Monday, July 26, 2021

I've officially lost 100+lbs!!! What i learned + before /after pics!

Hi everyone, 6'3" 23 M here. My highest weight was 314lbs last summer, my current weight is 213 lbs.

This journey wasn't easy, I found most of my struggle to changing the ways I coped with stress and negative emotions. I used to eat them away, but I was forced to sit with those feelings until I figured out a healthier alternative. I definitely started in a bad way too - very eating disordery, but I started seeing a nutritionist and was able to make the second half of my journey very healthy and it's help me to make my current weight sustainable.

Through my journey I found my *passionate hate* for running, my love of cooking, new friends, a new job, and new stress coping techniques.

I also found that losing 100 lbs didn't magically make me confident. I'm learning how to be confident and how to find myself sexy. I'm still learning how to be comfortable alone - going out and eating by myself, seeing a movie by myself, solo travel - things that I would not do 100 pounds ago because I was so afraid of being gawked at as the morbidly obese guy sitting by himself. Even though I was an outgoing person and had a ton of great friends, I always managed to convinced myself I was being perceived as a gross horrid atrocity and that social interaction with me was an act of pity.

Sometimes it's still hard to think about eating unhealthy. I used to spend 2 hours staring at a door dash order starving my ass off because I felt as though I didn't deserve the wings I wanted. That doesn't happen so much anymore, but every now and again I may find myself really struggling with the decision to eat something that's high in calories. It's something I'm working on - moving towards normal eating. I'm allowed to eat something because I crave it. I remind myself that constantly.

Approaching weight loss in a healthy way is the ONLY way this works. I tried weight loss once before this. I would starve myself and try to eat under 1200 calories a day ( 6'3"...) and on Thursdays I would BINGE MY HEART OUT. I was mentally unwell - i lost 20 pounds over two months but quickly spiraled back into unhealthy eating habits. This time, I cut out binges entirely, but I still started out VERY hard on myself. This led to a few times where I thought I might have quit - but once I started seeing a nutritionist, and I understood what undereating does to a body, and how people who undereat constantly to lose weight end up almost always bingeing it all back, I took it slow. And that's when I actually started to see consistent weight loss...

I hope what I learned can be helpful for somebody out there. Thanks for all the help along the way kind redditors. <3




Here's what I looked like before:

Here's what I look like now:

submitted by /u/Dry_Buddy_2553
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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