Friday, February 26, 2021

Where am I going wrong?

30F 5'5 SW: 320lbs CW 300lbs

Hi everyone. I'm posting again as I am still making no progress with weight loss. I'm hoping that if I lay out everything I am doing, someone might have some insight on where I could make changes.

I started trying to lose weight in June 2020. From the beginning I have followed CICO and IF.

I started on 1850 calories per day, and in the first two months I lost 20lbs. At the end of August the scale stopped at 300lbs, and it hasn't budged since (beyond 1-2lb day-to-day variation).

Since then I have slowly increased my efforts to try and get the weight loss moving again. I have lowered my calories gradually, and am now on 1500.

I let my diet go a bit for a few weeks around Christmas, and was eating around 2000 calories a day, but I didn't gain a single pound.

My current diet consists of two meals a day, plus a snack or two. I cook everything from scratch, eat tons of vegetables (but almost no fruit). I use a food scale.

A normal lunch for me is a sandwich (tuna, egg salad, chicken and lettuce), soup and bread, eggs on toast or a salad. Average around 400-600 calories.

I have a very varied diet with dinners, but that's where I have most of my calories. It's almost always cooked from fresh ingredients, with plenty of chicken, fish, and tons of vegetables. I have a weakness for cheese, but I don't believe I eat it to excess.

I have tried reducing my carbs before, cutting out bread etc, but when I do so I find the hunger absolutely unbearable, and I feel really unwell. So I stick to whole wheat, and am careful with my portions.

I can't go a day without eating something sweet, so I stick to things that are lower calorie. Low calorie ice creams, fun size chocolate bars etc. About 200 calories a day are spent on treats.

I was satisfied eating 1700 calories a day, but at my current budget of 1500 I am struggling with hunger.

I have increased my exercise, and am doing 30 mins, 4 days a week of HIIT or yoga. Some days I go for a long brisk walk instead. I wasn't great at drinking water, but am now drinking enough that I'm peeing all the damn time.

I have a desk job and I work from home, so I struggle to get more than 5-6,000 steps on an average day.

My current stress levels are high, mostly due to work. This is a recent and temporary situation (the last month or so), and before that I was fine. I manage my stress by meditating every day, getting outside when I can, and my regular exercise also helps. I am sleeping fine.

I am not on any medication. The only pills I ever take are multivitamins, antihistamines and occasional painkillers.

I have had full blood work and tests done recently, as I was worried that something medical might be holding me back. My thyroid is borderline (4.7 TSH) but not concerning to my GP (although we are going to check again in 3 months), and everything else, including my blood glucose levels, is perfect. Apart from my weight and the side effects of it (mild fatigue, irregular periods, migraines) I'm very healthy.

My GP has told me that, since obesity runs is genetic for me, I just have to try 5x harder than most.

I am getting fitter, and I have much more energy than I used to, thanks to the exercise I am doing. But I'm extremely frustrated with being the same weight as I was six months ago, despite structuring my whole life around it.

My optimism is non-existent. Even though I'm diligently sticking to the things I've committed to every day (because they make me feel better anyway, and help me cope with stress) I don't have any real belief that I can lose weight. I'm including this, because every "why aren't I losing weight?" listicle I have read always includes an entry about just believing in yourself. I don't put much stock in that, but perhaps it's worth mentioning that I currently do not believe in myself at all.

I have tried to lose weight many times, and never succeeded. I'm not one of those people that loses easily but just can't maintain. Every effort I have made my whole adult life, I lose a tiny bit at first, and then I get stuck.

Does anyone have any advice on where I might be going wrong?

submitted by /u/LadyGrey90
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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