Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Can't stay on the horse...

To preface about four years ago I got basically to my goal weight. Then injury, pain and anxiety/depression/stress set in and I gained it all back. Now with covid Im a full 30lb above where I started four years go.

I've been TRYING to get back on the proverbial weight loss horse but I haven't been able to find the tenacity that I had four years ago. Every bump feels like a hurdle and I'm giving up too easily. I try logging and do well for about a week and then miss a meal/day. I'll go "oh it's ok I'll get back to it" and never do.

Four years ago I could drop off my kids at the gym daycare and work out with people and get that adrenaline rush of lifting weights and getting fit. I would get a boost from someone seeing the weights I would curl/press and get a motivation boost. And the instructor would push me with those sneaky "and ten more".

When I workout on my own I allow myself to cheat because no one is keeping me accountable. There's nothing to prove to anyone but me. I'm a social person and the pandemic definitely hasn't helped at all with all this.

And I knooooow so much of this is food based. Sadly I live with a perpetually 130lb husband who could eat donuts and skittles all day every day and not gain an ounce. Also two young boys who are constantly wanting/needing snacks which means I'm just CONSTANTLY surrounded by food (and a good 50% of which is definitely bad caloric options).

I came here four years ago to get inspiration and I'm hoping maybe you can help me again. Because I don't want to be this unhealthy anymore. I want to be that strong woman I used to be but can't seem to channel again...

submitted by /u/Piece0fpi
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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