Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Can anyone else relate?

I am curious If anyone can relate to having a hard time holding their tongue back when someone starts a bar and shake meal service. Let me start with background on me and then I'll dive into why I feel the way I do about them

I am currently a 23 year old male. I am currently 5'11 215 lbs. 2-1/2 years ago I was at my heaviest of 340lbs. I am still doing CICO and slimming down as we speak but in a very healthy and sustainable way.

August of 2014 I started my senior year of highschool, I was 305 lbs. I decided I wanted to lose weight for graduation because I was sick of being the fat kid in my grade. I had no proper knowledge or understanding of good nutrition, CICO, Macros, ETC. What I did know is that I loved working out. So I started working out a lot. By a lot I mean My fitbit would track on average over 25,000 steps a day. I was in the gym for hours a day lifting weights, running, etc. After the gym I would Frisbee golf, Hike with friends, etc.

I felt unstoppable. I was losing weight and fast. The problem was I wasn't eating. I was almost doing the OMAD diet on top of all the training. I opted not to eat because most nights dinner wasn't healthy food or we didn't have healthy food in the house so I just wouldn't eat. By graduation in May of 2015 I was down to 225 lbs. In my mind at the time "I did it!". But what I really did was set myself up for failure.

Fast forward 3 years later 2018, I graduate College move to a new state and in those 3 years I've put on all the weight plus more because obviously that lifestyle and amount of training was highly unsustainable. I felt horrible, my relationship with my partner crumbled due to my insecurities and my overall mood was terrible. I was in a shitty place to say the least. In fall of 2019 My Girlfriend and I parted ways. At that point I dedicated all my free time into nutrition, foods, different workouts etc. I have dumped hours into not just knowing the nutrition but understanding how it will impact me moving forward. I am not an expert by any stretch of the imagination and am ALWAYS willing to learn and hear more about studies that have been done on nutrition, supplements, proper workout movements, etc.

So I started my new healthy lifestyle marathon with my own nutrition plan and training. I learned during this time that weight loss shouldn't be the only goal. Completely changing your perception of food and nutrition should be the goal. Changing your lifestyle should be what you strive for and the weight loss and transformation is nothing more than proof that what you're doing is good. Nothing feels better than having someone come up to you and say "have you lost weight?". That feeling is what companies like to use, to make you think what they offer is good.

When ever I hear someone say "Oh I started this meal service" and i've lost XX lbs. My heart drops a little and I find myself holding back my tongue. I have a hard time not asking them if they've thought about the sustainability of the plan. The one where they say "Hey have this bar or drink this shake". My biggest problem with companies like that is the fact they help people lose the weight but never teach them how to sustain that AFTER they no longer want to pay the price for the monthly trash bars and powders they get.

As someone who has went from Fat to Fit twice I have a hard time pretending like those plans are good. I guess I always want to chime in because I want that person to be successful for longer than just that initial "high" that they get from it. But I'd rather just keep to myself unless asked and cheer them on for doing what they want.

Do any of you find yourself thinking the same thing or can you relate to this at all?

submitted by /u/Bigski7597
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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