Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Starting over…again!

32F 5’2 202lbs

As I’ve mentioned before, I’ve been going through a breakup which left me feeling like I was garbage and so I was using the anger and upset from that to motivate me into losing weight so I can feel good and look good too.

For a couple of months I was doing great then I fell off the wagon a little. Well now I’m ready to get back on again after a kick up the bum from some commenters here on my last post. I have been self-isolating for over a week but I have just two more days left and then I can get back into the gym. Being at home has been good at detoxing from junk food to be honest because I’ve not been able to get to the supermarket and buy crap.

Anyways I am about to go and take some “before” pictures and then write down some goals to get me back on track. Nothing huge, small steps and habits work best for me so it will just me things like:

  • a daily walk
  • 2L of water
  • fresh home cooked meals
  • finding lower calorie snacks
  • lots of fruit and veg
  • gym 3/4 days minimum

Etc etc! They are all things that are easy for me to do, I just have to stop being so lazy and remember why I want to do this in the first place.

I have spent the majority of my adult (and teen) life hating my body and my weight and I just don’t want to spend my thirties being insecure and hiding myself away because I am embarrassed by how I look. My ex made me feel so beautiful and liked me at this weight so I know I don’t have to do it to attract another partner, it’s for me and me only. It’s a journey for weight loss but also self-love for me. I need to learn to be my own cheerleader. I can do this.

Thanks for reading it you made it this far haha.

submitted by /u/unclejumpers
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Toxic mentality in this sub

I know I'll get downvoted to hell but here goes: I've been a long time lurker around here, and there's a toxic demotivating mentality that I see around here far too often: Invalidating and dismissing smaller weight gains / loss goals. No, this isn't everyone, nor most of the time, but it's happened enough to see a pattern. Note I see this in comments more than posts.

I'm not a large guy. I'm about 172cm, 70 kgs. I put on about 7-10 of those kgs over the lockdowns the past year. Yes, I'm not obese or overweight. Yes, it's not a lot of weight. But I'm still uncomfortable, I still feel heavier, and I still don't like the way I look at the moment. It's not "nothing". It is definitely noticeable, and pretending like it isn't is stupid.

For obvious reasons, this sub will have a disproportionate amount of larger folks with larger deltas between current weight and goal weight, so while 10kgs might seem like a much smaller amount to them, it's not insignificant to me (and of course proportionally, 10 kg is a smaller piece of our deltas depending on our size).

Just today, the post where OP described their partner approaching them about a 25lbs was filled with comments dismissing the amount, calling OP's partner superficial for noticing, and basically disregarding the whole thing. Note OP isn't an especially large person either, so the 25 lbs were a larger proportional increase than it would for someone taller / heavier. I get these comments come from a place of support for OP, but I don't think people realize how discouraging and invalidating it can feel to hear what feels like a very real issue to the person going through it get completely dismissed. We have to realize that our perceptions as a community are also skewed given the nature of the people that participate on the sub.

The sub description reads " A place for people of all sizes to discuss healthy and sustainable methods of weight loss. Whether you need to lose 2 lbs or 400 lbs, you are welcome here!". We see, to forget the second part of that sometimes.

submitted by /u/josemartin2211
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Everyone that has contributed to this community: THANK YOU! This is the day i'm starting

I've been following this subReddit for some time now. All your stories are truly inspiring.

  • For everyone that reached their goal: i'm so proud of you and i look up to you. Hope i can make it there to.
  • For everyone still on the road to their own personal succes: i salute you and i hope you'd make it there.
  • For everyone that finds themselve in a though place right now: Don't give up, you'll lose a 100% of the shots you don't take.

I've been in a downwards spiral for the past years.
I've gotten depressed and way heavier than I ever was, since I dropped out of collage in my last year. (this is now more than 5 years ago)
Family issues and all personal drama haven't made my life any easier.

Lately the highlight of my day was reading your stories.
It was so inspiring that i've decided to take my damn life back and live it to the fullest.
I used to excersize 5-7 times a week while having a lot of fun.
I used to look way better than i do now.

So I've decluttered my house, my workspace and my mind.
I am starting college in september again.
AND I've designed my own weight loss journey and I'm attempting to better the plan along the way.
I've got well over 50 pounds to lose so it'll take some time but I'm gonna keep on going on.
This post is to say thank you to every story because it helped me believing in myself again.

I'm done saying I'm done playing around and I'm done being misserable and sorry for myself. Thanks to you guys.

Any tips to not fall of the wagon while babystepping this weight loss journey is always apreciated.

submitted by /u/1992MNA
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I want to stage an "intervention" for my dad. Any advice?

