th of April. I know what to do, now I just need to do it! LET'S GO!

submitted by /u/JoJoKibo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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