Tuesday, August 3, 2021

The Difference between Male and Female with weight loss

Fun fact: I am a nutritionist at a zoo that cares for both a male and female lion. The male is a healthy weight, and the female is overweight. The male gets, on average, 10 lbs of food a day. The female? THREE. The only significant difference between the two is their sex - essentially, their hormones.

I think about this a lot when comparing male and female weight loss. I am female, down over 35lbs so far.... but SO is my male partner in the same amount of time (without dieting)!

Of course, this is a wonderful thing. Simply eliminating our frequent fast food trips, dinner outings, and weekly drinking nights has been enough for him to lose the same amount of weight as I have. But he still gets fast food/drinks occasionally on his own (jerk), yet if I cheat once or twice in a week, my progress is all but stopped!

Hormones are serious business. Men, be thankful of your weight loss advantage. And women, be proud of how you're able to achieve your goals DESPITE the challenge!

(Note: I realize I am referring to a binary here, but trans and nonbinary people certainly still exist. I am making a generalization based on my observations and experience and unfortunately don't have any input outside of gender/sex binary).

submitted by /u/bellabelleell
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3fuZtUe

Thoughts on “accidental saboteurs”?

I’m reading Maybe You Should Talk to Someone: A Therapist, Her Therapist and Our Lives Revealed by Lori Gottlieb and I thought I’d share a section that seemed interesting.

“Whenever one person in a family system starts to make changes, even if the changes are healthy and positive, it’s not unusual for other members in the system to do everything they can to maintain the status quo and bring things back to homeostasis. If an addict stops drinking, for instance, family members often unconsciously sabotage that person’s recovery, because in order to regain homeostasis in the system, somebody has to fill the role of the troubled person. And who wants that role? Sometimes people even resist positive changes in their friends: Why are you going to the gym so much? Why can’t you stay out late—you don’t need more sleep! Why are you working so hard for that promotion? You’re no fun anymore!”

I’m currently on my weight loss journey and this made me wonder if there are any such ‘accidental saboteurs’ in my life. For example, my mum has been very critical about my body growing up. However, she continues to cook unhealthy dishes for us despite me saying that I’d prefer if she used less oil etc. I’ve told my boyfriend that I would like to consume less and want to stay away from snacks, but he still jumps at opportunities to buy me snacks because according to him, he knows I like them and gift giving is his love language.

I’m not blaming them or saying they have bad intentions - as the book has shared these are unconscious behaviours. To me this also makes sense in social circles - nobody wants to be the fat friend. When you take on that role, they can take a back seat because they know they will always look skinnier next to you.

Weight loss is definitely a personal responsibility first and foremost but peer pressure is also very real and difficult to navigate. I guess my takeaway from this is that when dining out with others, I’ll be more mindful about our conversations and actions - lest I feed my bad habits accidentally (no pun intended). Curious to hear your thoughts on this, or if you have ever encountered such incidents?

A longer excerpt can be found here: https://www.psychotherapy.net/article/gottlieb-excerpt#section-my-idiot-therapist?

submitted by /u/year2044
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3fupp2x

SV - 10 weeks in and 5kg lost!

I just wanted to share my first "real" victory on my weight loss journey. I started really taking ownership of my weight 10 weeks ago. I signed up for a couch to 5k and started tracking my calories to stay in roughly 500kcal deficit daily (about 0.5kg loss a week). It's been a mindset shift for me - instead of eating any time I'm bored, tired, feeling down, I eat when I actually feel hungry. I switched out sweet treats for fruit or ice pops, and I stopped buying processed snacks. I find weight loss starts in the supermarket aisle - if I don't buy it I won't eat it.

Anyway my progress has been slowish but consistent! I am 181cm (5'11''), SW 107kg (236lb), CW 102kg (225lb), GW 80~85kg (176~187lb). I'm half way to my BMI moving out of the "Obese" category into "Overweight", which will really help my health and mindset.

I know I have a long way to go and this is just the start of a long journey... But I am so proud of the progress I've made so far!

submitted by /u/Stoosies
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2TT0ONh

How to not feel bad about yourself when you’re not quite there?

Hello all! I’m stuck in a rut and I need some advice. I’ve been trying to get past ~185 lbs for a while now (f/33/5’8”) and it’s so much harder than it was when I tried a few years ago. I’m tracking everything 5/7 days a week (~1300 calories a day, keto but with a few extra vegetable carbs) and I’m not going crazy the other two days, but it seems to be enough to basically keep me where I’m at.

My biggest problem now is that I do not feel good at the weight I’m at. I’m healthy, I can run a mile+ and I love going on long walks. I eat tons of vegetables. My issues are entirely aesthetic.

It’s taking a toll on my relationship - I don’t feel attractive when I’m 15+ lbs overweight (even when I’ve been worse). I’ve ended up unhappy in relationships when I just can’t feel attractive, and I don’t want that to happen again. If I could get down to 170 I’d be happier…or I’d just find other flaws to pick apart.

I’m heading on vacation in a few weeks and I want to feel confident enough to use the SUP, to not think about how the elastic of my shorts cuts into my side while I’m sitting around enjoying family stories and playing games, to have happy pictures from the first family trip I’m taking my absolutely wonderful boyfriend on.

I know this is a process, but I want to make peace with where I’m at. I’ve been 250 lbs before - I know then I would’ve been overjoyed to be a size 8/10, but now I just feel huge and out of shape to the point where I’m almost too depressed and discouraged to succeed with weight loss.

