Wednesday, July 28, 2021

How to handle conversations about your weight loss?

M 33 SW 257 CW 169 GW 160

I began my weight loss journey in March 2020, right when COVID shut everything down. I have been working remotely since then, and I hadn't really seen anyone in person outside of immediate family until restrictions opened up here a few weeks ago.

Now that I'm starting to see my friends, acquaintances and colleagues in person again, everyone immediately comments on how much weight I've lost and wants to hear about how I did it. Granted, I had kept my weight loss journey relatively private and I don't post much on social media, so I understand their general shock when I walk into a room weighing 88 lbs less.

While I am proud of my progress to date and thankful to have such supportive people in my life, I am really struggling with all these conversations about my weight loss and my general appearance. While I feel physically much healthier, mentally I am still self-conscious about my current body and embarrassed about how big I was before.

In general, I find myself uncomfortable talking about my weight loss. I find it exhausting to have the same conversation over and over again about my weight loss, which everyone wants to initiate with me. It's also frustrating that people assume there is some sort of secret or shortcut I took, when I literally just adhered to calorie counting and moderate exercise for a sustained period of time. As a result of these interactions, I've found myself starting to skip out on some events as I'm finding it to be emotionally draining to have all these conversations around my weight loss.

As the country I'm in continues to open up from COVID restrictions, I suspect I'll be in for a lot more of these conversations in the weeks ahead with people that I haven't seen since the start of 2020. While I initially thought I'd be happy to have these conversations and receive compliments, it turns out its having a negative mental impact on me.

For those of you who have lost significant amounts of weight, how did you handle these conversations about your weight loss? Especially with people you hadn't seen since the start of your weight loss journey? Did anyone else feel uncomfortable talking about it? If so, how did you cope? Are there any resources/readings you'd recommend on how to handle this? How do I own my weight loss in a positive way?

I understand that this is a good problem to have as I've almost hit my goal weight, but I did not expect to have such a tough time socially/mentally/emotionally adjusting to my new weight.

Thanks, from a long-time lurker of r/loseit.

submitted by /u/imoutoftoiletpaper
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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