Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Questions about LoseIt, Apple Watch, and Calories


I am pretty new around here, and I have been greatly motivated and educated by the posts I have been reading for the last week. Today will mark 43 days of me exercising 45mins every day, which I am very proud of as I have not stuck with anything this long before. After realizing that working out alone will not help me much with weight loss, I am beginning CICO.

(M 22, SW: 273lbs, GW: ~195 for now)

I would like a sanity check on my CICO plan as I really don't want to work at this for a month and see no progress. I am using LoseIt to track food, and I have it connected to my Apple Watch. The way LoseIt behaves with an Apple Watch is that it uses the LoseIt calorie budget until you exceed that with calories burned (TDEE + Active Calories) in Apple Watch. In order to lose 1.5 lbs a week, LoseIt says I need to eat 1,923 cals per day, which is about a 600 calorie deficit from my TDEE of 2660. This sounds about right and is a manageable number for me.

My main question stems from my Apple Health (watch) app. It estimates that my TDEE is around 2753, which also makes sense because I would estimate myself being in between sedentary and lightly active on a TDEE calculator, and 100 extra calories there makes sense (to me at least).

On top of that is all the extra calories I burn from getting exercise every day. I work out 45 min day (my AW exercise ring) 7 days a week, which consists a combined 45 mins of the Elliplical, walking/jogging, and strength 6 days a week, and on the 7th day 45 min of Yoga or Yoga and walking. I also do most of the chores around the house, so I am on my feet a fair amount.

My AW estimates that I am burning a daily average of right at 1,000 active calories, which then gets factored into my LoseIt calorie goal.

So from the time I wake up to say 3pm, my calorie goal is 1,923, but by the end of the day, I have earned ~1,000 LoseIt "bonus calories".

Could anyone give me some insight as to the accuracy of this? If I still only eat 1,923 calories a day but still work out that much, am I in a huge (around 1500 cal) deficit? Am I crazy? Is LoseIt wrong? Is my Apple Watch wrong? It seems to calculate TDEE correct, but what about the active calories? Keep in mind only about 500 of those active calories came from the workouts themselves.

I hear a lot about how people don't like fitness trackers for calories, but I am a very data driven person, and I really enjoy the technology tracking aspect of fitness, so I'd like to keep using these tools, but maybe make some modifications to how I use them.

Thank you so much in advance.

TLDR: My Apple Watch estimates a TDEE of 2660 (about right), but gives me about 1000 active calories a day from my between sedentary and lightly active activity level and 45 minutes of exercise, which makes a total calories burned of 3660.

Extra data (an average workout day):

20 min Elliptical: 283 active cals (I go pretty hard on this, avg HR 151, max 180.

11 min (0.5mi) walking with jogging spurts: 125 active cals, avg HR 131, max 151.

25 min strength training: 231 active cals, avg HR 119, max 153. This one sounds high to me, but not that high.

submitted by /u/andrewreaganm
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3BOD4ek

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