Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Dan Marino Gets Back in the Game With Nutrisystem

Dan Marino knows that when it comes to success, having a game plan is essential. So when the Hall of Fame Quarterback put on some unwanted pounds over this last year after two knee surgeries, he knew exactly what he needed to do to get back in the game.

“This year’s been quite a challenge for everyone, including me,” shares Dan. “I finally did something about my knees. After all the wear and tear, it was time.”

After his knee surgeries, Dan wasn’t able to stay active and eat healthy like he used to. “I put a couple of pounds on,” explains Dan. “But the good news is, I know exactly how to get it off.”

Dan’s simple strategy for slim-down success is Nutrisystem for Men, the easy weight loss plan specifically designed to help guys lose weight. Dan isn’t new to the Nutrisystem family and has used the plan in the past with great success. “Nutrisystem for Men is so easy,” he says.

So why does Dan trust Nutrisystem? The first reason is obvious; “Because it’s always worked for me.” And Dan isn’t alone: In a study, men lost up to 18 pounds and eight inches overall in the first month of Nutrisystem for Men.

Dan also loves that you can customize your menu with your favorite foods. “You can pick your own food and create your own menu,” says Dan. From pizza and pasta to burgers and ice cream, Nutrisystem for Men has the foods we all like to eat. No eliminating food groups or ignoring cravings!

Home delivery of your delicious food is the cherry on top, helping you cut down on trips to the grocery store. “It’s delivered right to your door!” explains Dan. What could be better?

The support that Nutrisystem provides is another reason why Dan Marino came back. “It’s more than just food,” he says. “It’s a complete system.” Dan explains that his Nutrisystem meal plan comes with FREE access to the NuMi app and weight loss coaches. “You get the NuMi app to keep you motivated and rewarded. Plus, coaches to help you create your own best game plan.”

Dan said it best: “Nutrisystem works!”

Make a plan and get it done with Dan! Get back in the game with Nutrisystem today >

*In a study on the standard plan, avg. weight loss was 15.15 pounds and 8 inches in the first month.

The post Dan Marino Gets Back in the Game With Nutrisystem appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf https://ift.tt/2QlANnw

Has anyone experienced weight loss after cheat meals?

Hey everyone,

I'm a 6'2" guy, my SW was 292 in November and I'm down to around 225 today with fluctuations as low as 220. I have no idea. I've noticed something a bit weird.

When I'm having mini "plateaus" where I'm stuck between 2+- pounds, and I decide to go out with friends for some drinks or order wingstop for dinner, the next day instead of gaining water weight or just fat in general, I drop pounds. For example, this past weekend I was out Saturday and Sunday getting drinks and having not the healthiest dinners. My weigh in on Sunday was 223 pounds. That night I had about 5 beers, some shots, and a chicken sandwich for dinner. The next day I woke up at 220.3 pounds. I was ecstatic, but I knew that was probably temporary. I have had similar situations where I'll have a few beers or order something unhealthy for dinner once in a while and I'll see that drop the next day even though I'm expecting to swell up. I went back to my normal routine of exercising and eating ~2000 calories. Today I woke up at 225. To be fair, I had a sodium heavy dinner and probably could have drank more water, but the fluctuations in my favor after cheat meals are kind of throwing me off. Anyone know how I can explain the drops after bad meals?

submitted by /u/Dry_Buddy_2553
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3wRn9cG

I was finally given a good enough reason by my private doctor to lose weight!

I'm not sure of my weight, but realistically I will have to say around 105kg. F32 166cm.

When I was around 13-14 I did weight watchers, but as all they care about are points and losing weight, I quickly spiralled into bulimia. I also got gall stones due to all the crap I ate from diet products! Yay me and my now non existing gall bladder! Anyway, I very quickly put on all the weight and more as no one taught me squat about maintaining and the psyschological side of eating etc.

Through the years I've had health issues, chronic migraines, messed up shoulder, very bad lower back etc. All doctors say is "lose weight" as if all issues with magically disappear. (I've had MRI scan and my back and shoulder definitely wont magically disappear from weight loss, but it's certainly not going go make it worse)

I finally had enough and went to a private clinic specialising in womens hormonal issues. Did extensive hormone testing Dutch Test for those interested. Have finally had answers to a lot of things. Got diagnosed with PMDD, told my estrogen levels are sky high and my cortisol very low. Loads of other issues also. It gave answers to why I have such low energy (have since pre teens) etc.

