Friday, February 26, 2021

The Power of Veggies

Okay, cheesy title I know but I (193lbs 5’4”F) am amazed at what intentionally integrating veggies into my diet has done for my weight loss journey. It has allowed me to reclaim days doing CICO where I would have otherwise had to battle my hunger in order to not eat.

Some backstory: I've always been obese. I grew up on good meals but I never knew what a good hunger trigger was. I would just eat until it was gone despite being told if I was full stop eating. That only works when you can tell when you're full - something I could/can no longer do.

When I was in undergrad I finally decided to lose weight, started CICO and lost about 15 lbs. This was hard to do living on campus. I plateaued for most of the rest of undergrad. I moved home and gained some back, then had a knee injury, moved, and started grad school. My first semester I started binge eating, something I am still trying to fix.

Now I am back trying to lose the weight and have been struggling through the 190s very slowly (My previous top weight had been 185 but had grown to 199lbs - an all time high). I have learned that my previous weight loss effort had me feeling hungry in part because I was eating low volumes of calorie-rich foods. As I learn to cook and enjoy vegetables I have learned how powerful of a tool they are in weight loss.

Yesterday, for example, I ordered in for lunch which put me over the number of calories I wanted to be at in order to make the dinner I had envisioned. Instead of going over, I just decided to have a big salad. Not only was I fine until morning, I was under my daily goal. Earlier in the week I cooked a bunch of asparagus and ate that with some pasta and chicken. Well I ate the veggies first then some of the carbs and protein and ended up putting some back for leftovers. I was full and did not feel like I had gone without.

Me making these swaps is not about cutting carbs or protein, just about balancing them out in order to feel like I've compromised less.

There are lots of ways to enjoy vegetables and if you can find some you love they can help decrease feelings of going without - something I truly believe may allow me to lose the weight I need to.

submitted by /u/MTNSky86
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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