Friday, July 30, 2021

I have gained 17 COVID pounds since March of 2020

The only thing I’ve ever been good at is gaining weight. And no matter what I do, it will NEVER come off.

Covid shut everthing down, but I still worked out 5 days a week with the equipment I had. Dumbbells, kettlebells, jumprope, went on walks, etc.

I’m 26, female, 5’4, and today I’m 211 pounds. I started lockdown at 194 and even then I was on a mission to lose weight. I’ve never been successful, all I’m good at is maintaining for a period of time and then it slowly creeps up by a few and then I maintain for a time and the cycle continues.

I’ve been to the doctor. My blood pressure is fine, my blood work is fine. Everything is always fine.

I understand CICO. I’ve gone to TDEE calculator to figure out my proper calories. I’m active in the gym 5-6 days a week (heavy lifting and I try to include cardio every day in some capacity). If I choose sedentary on TDEE calculator, it gives me 2000 calories as my maintenance. That means eating 1700 PLUS a hard ass workout should be causing weight loss.

If I list lightly active it says 2300 is my maintenance, therefore 2000 calories a day plus a hard workout should lead to weight loss. But neither ever do.

And I find it distinctly hard to believe that at the level I’m exercising I need to be eating 1400 calories a day. I will quite literally be starving. Even 1700 leaves me hungry at the end of the day.

I’ve cut alcohol out during the week which I was doing early lockdown and I know added to my weight gain. When I drink I like to snack. I put on the first 10lbs without even thinking about it. When I realized what. I was doing I quickly stopped. But the weight gain HASNT stopped.

I’m on birth control pills. I have been for 7 years though. Every doctor SCREAMS that the pill isn’t causing weight. I’m just not sure.

My GOAL weight is 175. It’s funny because that’s still considered obese. But I know that I’d look significantly slimmer at that weight.

I’m just tired of this endless battle. I eat the healthiest out of anyone I know. I cook everthing. Lean meats, complex carbs, veggies, fruits. I exercise.

I’m gonna end up being 300lbs if this doesn’t stop, but I’m not eating fast food or thanksgiving size portions. I don’t know what to do anymore

submitted by /u/anonymous_anxiety
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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