Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Tell me about your average day

Hello darling losers,

I’ve only been on my weight loss journey for about 3 weeks, and I’m struggling a little with meals at the moment, and I guess I could use some inspiration?

Those of you who eat between 1200 & 1400cals, what does your average day look like? As I’m also following 16:8 IF, I find that many days I simply don’t eat enough before my window closes again (12pm - 8pm) and I must admit, I’m feeling it. Before I started my journey I could do DAMAGE in that amount of time. Somehow I’ve flung myself to the opposite end and now I’m lost lol.

I need to figure out a better system so that my body actually gets all the nutrients it needs, since whilst MyFitnessPal says I am, my body is saying gurl, no.

So please, tell me your daily routines, strategies, favourite recipes even. I need the advice!

Much love to you all!

submitted by /u/naturesfuckup
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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