Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Some days I'm under calorie but not hungry, is this okay if its not every day?

Hello, I'm female, 5'6, 168lb, 26 years old. Started at 179lb, desk job, no exercise over lockdown at all.

I've been doing the ol' CICO for over a month now, doing great, lost 10.5lb so far. Been exercising almost every day for a minimum of 30 minutes a day, but aim for an hour on a Saturday or Sunday most weekends. Feeling great and noticing a tiny bit of muscle forming on my arms as it seems to be the first place I've noticed fat reducing.

Anyway, I've been fairly meticulous in making sure I measure and scan foods and get the calories as close as they can be. I also track my calories burnt with things like ring fit and fitbit but know that both of these things get calorie burn wildly wrong, mostly I'm just using it to track my heart rate during periods of exercise. I also enter all the data into MFP and set it to not make a calorie adjustment based on my exercise and calories burnt because I know how inaccurate it can be and how that definitely hindered my previous attempts (working out just so I could eat more, and usually overestimating how much I had burnt).

So this time around I know I'm doing things right as I'm actually losing fat, gaining muscle and feeling much better overall. Also cut out soda and alcohol and that's made a big difference to my digestion. I'm monitoring my macros to try and get good protein and fibre and not too much sugar or salt and so far I'm feeling like it's all manageable and working for me.

The only thing I've noticed is that there are some days where I get to the end of the day and I'm under 1000 cals (my recommended is 1200 as my BMR puts me at needing about 1400-1600 to maintain). Most days I hit around 1100-1200 and the odd cheat day may see me at 1300 but I'm fine with that if it's occasional, it's not like I'm pushing 3000 calories or anything so I don't stress too much on that.

The days where I do occasionally come in at under 1000, they're usually no lower than 850, but I often find I'm really not hungry on those days, even after exercise, and I had tried to maybe have the odd soda or snack to bump up the calories, but because the only things we had around that were both small but high in calories were junk food, it boosted my calories but didn't make me feel great and slightly hampered my weight loss and messed with my GI. So I've gone back to leaving them alone for now, as I don't think it's the answer.

What would you guys advise, is it okay if its only like one day a week, should I skip working out on days when I'm not consuming as much, or are there any calorie dense foods that are easy to eat when you're not particularly hungry that aren't super sugary or salty and bad for you?

Just want to make sure I'm doing it all as healthily as possible to ensure 1)i don't cause myself any problems and 2) I can maintain this as a lifestyle of eating well and only having junk food or soda occasionally as a treat and not to pad out my intake.

submitted by /u/xhayleyquinnx
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3et2ymo

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