Saturday, July 31, 2021

'Restarting' my weight loss journey after veering right off course for the past 4 months...

Hello, I'm new to the r/loseit community. I was in need of some weight loss inspiration, advice and tips, so I thought I ought to join!

I am an 18 year old female. I started my first weight loss journey when I was 17. In February/March of 2020 I was the heaviest I had ever been, at just over 210lbs. I hated the way I looked and really wanted to feel good about myself when I looked in the mirror. I started an 'eating regime', as I called it. I cut out most main carbs and all foods that were high in artificial sugar, and had around a 900 daily calorie deficit. However I hardly got out of the house, due to my mental health at the time. Therefore I did little to no exercise. I mainly stayed in my room playing video games. Looking back, this was not healthy, but at the time, it felt like an advantage. The videogames took my mind entirely off of food. Especially junk food. I started to only want food if I was hungry or if it was a certain time in the day, not because I was bored or craved junk.

By July 2020, I had lost 38lbs. By then I had also been having 1 cheat day a week for a while, with no consequences. At this point I felt really good about my weight. However my 1 cheat day eventually turned into a 'cheat weekend' every week...

I then pretty much stopped weighing myself, only doing it on the odd occasion. However in April of this year, on the Easter Monday bank holiday, I said to myself, "I'll extend my 'cheat weekend' to three days this time, just since it's a bank holiday..."

Since then, ever since I broke my 'only junk food on the weekend' rule, I've been eating junk through the week. The number on the scale has been going up quite a bit. I haven't had the motivation at all to get back into my healthier eating habits. I'm not back up to the 210lbs I was when I was 17, but the pounds have been slowly creeping up... I'm currently 190lbs and am starting to dislike the way I look again. I've also felt my clothes getting tighter and tighter. So I've decided that from today I'm going to try my very best to stick to a low carb diet, count my calories and start to encooperate exercise into my daily routine. I'd like to lose as much weight as possible, especially within the next month since I start back at college in September and would like to feel as confident in myself as possible.

I'm going to throw away most of the sugary foods in my house (not all of them, since I live with my parents and they wouldn't be pleased lol) and hopefully that will make it easier for me.

However any other advice you might have on getting back on track with healthy eating habits would be very much appreciated. And if you took the time to read the whole of my post, THANK YOU!! ♡

submitted by /u/typical_aquari_les
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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