I've been apart of this community a long time, and it's helped me tremendously. But right now I don't want to focus on me. I apologize if this post is inappropriate for this sub.

My family has always been overweight/obese. My grandfather was morbidly obese and died at the age of 56 due to his poor health. Next week is my father's 50th birthday. He is about the same size as my grandfather. If I had to guess, he's 5'6 and no less than 300lbs. Doctors have told him for years to lose weight. He has tried multiple times and failed each time. With my dad getting close to my grandpa's age, I don't want to sit back anymore.

I want to sit my dad down and explain my worries. I want to get him healthy.

Here's what I have in mind so far: - Explain my concerns about his health, especially the longevity of his life - Empathize with the weight loss struggles - Suggest new ways to approach this (CICO, gym buddy, support group/therapy, consult a doctor) - Emphasize that we all want to support him (imo, this will only work if my entire house changes the diet of multiple fast food outings a week, etc.) - Remind him that I love him, and that I'm doing this out of love

Anything I should add or get rid of? Any advice on how to approach this? Advice to give him?

Or, you know, should I even bother? I know it's not my business, but I just don't want to lose him in the next decade.

submitted by /u/imjustfutura
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Week 1 of my 12 week challenge

Hey gang, i was in a really good place earlier this year, having ran my first ultra marathon (look through my post history) but a back injury has seen me not running, eating cake and drinking beers.

Work started a weight loss challenge with our weigh in last Thursday where i weighed 88.6kg. That was a bit of a shock.

Weekly weigh ins are held every Wednesday, and today, being Wednesday i weighed in.

I made sure i was not snacking. I wasnt eating large dinners. I shifted my lunch time to 10am and had a small snack at 1pm. This way i was hungry come dinner time.

Dinner has been about half what i normally eat, and ive been on a couple of small runs again.

The result is a solid 1.3kg !

submitted by /u/oztrailrunner
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Trying to start my weight loss journey

So I’m 22, 6 foot 2, and 312 pounds. I’ve always been on the bigger side (I played on the OLine in HS football), but somewhere along the way my weight got away from me. I would like to get to roughly 210 pounds, as I’m bigger than most other people my height. I don’t eat very healthily at the moment as I’m in college, and I don’t exercise much, both of which I’m going to change soon. I started on MyFitnessPal and taking a before picture was shocking enough to make me realize this is a real problem. I guess I’m just looking for guidance on what the best exercise routines I should start doing and what meal plans I should follow. I can cook and I’ve worked out before, but the hardest part for me has been starting the process. Any and all advice is welcome as I’m pretty much starting from scratch.

submitted by /u/Normal_Horror600
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tuesday, July 6, 2021


Hi everyone. New incognito account but have been around reddit for years.

Basics/background - 5'3" 265lbs. age:63

I've been overweight most of my adult life. Five extra lbs a year over 20 years adds up to being 100+ lbs overweight. Now due to knee meniscus removal ~25 years ago, and no ACL for more than that, I now have an arthritic knee and am in need of a knee replacement. Found out a week or so ago that my insurance will not cover this unless I lose at LEAST 100 lbs (BMI 40+=automatic no, BMI 30-40= maybe) So I buckled down and got started with a combination of intermittent fasting (roughly 11am to 7pm eating window) and Keto and the dreaded food journal. Calories/day is about 1200. I know from experience that more than that and I don't lose (successfully lost about 30 lbs several summers ago but it found me again).

I could go on but first this is what's really getting to me today. After about 10 days of progress (YAY!) I got on the scale and was UP TWO F'ing LBS! WTF? Ok, I know this is probably a temporary fluctuation but it had me in tears. This is a REALLY long haul for me and I'm struggling to learn how to handle the emotional stress having to focus on food every f'ing day. I know I can do this for a month or maybe even a few, but I have to keep this up for a looooooooooong time to lose 100 lbs. I don't know how to keep up the focus that long.

On top of this when I was successful a few years ago my recumbent bike was a key element to my success. I got on it again for about 10 minutes without much resistance and discovered I can't use it anymore because it causes way too much pain (it took me several minutes before I could put weight on my bad leg after use - no pain during use, just after). Arrrrrrrrrrgh. Pool exercise isn't an option because the nearest pool is a half hour away which would mean several hours out of my day anytime I would use it. So I'm struggling too to find what kind of cardio I can do on a regular basis. I do strength training and have for years.

tldr: struggling with magnitude of challenge, pain, lack of cardio options, feeling overwhelmed and depressed.

ps - I created a new acct to feel freer to discuss private issues and reddit automatically joined me to several weight loss related subreddits. Creepy!

submitted by /u/birchbark81
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from loseit - Lose the Fat