Sunday, February 28, 2021

Hello Everybody!

F 33, 5'7, SW: 238, CW: 219, GW: 200

I've been over weight most of my life. Like many of you, I come from a family that loved to eat carbs and then blame genetics on our obesity.

I was fortunate enough to find a profession that keeps me on my feet (I work in a nursing home.)

Unfortunately, I blew up to 238 and I was uncomfortably fat. I tried MFP and the LoseIt app but it was hard to do because my partner does most of the cooking and all his recipes are in his head.

And he doesn't measure anything. But I've found a workaround!

I read this article and it changed my life!

I started seeing food as just food instead of categorizing as "good" or "bad."

"My eyes were bigger than my stomach", was a common phrase in my house.

I cut my portions in half. If I wanted four scoops, I took two. If I wanted 4 slices of pizza, I took two.

I made eating a singular task. Similar to washing dishes or doing laundry. I put away my phone, take a bit, put my silverware down, chew and swallow. I repeat with the next bite.

I set times for myself. I work night shift weekends and keep the same schedule all week long. I wake up at the same time every day and eat at the same times every day.

I keep trail mix and popcorn in my work bag for a snack before I eat lunch to hold me over.

I drink lots more water. I feel much better in my own skin and I've noticed my digestion has drastically improved.

I've been weighing myself once a week for three weeks.

1st week: 238

2nd week: 224

This week: 219


I'm a CNA in a nursing home and the first thing I noticed was the iso masks were a bit loose. I lost weight in my face!

I woke up tonight and reached in my closet for a pair of scrub pants. They are so baggy! I didn't have time to search for a different pair and they're staying up (as long as I don't put anything in my pockets.)

The third thing I noticed was my shirts are longer. I usually wear a thin t-shirt under my scrub top and my t-shirt went down a little further than normal. In my mind, I thought maybe I stretched it out...nope!

The final thing I noticed is when I bought leggings for the first time. All the women I work with swear by them but I was always too self conscious to wear them. I put on a pair of leggings for the first time and I have legs!

"I don't look all that bad...if I could just get rid of this belly and fit into some cute sweaters..."

What really pushed me is when The Boyfriend noticed. I put on my leggings for the first time and he says to me,

"You bought those to tease a man with all your curvatures!" (He was joking with me. He didn't mean it an offensive way)

And all I could think was,

I have curvatures????

I always saw myself as this giant blob that consumers everything in it's path.

Binge eating, stress eating, emotional over eating, grazing, compulsive eating - I've been victim to it all.

For the first time in my life, I don't feel guilty about food. I'm not obsessing over arbitrary numbers or jumping on the scale every single day and lamenting over water weight.

My weight loss, for the first time, is coming from a place of self love. Because I love me and I deserve nourishment. I deserve to be comfortable in my own skin. I deserve to improve myself.

I deserve to be a better version of myself. And to make such positive improvements in my life that it makes the people closest to me notice me.

None of this occurred to me until just now - it played like a montage scene inside my head.

Like, I'm really doing this. I'm sorry this is so long. It just feels damn good to be here. It's so weird to think I am 19 lbs away from 200.

Nineteen pounds! That's it. That's all that's between me and my current goal.

(I learned if my goal is too big, I'll get discouraged. I'm using baby steps.)

My next goal is to incorporate a workout routine into my daily life. I want to keep moving forward. I owe it to myself.

submitted by /u/xLadyPhoenix74x
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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