Thursday, July 29, 2021

Lost 50+ pounds in 4 months; what I have learned.

20M, 6’1, 211 pounds. On March 19th I weighed 265 pounds. Goal Weight: 187 pounds

Might be a long read, I will try to keep it short because I plan on posting my whole journey at my goal weight.

Calorie Deficit

I fucking wish I had known about this when I was younger (I learned about CICO when I was 19, WTF!), I have been trying to lose weight since I was 13 years old. Being fat has held me back my whole life and fucked me so bad, given me social anxiety I have absolutely no fond memories of high school because I was so fucked in the head from being insecure and fat and anxious. Sorry, didn't mean to get too deep but I am finally longing for a social life now, now that my confidence is slowly rebuilding (very convenient a pandemic hits, huh, wow I am in shambles).

CICO is the key to weight loss. Weight loss is 90% CICO, 10% exercise, not even a debate.

Mental Health

Should be no surprises here if you read the above paragraph.

Ok, this might be depressing but I have experienced little to no mental health benefits. I'm still insecure as fuck and hate my self-image, that said I am a little more confident. I don’t think I'll know my true confidence until I hit my goal weight or my desired physique. I think I may have some slight body dysmorphia for sure.

Physical Health/Changes

I definitely notice physical changes, I still have a stomach and tits, but they are significantly smaller than they were. Before and after (after photos are kind of old, I was 220ish);

As for the face gains, very minimal change, hopefully, that gets better closer to my goal weight, I know body fat % has a great impact on face gains.

I also had chest pains near my heart (required a cardiologist, blood tests, multiple EKGs, multiple Holter monitors and a stress test) and frequent heartburn at 265 pounds. Both have basically disappeared and I am in the clear, doctors are proud of me, so much damn stress for absolutely nothing.

With this weight loss, my tits are a little smaller so I have been trying to correct my back and neck posture, I always hunched to hide my man boobs but am a little more confident to stand taller now. Proper posture is very attractive in my opinion, even if it means your tits pop out a little more.

Underestimated my goal weight

I way, way underestimated my goal weight. I made a post in this subreddit celebrating my transition from ‘obese’ to overweight and I said my goal weight was 200 pounds. I can confidently say I want to get to 187 pounds or lower. I am still unsure what my goal weight is though, there are so many factors to take into account like body fat %, skinny fat and my own mental satisfaction with how I look.

187 pounds will be my goal weight, but that doesn’t mean I'll be happy with how my body looks, I will eventually start bulking and cutting or doing some kind of body recomposition for a leaner physique. Nothing can ever be easy for fat people huh.

I have weight-loss privilege

Men and tall men, be grateful! I have been in a, roughly, 1000kcal deficit for 4 months and I can sustain it because my maintenance calories are so damn high thanks to being young, a man, and tall. Losing weight for me has been relatively easy and fast, but, older, smaller and women/people have it much harder than us (Yes, I am eating plenty of protein and very regularly lift weights to maintain muscle mass while I am in this deficit).

Tall people's weight loss is less noticeable

I have learned that weight loss is significantly less noticeable in tall people because there is a more even distribution of fat across a larger area of the body, making fat loss look minimal (fat loss is very noticeable on smaller people). I have had very few people notice my weight loss (whether they feel awkward bringing it up, I don't know), waiting for the paper towel effect to kick in lmao! If you are tall and don't see much change, none of us do! Just keep plugging along.

How on Earth did I get so fat?

I truly wonder how I got to the weight I was. My maintenance calories at 250 pounds were almost 3000kcal a day, I now eat 1700kcal a day, and sometimes STRUGGLE to get to 1700. How the fuck was I eating more than 3000 calories a day when I got to 265!?

My next and final post will be at my goal weight, giving my whole story and what I did, in detail, and how my life has changed. I am hoping these last 25 pounds change me for the best.

submitted by /u/DickGrayson123
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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