Tuesday, April 13, 2021

I was finally given a good enough reason by my private doctor to lose weight!

I'm not sure of my weight, but realistically I will have to say around 105kg. F32 166cm.

When I was around 13-14 I did weight watchers, but as all they care about are points and losing weight, I quickly spiralled into bulimia. I also got gall stones due to all the crap I ate from diet products! Yay me and my now non existing gall bladder! Anyway, I very quickly put on all the weight and more as no one taught me squat about maintaining and the psyschological side of eating etc.

Through the years I've had health issues, chronic migraines, messed up shoulder, very bad lower back etc. All doctors say is "lose weight" as if all issues with magically disappear. (I've had MRI scan and my back and shoulder definitely wont magically disappear from weight loss, but it's certainly not going go make it worse)

I finally had enough and went to a private clinic specialising in womens hormonal issues. Did extensive hormone testing Dutch Test for those interested. Have finally had answers to a lot of things. Got diagnosed with PMDD, told my estrogen levels are sky high and my cortisol very low. Loads of other issues also. It gave answers to why I have such low energy (have since pre teens) etc.

My doctor is really invested in me getting better- her words "you are too young to suffer these problems" She explained my excessive fat is a big reason of my estrogen levels. A few other things related to my weight as well, but the difference is she explained HOW & WHY and was very sympathetic! She is getting me in touch with nutritional therapists she works with as she recognises I've tried so many times to lose weight but always but it back on. This is due to my emotional relationship with food and she wants md to overcome that. Also highly recommended my continuing therapy to deal with childhood trauma etc.

So I'm waiting for the nutritionist to contact me, but in the meantime my husband and I have started reducing our caloric intake significantly.

I can't tell you how amazing it was to speak to a doctor who was sympathetic to my issues and recognising it's not so easy to lose weight. We have no scales so I don't know my exact start weight.

I have been lurking in this sub for a little while and I absolutely love the support I see in the threads. I so hope I will be able go share progress photos one day.

submitted by /u/PerpetuallyChaotic
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/32dEbn4

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