Saturday, February 27, 2021

I finally went back to the gym today!

I started my weight loss journey right after Christmas 2020. Overall it’s been going well. It started out really strong. I had been going to the gym at least 3 times a week for an aqua fit class and sometimes even more than that to walk on the treadmill and sometimes even do the weight machines.

But then we got hit with a huge blizzard here on the east coast. We made the mistake of not shoveling my vehicle out (I work from home and haven’t needed to drive very much lately). And it kept melting and then snowing again so the snow froze into ice and it was impossible to dig my truck out. Then it finally got nicer out and melted enough to get it out but it was really difficult to get in and out because the driveway isn’t paved so it’s all mud right now, and I would get stuck every time I tried, so I was super hesitant to ever want to drive anywhere. I don’t drive my husbands car because I have a phobia of driving small cars due to being in a traumatic accident.

So all this is to say I stopped going to the gym for almost 3 weeks. And my weight loss slowed down. Even though I’m working really hard to only eat 1400 calories a day, I’m just staying flat at 288 lbs and I’ve been stuck there for over a week.

Well yesterday it was super nice out and more of the ice melted so today I bit the bullet and went to the aqua fit class for the first time in however long. I had anxiety about going because I didn’t know if someone was going to say something about how I haven’t been there in a while. But nobody did, it was perfectly fine. I’m really glad I went. I’m going to get back into the swing of going again.

I hope this jump starts my weight loss and gets me out of my plateau.

submitted by /u/292to137
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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