Thursday, April 1, 2021

I'm heavier than ever and need to changd (male, 6ft 1", 270lbs)

Back in December, I had been running since the previous March, lost over 2 stone, and altogether felt the healthiest id been in years. But then I had a hip injury and have been told i can run or do high impact exercises. After stopping running I lost all motivation, and now I've gained all the weight back and extra (Its my own fault).

I seriously need to change. so I've made this reddit account to hold myself accountable. Im not sure of the best course of action relating to diet and exercise as I cant do high impact through my hip anymore. I'd swim but the pools are closed due to covid.

Week 1 goals: - Switch from sugary to diet drinks - start tracking on my fitness pal (1800 calories a day) - try to get 6000 steps a day

But anyway, here I am ready to start my weight loss journey:

Height: 6ft 2" Weight: 270lbs Goal weight: 200lbs

submitted by /u/Fattygothinny
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Skinny fat dude trying to lose weight. Tips?

Before I go into details, just to point out that I'm a total amateur regarding fitness, even though I played competitively basketball till age 17 and still do very often on a recreational basis 5-6 times a week during the summer. So basically, starting from Monday this week I decided that it was time to lose some weight as I've gained around 12-13kg in the last three years and it has tremendously affected the shape of my body. Prior to the weight gain I wasn't rockin any muscles but I had strength and not much fat (192cm, 78kg). And oh man did I feel great at the time. I was running half marathons and marathons on a weekly basis. Fast forward to now(192cm, 90), I have a bit of a belly and fat on every possible part of the body. I would atribute that transformation to the lack of daily excercise alongside with a bad diet. Just to note, I do play basketball still, walk close to 7-8 kilometers every day and use my bike all of the time. My body constitution isn't bad, just filled with fats and I was advised previously to not lose weight and basically try transforming that fat into muscle, as I'm still kinda skinny. But tbh I ain't diggin that at all. So as the complete noob I am I started pumping cardio on a stationary bike alongside a 1900 calories diet and it's going surprisingly well as I feel extremely good knowing that I cut off lots of the junk I used to eat (I know it's been only 3 days, but I don't miss pizzas and potato chips at all). Just today I found out that cardio probably isn't the happiest solution for my situation as I'm not striving for a big weight loss (10 kg). Supposedly, I gotta work on my strength, which I totally overlooked. So at the end of the day I want to get back to my previous form with muscle definition not being important to me. So should I totally skip on cardio and try doing strength excercises or should I go with more of a mix? And what strength excercises do you recommend in house or park environment as the gyms are closed now and I'm not quite keen visiting them in the near future (a YT video or app would be ideal for strength)? I just don't feel good while in them. Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/MFVEJA
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Progress Assessment - Stagnating weight loss

Hi Loseit!

It's been 30 days since I've been tracking and restricting my calories and I wanted to gather some feedback on my progress. I'm still quite new to this and would like to tap into the collective experience of LoseIt to better help shape my next 30 day stint!

Points of Concern:

Stagnating Weight Loss during the last 2 weeks




6ft (183cm)

Sedentary lifestyle.



  1. My calorie limit is set to 2,000 calories daily. On average, I am over 1,100 calories per week (or over 157 calories daily).
  2. Before my first 30 day stint, I recorded my calories without restricting for 2 weeks. I was averaging 3,240 calories on weekdays, and 4,800 calories on the weekends.
  3. My first 2 weeks saw me fall from 225lbs to 205lbs, where I've been bouncing back and forth from 205lbs to 210lbs.
  4. According to my Apple Watch, over the same period, my average Active Energy was 555 calories, average Sleep Time was 7hrs26mins, and average resting energy 2,188 calories.


  1. Progress with calorie restriction and walking alone seem to have hit a plateau. I am now following the 5k runner app to include running into my program.
  2. Review how accurate my calorie counting is. I measure everything with a scale, tbsp/tsp, and measuring cups, and include oil, ketchup, green onions, everything. I try to overestimate when doing takeout. Some examples below:
  • Cooked Rice: 200g = 260 calories
  • Cooked Pasta: 200g = 316 calories
  • Pizza thin crust (1 slice) = 300 calories
  • Shawarma Plate = 2,000 calories (LoseIt and the restaurant say it's 1,100 but it feels like more)
  • Pork Belly: 125g = 353 calories
  • Boneless Beef Rib: 4oz = 534 calories.
  • Kirkland Italian Sausage = 310 calories

Would appreciate any feedback or words of widsom!

submitted by /u/poopstain1234
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

It's Freaking Me Out...

SW: 248 5'7, 32/F

CW: 223

GW: 200

2021 has been an interesting year. I've been crushing some personal goals of mine including weight loss.

First, I lost approximately 20lbs.

Then, I went to the eye doctor and had an overdue eye exam. And I splurged on contacts.

Between the weight loss and the contacts, I catch myself in the mirror and I don't recognize my face. I mean, it's still my face but it's different. It's a thinner face. I can see my eyeballs. And my chubby cheeks aren't so, well, chubby.

It's almost surreal. I've read other posts here along the same thing but it doesn't stop at my face. Yesterday, when I was changing clothes, I noticed my thighs.

I've always been self conscious about my thick thighs but they're not so thick anymore. My legs are a little more slender.

I put on my watch and have to tighten it a bit more which causes me to examine my wrists. It's my wrist but it doesn't feel like my wrist.

Like another me is inhabiting my body. I'm pursuing hobbies I love. I'm losing weight. I'm enjoying life. I'm happy. I'm content.