I’ve pursued therapy and such, and I’m not looking for advice pointing me in that direction - I just want to feel ok with where I am and I’m wondering if any of you have small bits of advice for someone who wants to be happy around the halfway point.

submitted by /u/emkay_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3ym6Rsw

Why and how I lost weight with Paleo but will never to do it again!

I am sorry for the clickbaity title.

I am f(33, 5'7", 215 lbs). Just sharing my own experience. It may not be everyone else's. There is obviously no one size fits all for health and fitness.

Bit of ( what I think is ) relevant backstory:

Fall of 2013:

I was an overweight 25 year old ( was 170 lbs at 5'7") trying to lose some weight through exercise, rookie mistake I know. My boyfriend and I liked exploring new places to eat and I was gaining steady weight.

By year end, I was up to 185 lbs and my boyfriend moved to USA. I was alone in my home country and LDR is tough. I stopped exercising and leaned on food for comfort :(

Summer of 2014:

I finally moved to USA to be with my boyfriend. I was ecstatic but I had reached 200 lbs by then. I read a book about CICO and was convinced I had to eat 1400 to lose weight. In theory that's true but it's not easy to do without changing eating habits. I was still eating out all the time , snacking on chips, cookies, brownies.

When you eat like that , 1400 calories look so little. I stuck to it but was hungry and miserable all the time. I lost 15 lbs in about 4 months.

Then life hit me with a ton of bricks. I lost a family member. I was devastated and crying all the time. I stopped calorie counting.

Winter of 2015:

I had gained almost all my weight back and then some . I was also getting married to my boyfriend. I tried CICO again and had a small weight loss again.

I stopped after my wedding. I wanted to enjoy my newly wedded bliss. And I did. I was happy and content. But also Obese . I didn't realize until the photos from our Anniversary trip jolted me awake . I weighed myself. I was 215 lbs.

New Year 2017:

I didn't want to get back to CICO because that made me miserable and obsessed with calories and my scale. I discoved Paleo. I was Paleo for most of 2017. I lost a ton of weight and I actually felt healthier. I wasn't hungry ,I didn't have constant headaches.I reached 180 lbs. I was feeling pretty good.

But Paleo is very restrictive. No grains , no dairy, no legumes or lentils,no alcohol. It's difficult to have a social life . Also as someone whose culture has a lot of rice and lentils , I missed my homemade traditional food. I also didn't like the amount of meat I was having.

Inspite of all this , I stuck to atleast a loose definition of Paleo when I could. But I was eating too much of healthy stuff and weight started creeping back. Very slowly.

By the end of 2019 I was almost 200 lbs

Then came 2020 and the pandemic. I was stuck at home. I again went back to food for comfort. I gained 29 pounds between March 2020 to June 2021.

That brings me to my latest stint with weight loss.

I decided on not doing Paleo. But 3 years of following it had altered my eating habits for good and I am finding it easy to eat at a deficit . I eat everything but most of the time it's veggies and some protein. I have also learnt to love a lot of low calorie swaps. Cauliflower rice and zoodles are my friends now :). I still eat whatever is offered at social events but in moderation. Eating adequate fiber, protein and healthy fats really helps with satiety.

I have lost about ~15 lbs in two months!

I will never go back to Paleo but I am thankful to it for teaching me these healthy eating habits.

I think the moral of this long , rambling post is that while calorie is a calorie, getting those calories from healthy sources makes CICO sustainable.

I am hoping it will stick this time!

submitted by /u/loseittohike
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3lt7kpo

Enter to Win Our Goal-Getter Giveaway!

Get your fitness on with our Goal-Getter Giveaway! This August, we’re giving away some amazing prizes on Instagram to help you gear up, train and get in the game.

If you need a little motivation to get moving, enter our giveaway to win a variety of fitness-centric prizes that are sure to help you reach your fitness goals. When we say these prizes are amazing, we mean it: The estimated retail value is a whopping $450!

Our $450 prize package includes:


  • Fat Burner Mix
  • Shakes and Bars

Fitness Gear: 

  • Fitbit Versa 3
  • Bala Bangles


  • Sports Bottle
  • Shaker Bottle

Be a goal-getter and enter our giveaway today. Here’s how:

  • Follow us on Instagram (@Nutrisystem).
  • Like the giveaway post.
  • Tag three friends in the comments!

The giveaway will start on August 3, 2021 at 11:00 AM EST. All online entries must be received by August 8, 2021 at 11:59 PM EST.

NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Campaign open until 11:55 PM EDT on August 8, 2021. Open to all legal residents of the United States (excluding Puerto Rico, Alaska, and Hawaii) (including the District of Columbia). Must be at least 18 years of age to enter. Void where prohibited. One (1) winner will receive a Fitbit Versa 3, a pair of Bala bangles, a 14 count tub of both Nutrisystem Chocolate and Vanilla Protein Shake Mixes, a 14 pack of Nutrisystem Snack Bars, a 28 serving tub of Nutrisystem Hydrating Fat Burner, a Nutrisystem Flip and Sip Water Bottle, and a Nutrisystem Shaker Bottle. Odds of winning will depend upon the total number of eligible entries received. See Official Rules here! >

The post Enter to Win Our Goal-Getter Giveaway! appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf https://ift.tt/2VocEiK

Tantrum Tuesday - The Day to Rant!

I Rant, Therefore I Am

Well bla-de-da-da! What's making your blood boil? What's under your skin? What's making you see red? What's up in your craw? Let's hear your weight loss related rants!

The rant post is a /u/bladedada production.

Please consider saving your next rant for this weekly thread every Tuesday.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3jziEhd