Sunday, February 28, 2021

Calorie cycling?

Hi All,

So i've restarted my journey again after the long slump i've had this past year and a half (obvious reasons).

Im week 3, and here's what im currently doing

  • CICO of 1400 Cals
  • Exercising 4-5 times a week (30-40 mins jumprope (2500+ jumps) w/ weightlifting 1 hour)

About me:

  • Age: 25
  • Starting weight: 195lbs
  • Current weight: 191lbs (Aiming for 1lb+ a week)
  • Height: 170cm
  • Sedentary Job | Mon-Friday
  • Health Conditions: PCOS (body holds onto fat. P.S pls dont suggest Keto, i've tried lol)

I've been on a deficit for the past 3 weeks, however read something a while back that suggests calorie cycling with a 3 week deficit with a 1 week maintenance for metabolic reasons/longterm results.

My maintenance week starts tomorrow, and im not gonna lie my maintenance calories are high and im worried.

TEDEE Calculator suggests:

  • Maintenance: 2407 Cals
  • Mild Weight Loss: 2157 Cals (.5lbs)
  • Weight loss: 1907 Cals (1lbs)
  • Extreme Weight Loss: 1407 Cals (2lbs)

Has anyone done something similar to this and recommends to keep going at it?

I've only lost 4lbs and am early in my journey but 2407 cals sounds so high, especially as ive been doing well these past 3 weeks in managing my hunger.

Love to hear your thoughts :)

submitted by /u/Longjumping_Ride_122
[link] [comments]

from loseit - Lose the Fat

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