Saturday, July 31, 2021

Please Help Me, Set Point Theory? How Long Until Body Adjusts To New Weight? [303lbs > 177lbs]

About Me:

  • I was born fat and have been so my entire life.

  • Obesity runs in our family (both parents as well as brother and sister).

  • We eat mostly homemade healthy food (rarely unhealthy and usually on occasions).

  • Only I reached that high level of obesity due to my sedentary lifestyle.

  • I believe we have a slower than average metabolism (burning 100 less calories / day can result in 10lbs gain / year, until person gains enough fat to compensate for those calories).

  • I even tested it myself before I started dieting, I ate the exact calories I needed to maintain weight according to TDEE calculators and I was still gaining weight slowly (fat weight according to InBody Analysis).

  • Fortunately, I never had any health complications and according to doctors, I was "metabolically healthy obese" (lab results showed normal insulin sensitivity, normal HbA1c, normal lipid profile, etc, and I had no heart or blood pressure problems).

Weight Loss Journey:

  • 295lbs --> 273lbs --> Binge Eating --> 303lbs

  • 303lbs --> 256lbs --> Binge Eating --> 271lbs

  • 271lbs --> 244lbs --> Maintenance --> 249lbs

  • 249lbs --> 216lbs --> Maintenance --> 223lbs

  • 223lbs --> Binge Eating ----------------> 241lbs

  • 241lbs --> 218lbs --> Maintenance --> 220lbs

  • 220lbs --> 198lbs --> Maintenance --> 200lbs

  • 200lbs --> 175lbs --> Maintenance --> 177lbs (while gaining reasonable amount of muscles)

The Problem:

After my last transformation which ended 3 weeks ago (200lbs > 177lbs + muscles in 3 months), my life has changed to the worst:

  • Completely lost libido (used to be horny all the time).

  • Depressed.

  • Hungry all the time (even after eating).

  • Can't stop thinking about food and want to binge so badly.

  • Craving carbs especially sugary ones.

  • Tried eating 3000 calories but it didn't help.

  • Low energy.

  • Slow resting heart rate (53bpm).

  • Much more sensitive to cold.

  • Constipation.

  • Fatigue.

  • Bad concentration and memory.

  • Bloating.

  • Headaches.

I know that these symptoms indicate Hypothyroidism, but I haven't stopped taking my Multivitamin which has Iodine + Selenium + Zinc (not to mention that I consume iodized salt everyday).

After researching, I found out about the set point theory (less body fat = less leptin = those symptoms) and I have been wondering if anyone could share his experience regarding this situation with me and if anyone knows how long I should expect this to last. Thank you.

submitted by /u/fornoobz
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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