Thursday, April 1, 2021

Progress Assessment - Stagnating weight loss

Hi Loseit!

It's been 30 days since I've been tracking and restricting my calories and I wanted to gather some feedback on my progress. I'm still quite new to this and would like to tap into the collective experience of LoseIt to better help shape my next 30 day stint!

Points of Concern:

Stagnating Weight Loss during the last 2 weeks




6ft (183cm)

Sedentary lifestyle.



  1. My calorie limit is set to 2,000 calories daily. On average, I am over 1,100 calories per week (or over 157 calories daily).
  2. Before my first 30 day stint, I recorded my calories without restricting for 2 weeks. I was averaging 3,240 calories on weekdays, and 4,800 calories on the weekends.
  3. My first 2 weeks saw me fall from 225lbs to 205lbs, where I've been bouncing back and forth from 205lbs to 210lbs.
  4. According to my Apple Watch, over the same period, my average Active Energy was 555 calories, average Sleep Time was 7hrs26mins, and average resting energy 2,188 calories.


  1. Progress with calorie restriction and walking alone seem to have hit a plateau. I am now following the 5k runner app to include running into my program.
  2. Review how accurate my calorie counting is. I measure everything with a scale, tbsp/tsp, and measuring cups, and include oil, ketchup, green onions, everything. I try to overestimate when doing takeout. Some examples below:
  • Cooked Rice: 200g = 260 calories
  • Cooked Pasta: 200g = 316 calories
  • Pizza thin crust (1 slice) = 300 calories
  • Shawarma Plate = 2,000 calories (LoseIt and the restaurant say it's 1,100 but it feels like more)
  • Pork Belly: 125g = 353 calories
  • Boneless Beef Rib: 4oz = 534 calories.
  • Kirkland Italian Sausage = 310 calories

Would appreciate any feedback or words of widsom!

submitted by /u/poopstain1234
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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