Thursday, July 29, 2021

Already feeling discouraged

I don't even know where to begin. A long story about how how i lost and regained weight back and now I'm back on diet since June. Now my mom is notorious for shaming me for my weight and putting me on diets. Last year, she made me go into keto diet, if i wasnt on a diet she would constantly neg about my weight or how i should go on a strict diet. The difference is last year, i wasnt that overweight but yet she forced me, so i did keto for 7 months till last november as i got sick of being controlled. After leaving keto, i binge ate uncontrollably for 6 months till i reached 200 pounds. Now her comments got even more vicious, all she was concerned about is what others would say because of my weight or how no man would like me because of my weight which is she was right about that i wont deny, this is the only reason she wanted me to lose weight. She once, out of nowhere brought up how i was bullied in school because of my weight. Even now after starting keto from june, her comments still didnt stop. im dieting for more than one month, but ive only lost 6 pounds. I was expecting it too be much faster since everyone raves about this diet or how they have lost weight fast, especially at the weight i am right now. After going through every craving, getting rid of all of the binging eating habits that ive formed over six months just to be told im not "strict enough" by mother when keto diet is already strict on its own. These comments makes me feel even more discouraged and impatient with weight loss. Im sorry if this isnt the appropriate place to vent this out as i dont know where else to vent my frustration out about weight related stuff, if i were to vent it out to my mother, she gets mad and tells me im already giving up without me even implying that, then will go on another angry rant about my weight.

submitted by /u/flowery9777
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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