But this body doesn't feel like mine anymore. I'm wearing leggings. Leggings!

The girl that was convinced she looked ugly wearing anything that wasn't baggy, runs around town in leggings. And whose legs are these? They're mine. They're attached to my body. But they don't feel like my legs.

Does your mind catch up with the change? Because it's really freaking me out. I know it's in my head. It gets better, right? I get used to it?

I never saw this coming when I decided to employ portion control. That's all I did. Portion control. Cut my portions in half. Cut back on beverages. Choose healthier salad dressings.

Now I've incorporated a bit of jump rope into my week. And this body doesn't feel like mine. It doesn't look like mine. It doesn't feel like mine.

But it sure feels great! Whomever it belongs to might not get it back.

submitted by /u/xLadyPhoenix74x
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Does mirror checking body every day make it harder to notice weight loss?

TL:DR Do you notice weight loss changes in the mirror day to day, and at what weight loss did you notice in the mirror?

Hey! I’m a 26F, 5’3 and started sugar free, IF(16:8) lifestyle around 2.5 weeks ago.

I have never been overweight and highest weight was around 125-130 lbs before starting these changes. I put on some lockdown weight and was fuelling on mainly sugar throughout the whole day. Had to get my health back in check!

So I don’t have a scale and the only way to track my weight loss is by mirror checking and clothing. I’m doing it every morning and it’s lately been hard to notice any changes, which is making me restrict a bit further, which I know can have a negative impact physically and mentally. Noticed changes in the face and waist initially but past few days I can’t tell.

Anyone had the same experience and any thoughts on whether I should reduce my checking to weekly would be really appreciated!

submitted by /u/Riri1994
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My 8kg loss story and My New Journey To Start Losing Weight Again

Hey y'all,

I used to be a basketball player back when I was 16 and was going hard at it, all my life I've been around skinny fat but back then I was arguably in the best shape of my life, I always wanted to gain muscle and look like an athlete, but I never worked hard enough to make that into a reality.

At around my 17th birthday (fall 2019), I got injured and couldn't play basketball (hell even walk) for a couple of months and throughout that time I gained a crap ton of weight (went from 75 to 80 kg), then in March when I recovered, COVID hit and I again couldn't get any exercise done, I went up further in weight towards the 82-84kg mark.

Then I spent the whole summer running 5k everyday and lost weight all the way to 74kg, however, even at this point I didn't have a great diet and could've done a lot better if I tried harder.

Eventually fall came and as I started college, I wasn't able to find any time to go and run and was too tired from studying to ever go exercise (this was the prime time I started eating cookies, hot chocolate, and hot cheetos 2-3 times a week), I eventually gained back all the weight I had lost within 4 months.

As 2021 began, I was quite disciplined and tried losing my weight once again (back at 84kg) but my training was never able to defeat my terrible eating habits as even though I have trained regular (Id say 3 times a week would be it on average considering I was stressed some weeks and skipped the training where as I was very consistent in the other weeks). <- This is the story of me from 2021 Jan all the way up to mid March.

Mid March was very discouraging as I faced health issues (low blood sugar, which is getting better now :) ) and faced a lot of weakness throughout my body to the point where my shoulder couldn't even be in the proper push up position. I felt really sad and wanted to quit basketball and training forever, when I realized that every problem has a solution, so I went and found some youtube videos to strengthen my shoulder and within a couple of days, I was able to do a proper push up again. My training resumed as of last week and I made myself a proper plan for working out and improving myself as a basketball player as well. Now I moved houses in Jan so I never weighed myself and assumed I was around 74-76 kg since my body didn't show much fat (just maybe 2-3 inches extra on my stomach and not much vascularity throughout the body but like I mentioned, I was always skinny fat).

So today (just 20 minutes ago actually), I weighed myself and realized I'm 88.15 kg (194.3 lb) so I decided that I'm going to be working extra hard on training and this time I will finally quit all my bad eating habits (I tend to eat extra during my meals since I love food), I'm aiming for around eating 2000-2200 cal a day (I burn around 350+ cal at least daily and on my heaviest training days I see myself burning around 700), as for height I'm 6'0" and since I have no idea about my body fat% (assuming right now it's 18-20% and trying to get it down to 11%), I'm trying to cut down to 80kg by the end of May.

Hope you liked my story and I'm down to make some friends and be your accountability partner too or just someone to motivate you.

After this weight loss journey, I want to gain muscle up to 90kg (I believe I do have a decent amount of muscle, my legs are really strong, my abs do exist underneath my layer of fat, and my arms are pretty decent).

Thanks for reading, Have a great day, and stay strong in your journey!

submitted by /u/Hv2neat
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

No weight loss in 2 weeks, feeling confused

Hello everyone! First post here, this is more like a rant but advice is definitely welcomed!

I’m 20F, 5’8 and currently weigh 163lbs. I aim to workout about 3 times per week and eat about 1200-1300 calories per day. I’ve noticed that clothes are looser and different body parts are noticeably smaller (things, stomach, etc). but when I get on the scale it still says 163lbs.

It’s only been 2 weeks so I wasn’t expecting anything dramatic but I was hoping for about a 2 pound loss. Is it the scale? Is it water retention? Or have I really lost no weight and the changes I’ve noticed are just in my head?

Has anyone else experienced this? Thanks guys!

submitted by /u/judygarland420
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from loseit - Lose the Fat