Monday, April 26, 2021

Intentional Self Sabotage to have a goal again?

Hey community!

Long time lurker here.

I have managed to lose the weight I wanted to lose and been maintaining for nearly 2 years now.

I am for the first time in my life really happy with my weight, athletic goals and fitness level. I worked out consistently and achieved the body composition I was striving for. Overall I’m satisfied with my routine, my body and health.

A few months ago something happened though and I find it hard to put into words - but long story short - I am bored of not having a GOAL.

With weight loss, fitness or body recomposition there was always a goal, and being a practical person I love having goals with to do lists, plans etc. Being happy and maintaining is great but I am really missing the challenge. So I started some sort of “self sabotage” behaviour? I dont really know what it is and only after self reflecting a lot I was sort of able to figure it out?

But I’ll binge out on purpose around 1-2 days a month, really eating everything I want to, multiple thousands of calories lol. Being a rational person and having dealt with an ED in the past I’m able to rationalize my behaviour I guess. (No, I do not struggle with BED, I have some food rules but am pretty capable of living a life as normal as possible as a recovered person)

I honestly let it happen, and do things I never really do - chill in bed, be lazy, watch movies, order take out, have ice cream, leave the dishes in the sink lol etc Its like a 1-2 days shutdown only to get me motivated to get back on track right after for the rest of the month.

So i feel like the next 14-30 days I have a solid goal to work on again. It starts with getting up and tidying, cleaning my whole space, planning my workouts, meal prepping again, getting back into my habits etc. I feel completely happy getting back into my routine then.

I dont know why this has been happening and I dont know how weird it is? The only explanation I can find is to have a goal again for the next month. Has anyone else ever experienced something like this?

I also dont know if its due to quarantine and not really having much else to focus on at the moment? I guess I just really would appreciate feedback from others and a different perspective on this behaviour - thank you so much in advance!!

submitted by /u/VFA007
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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