Thursday, April 1, 2021

My 8kg loss story and My New Journey To Start Losing Weight Again

Hey y'all,

I used to be a basketball player back when I was 16 and was going hard at it, all my life I've been around skinny fat but back then I was arguably in the best shape of my life, I always wanted to gain muscle and look like an athlete, but I never worked hard enough to make that into a reality.

At around my 17th birthday (fall 2019), I got injured and couldn't play basketball (hell even walk) for a couple of months and throughout that time I gained a crap ton of weight (went from 75 to 80 kg), then in March when I recovered, COVID hit and I again couldn't get any exercise done, I went up further in weight towards the 82-84kg mark.

Then I spent the whole summer running 5k everyday and lost weight all the way to 74kg, however, even at this point I didn't have a great diet and could've done a lot better if I tried harder.

Eventually fall came and as I started college, I wasn't able to find any time to go and run and was too tired from studying to ever go exercise (this was the prime time I started eating cookies, hot chocolate, and hot cheetos 2-3 times a week), I eventually gained back all the weight I had lost within 4 months.

As 2021 began, I was quite disciplined and tried losing my weight once again (back at 84kg) but my training was never able to defeat my terrible eating habits as even though I have trained regular (Id say 3 times a week would be it on average considering I was stressed some weeks and skipped the training where as I was very consistent in the other weeks). <- This is the story of me from 2021 Jan all the way up to mid March.

Mid March was very discouraging as I faced health issues (low blood sugar, which is getting better now :) ) and faced a lot of weakness throughout my body to the point where my shoulder couldn't even be in the proper push up position. I felt really sad and wanted to quit basketball and training forever, when I realized that every problem has a solution, so I went and found some youtube videos to strengthen my shoulder and within a couple of days, I was able to do a proper push up again. My training resumed as of last week and I made myself a proper plan for working out and improving myself as a basketball player as well. Now I moved houses in Jan so I never weighed myself and assumed I was around 74-76 kg since my body didn't show much fat (just maybe 2-3 inches extra on my stomach and not much vascularity throughout the body but like I mentioned, I was always skinny fat).

So today (just 20 minutes ago actually), I weighed myself and realized I'm 88.15 kg (194.3 lb) so I decided that I'm going to be working extra hard on training and this time I will finally quit all my bad eating habits (I tend to eat extra during my meals since I love food), I'm aiming for around eating 2000-2200 cal a day (I burn around 350+ cal at least daily and on my heaviest training days I see myself burning around 700), as for height I'm 6'0" and since I have no idea about my body fat% (assuming right now it's 18-20% and trying to get it down to 11%), I'm trying to cut down to 80kg by the end of May.

Hope you liked my story and I'm down to make some friends and be your accountability partner too or just someone to motivate you.

After this weight loss journey, I want to gain muscle up to 90kg (I believe I do have a decent amount of muscle, my legs are really strong, my abs do exist underneath my layer of fat, and my arms are pretty decent).

Thanks for reading, Have a great day, and stay strong in your journey!

submitted by /u/Hv2neat
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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