Friday, February 26, 2021

Day 3 of CICO and I want to give up

Hey all, I’ve been lurking for a while but wanted to make my first post to maybe get some validation or kind words, or maybe advice from someone experiencing the a similar thing.

I (M25, 185lbs) ) just finished my 3rd day of really being intentional about counting my calories and trying to stay at or under 1900 for weight loss... and it’s hard! I’m feeling pretty dejected.

The first day was great, I was surprised that I was able to stay within calorie count with minimal effort, I was very motivated. Second day was a bit harder - had a stressful day at work, which usually prompts me to stress eat at work (I work at a pizza place, so basically everything looks and smells so good, and it’s free) but I was able to not give into stress eating. It was difficult but I just drank a bunch of water.

Today though - I just wanted to throw my calorie limit out the window and eat and eat. It wasn’t a particularly stressful day or anything either. What I felt was minimal effort the first day, feels like a freaking mountain that I’m climbing and I’m already tired of it. I’m craving the high calorie foods I usually eat at night out of habit (nachos, ramen, pasta) and I’m realizing now, I eat for comfort. I think I use food as a coping tool. And that just makes me exhausted.

Just doing CICO seems difficult but doable - but add in overcoming eating as a coping mechanism? That just adds a whole layer and makes me want to just not even try. But I do want to learn better eating habits and lose weight - it just feels insurmountable today. I hope it won’t be like this all the time. Does this seem familiar to anyone?

submitted by /u/bhamredegg
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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