Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Toxic mentality in this sub

I know I'll get downvoted to hell but here goes: I've been a long time lurker around here, and there's a toxic demotivating mentality that I see around here far too often: Invalidating and dismissing smaller weight gains / loss goals. No, this isn't everyone, nor most of the time, but it's happened enough to see a pattern. Note I see this in comments more than posts.

I'm not a large guy. I'm about 172cm, 70 kgs. I put on about 7-10 of those kgs over the lockdowns the past year. Yes, I'm not obese or overweight. Yes, it's not a lot of weight. But I'm still uncomfortable, I still feel heavier, and I still don't like the way I look at the moment. It's not "nothing". It is definitely noticeable, and pretending like it isn't is stupid.

For obvious reasons, this sub will have a disproportionate amount of larger folks with larger deltas between current weight and goal weight, so while 10kgs might seem like a much smaller amount to them, it's not insignificant to me (and of course proportionally, 10 kg is a smaller piece of our deltas depending on our size).

Just today, the post where OP described their partner approaching them about a 25lbs was filled with comments dismissing the amount, calling OP's partner superficial for noticing, and basically disregarding the whole thing. Note OP isn't an especially large person either, so the 25 lbs were a larger proportional increase than it would for someone taller / heavier. I get these comments come from a place of support for OP, but I don't think people realize how discouraging and invalidating it can feel to hear what feels like a very real issue to the person going through it get completely dismissed. We have to realize that our perceptions as a community are also skewed given the nature of the people that participate on the sub.

The sub description reads " A place for people of all sizes to discuss healthy and sustainable methods of weight loss. Whether you need to lose 2 lbs or 400 lbs, you are welcome here!". We see, to forget the second part of that sometimes.

submitted by /u/josemartin2211
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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