Monday, July 26, 2021

46 Weeks Later - Lessons

G'Day Folks.

On the 7th of September 2020 I weighed 87.7Kg (193.3lbs) and I am 1.7m (5 foot 6), I was a 34 year old female. Today (27 July 2021) I am now 35, 63.7Kg (140.4lbs). I lost 27% of my body weight and think a few more Kg's down is the on the cards.

I want to preface this by saying that these are the lessons that I personally have taken from my experience and don’t think that they will work for everyone; but maybe they will inspire some other folks. (Also I am Australian, so yeah swearing inbound).

What Have I Discovered?

I have seen improvements in my mental health, my confidence, my endurance and my opportunities. Let me break that down.

· Mental Health/Confidence – I look better. That’s maybe a superficial summary, but honestly it is a major factor. Compliments on my new body shape, amazement that I have been able to lose so much, double takes from people I haven’t seen in a while. It really makes you feel good and gives me motivation to keep doing what I am doing. But here is the kicker, it’s so much easier now to not just eat healthier, but eat less and keep exercising. I am sure the fact that I am putting healthier things in my body correlates to feeling better in general and that translating to better mental health. Stop eating shit, you’ll feel less like it.

· Endurance – I used to moan when my wife wanted to walk places over driving, now I am the one saying, “eh, it’s not too far a walk”. The ability to just trust my body to keep going and walk to that look out or down that hard bush track. Losing weight will literally open up more avenues for you to try.

· Opportunities – I volunteer with my State’s Emergency Service, courses and qualifications that require fitness levels are now open to me! Me helping myself has given me the ability to further help others. I was recently able to tackle a Grade 5 track during a rescue and was thinking during the way down the track, "I am really going to struggle getting up this", I was amazed at how easily I breezed up it.

What Was the Main Way I Lost Weight?

I ate less. Simple as that, I just stopped eating for the sake of eating and only ate when I needed to; and when I did eat, I thought what would actually be the best thing to fuel my body until I eat again? Why do you need a big breakfast full of carbs? Why the snack at 10:30am? Why are you grabbing a chocolate from the serrvo at 3pm? What is it really doing for you? Why the fuck are you drinking a Regular Coke when the Diet Coke is right next to it? Why not water? Really stop and ask yourself. What is fuelling your body and what is fuelling your desire for sugars, salts and fats?



I started walking smaller distances at first, but now if I go for my regular walk it is at least 6km and in summer months laps in the pool, this really helped my mental health and conditioning, but again for the weight loss it was what I didn’t eat, not the exercise.


I wanted to feel better, look better and make my life span longer. I have added years and quality of years to my life by not eating shit.

Final Thoughts

There is no one to blame for how much I weighed but me, and whilst my wife supported me. I lost the weight because I did it. If you’re overweight take control, stop blaming others and making excuses you can do this, truly you can. I used to think when I saw the before and after shots that I could never accomplish anything like that, but I have. YOU CAN TOO! Even if your first step is talking to a Mental Health Practitioner please take it, you will not regret losing weight.

submitted by /u/GeoRhi
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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