My doctor is really invested in me getting better- her words "you are too young to suffer these problems" She explained my excessive fat is a big reason of my estrogen levels. A few other things related to my weight as well, but the difference is she explained HOW & WHY and was very sympathetic! She is getting me in touch with nutritional therapists she works with as she recognises I've tried so many times to lose weight but always but it back on. This is due to my emotional relationship with food and she wants md to overcome that. Also highly recommended my continuing therapy to deal with childhood trauma etc.

So I'm waiting for the nutritionist to contact me, but in the meantime my husband and I have started reducing our caloric intake significantly.

I can't tell you how amazing it was to speak to a doctor who was sympathetic to my issues and recognising it's not so easy to lose weight. We have no scales so I don't know my exact start weight.

I have been lurking in this sub for a little while and I absolutely love the support I see in the threads. I so hope I will be able go share progress photos one day.

submitted by /u/PerpetuallyChaotic
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/32dEbn4

(25F) Large waist size constant, but lost 10+ pounds - Any idea why/how to fix?

Background: 25 Female, 5’3” (160.5 cm), one child. Dieting since mid Jan 2021, but very seriously only 1 month. Start: 156 lbs (70.7kg), size 10/12 US, waist 38” (96.5cm) Currently: 143 lbs (64.8kg), size 10 US, waist 37.5” (95.3cm) Goal: low 120’s (54.5 kg) or size 4 US, waist mid-high 20’s” (70cm) Diet plan: 90% food intake change (high protein, low carb, 1200-1400 calories a day), standing at desk, taking walks around the neighborhood/parks several times a week, no weight lifting, alcohol 1-2 per week max

I wanted to ask everyone’s input on how they noticed their weight loss in terms of waist circumference. I’ve always been an apple shape (almost all of my extra pounds have always gone to the upper body), but I expected after losing weight that I would see a larger difference in waist circumference. I’ve lost about 13 pounds, but it doesn’t seem like it changed my shape much at all there, and it’s hard to say if the small change I do see is due to simply eating cleaner (less bloating). I still haven’t really changed pant sizes, it’s just that the ones I wear fit a little better.

How has your weight loss journey affected your measurements? Is this something I can only achieve through doing more intense activity (such as weight lifting/HIIT)? Is it too soon to tell, or midsection weight isn’t quick to leave?

Thanks for the advice!

submitted by /u/duchessoftexas
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3a5P66G

Tantrum Tuesday - The Day to Rant!

I Rant, Therefore I Am

Well bla-de-da-da! What's making your blood boil? What's under your skin? What's making you see red? What's up in your craw? Let's hear your weight loss related rants!

The rant post is a /u/bladedada production.

Please consider saving your next rant for this weekly thread every Tuesday.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3dXvgvy

Lean Muscle?

Hi guys,

Just a newbie here with another question. I've been working out consistently for 4 months now and have lost 15lbs. I do cardio every day but strength-train 5 days a week. I'm tracking calories and water daily as well as eating at a deficit but seem to have plateaued. Although I understand a plateau can take weeks to overcome, I still think that I definitely look more toned and 'fit'. I think I have lean muscle, and I'm wondering if that can be stopping my weight loss, or if that can cause weight gain. I haven't gained anything as I've been strength-training, but am wondering if that's a possibility for my plateau or if that is not scientifically accurate. I'm still new to all of this but would appreciate an answer about lean muscle affecting weight!

submitted by /u/KayH522
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2RxCLBZ

Feeling slumped with no more weight loss after 28lbs in 2 months

I am a 5’4, 22 year old female who started my weight loss journey in February and have since lost 28lbs in 2 months! I started by consistently working out and then at one point I was in the hospital which contributed to the weight loss as well.

My starting weight was 209.5lbs and now I am weighing at 181.5lbs. My only struggle at the moment is I haven’t lost any weight for a little over a week now and this is making me lose all motivation. Is this normal?

I’m eating within my 1200 calorie limit and I try to incorporate going for walks everyday but haven’t had much energy to do a proper workout since leaving the hospital. I’ve come a long way in such a short amount of time and I don’t know if this is the main reason why the scale hasn’t moved at all. It’s been two weeks since leaving the hospital and eating consistently again and this may be a factor? For about two weeks while I was unwell I ate at most 800 calories a day and I could barely keep any of it down and so I’m not sure if my body is just used to that now.

I would appreciate any advice on how to move forward because I’m slowly losing my motivation but I’m at the lightest I’ve been in years and don’t want to give up yet

submitted by /u/asianno0dles
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3wPoJf9