Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Just keep going, a beginners journey of imperfection

I'm not exactly sure the point/ramble of this post, other than to say that I am continuing to lose weight and today I weighed the lowest so far since I started at the end of July (CW 251.1 according to the scale, down 18lbs so far). I feel like weight loss is just mostly a long game of mental discipline, taking it one day at a time. It almost feels like an addiction program of sorts where we admit where we are powerless/have slipped and just keep going forward. Keep positive, keep believing...

I calculated my TDEE but have not gotten around to using MFP or tracking apps. I haven't really started a fitness program yet but I do work a 2nd job in the evenings doing deliveries so that helps keep me from being a stationary office worker all day. Every once in a while I drive past a KFC and blow that day's calories, but I forgive myself and mostly sticking to my -500 to -1000 calories from TDEE. I have used Premier protein drinks to replace a meal per day which has helped. I've cut my 100% soda / all fast food diet to 1 soda a day max and I am reading nutritional labels on everything keeping a general tab of my calorie spending each day... It's working... I'm losing weight. Since the first day I've taped a white sheet of paper to the front of my bathroom door with date, weight, and TDEE and it helps me remind myself to keep with it.

I realize I'm going to have to do more as I lose more, but for now, I'm happy for my progress. In truth, I like eating large portions of lasagna, pizza and cookies. I'm not really sure that will ever change, but I would rather look in the mirror and see the best version of myself and the 269lb version of me isn't it, so I will keep substituting veggies for noodles/rice when I eat out, keep going to the supermarket and attempt to make good choices each day and fight the good fight.

We have this.. We can do this!

submitted by /u/Looking_for_humanity
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3AxVgH7

This question is for those who have crossed the BMI milestone of 25, whether or not you're in maintenance.

I've been losing weight for two years and almost two months now. It's my first (and hopefully only) try. Using the resources from the sidebar, and a Youtube channel (Jordan Syatt) I created a system for myself where it was easier to succeed at weight loss than to fail. I haven't really changed what I eat since it was mostly healthy to begin with, just adjusted my portion sizes and macros a bit.

The summary, if anyone wants to know, is that I set my deficit to aim for an average of 1% of weight loss/week. I flex my calories to where I eat 100-200 less than my deficit for six days of the week, and on the seventh I enjoy a social meal with friends or family where I eat normally (i.e. I don't gorge, but it's a regular restaurant portion of whatever I fancy, sometimes with dessert and/or a couple of beers) and don't worry worry about the calories because they're accounted for. I eat higher protein than before for satiety (particularly the combination of high protein + high fat + fibre when I'm very hungry) but I don't exclude any food group, and have new recipes to what I cook through deliberate exploration rather than cutting things out. I have also taken regular two week breaks to eat at maintenance, roughly timed to occur once every quarter year and coincide with major holidays and family events so I could partake without worrying about my deficit. These have been very helpful and restorative -- I regain a bit on the scale, but go back to my regular routine without any regrets or hesitation after, and carry on carrying on. Not that the process has been completely free of issues -- I stall a lot (on a regular pattern -- I tend to regain a bit of weight whenever I hit a new low and oscillate around that for a while before dropping again), and I've had my share of frustration, upset, and miserable, burning, hormonal hunger from having lost lean mass as well as fat (which I combatted by using casein protein powder for a while -- the hunger does go away). Overall, though, it has been vastly easier and more pleasant than I ever anticipated before I started. Honestly, had you asked me even three years ago if I could lose weight I would have said no. I couldn't conceive that I would be able to lose successfully, and to persevere long enough to lose any appreciable amount.

And yet here I am. I have lost 52.8kg and I am officially at a normal weight (24.9 BMI) for the first time in my entire adult life. Ironically this is where I am having difficulty, and where my question lies. I gained weight very slowly, and was "merely" overweight rather than obese for the majority of my life. While I didn't like being overweight I accepted it as part of myself, an inescapable (or so I thought) reality, and it wasn't accompanied by any sort of self-hatred or loathing, it was just how things were. I was fat. Now I am not fat.

I do not know how to be Not-Fat. It's surreal, and disorienting. I plan to deal with it by not dwelling on it, and carrying on with my weight loss (because I want to get a buffer for regain before I attempt recomposition) and striving for my fitness goals, and focusing on a variety of other things, but there is still that underlying dissociation from the change. How have those of you who have made this change (whether it was a big loss or a small one) adjusted your self image? Was there anything you did to help the process apart from giving yourself time?

submitted by /u/evwinter
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3FF0yoc

How to lose weight without messing up my metabolism?

I am a 5"11 guy who is about 30kg over the weight that I want to be. I want to lose weight but something that I am terrified off is fucking up my metabolism. I have read lots of conflicting information about it and it is just stressing me out so I thought I would come here to ask this subreddit.

I have seen some claims that I should only cut my calorie count by about 200-300 a day and make the rest up in exercise to maintain metabolism, yet the NHS has their weight loss program which supports losing up to 1,000 calories from your daily intake. For the first time in my life I have genuine worry over eating LESS than I should! Any advice on this would be great!

submitted by /u/Magidag1979
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2YL4a7n

Does Coffee Boost Metabolism? The Benefits of Coffee for Weight Loss (Plus Recipes!)

“Don’t let anyone tell you that fairy tales aren’t real,” goes a popular internet meme. “I drink a potion made of magic beans every day and it brings me back to life!”

The Health Benefits of Coffee

Of course, that magic potion is coffee. But its ability to perk you up isn’t magic—nor are the other health benefits of coffee. According to John Hopkins Medicine, “Recent studies found that coffee drinkers are less likely to die from some of the leading causes of death in women: coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes and kidney disease.” Research also shows that drinking coffee may stave off colon cancer, Parkinson’s disease, heart failure, Alzheimer’s disease and stroke.

Though you may associate coffee’s health advantages with caffeine, science has identified hundreds of other substances—anti-inflammatory flavonoids, vitamins and minerals—that protect against disease, says FoodInsight.org, a website created by nutrition and food safety experts at the International Food Information Council.

From Frapps to Capps: 8 Coffee Types & How They Fit in Your Diet

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Does Coffee Boost Metabolism and Help Weight Loss?

Coffee contains caffeine that may help you lose body fat. Yes, you heard that right. According to research from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, consuming four cups of coffee per day has been shown to decrease body fat by about four percent. The study was originally conducted to determine if coffee could decrease the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. Researchers explain, “coffee did not affect the study participants’ sensitivity to insulin – the hormone that regulates sugar levels in the blood. The study did yield an unexpected result: Drinking coffee was associated with a modest loss of body fat.” Scientists believe that the fat loss was caused by the caffeine in coffee increasing the study participants’ metabolism, causing them to burn more calories.

According to ScienceDaily, “Women who drink two or three cups of coffee a day have been found to have lower total body and abdominal fat than those who drink less, according to a new study published in The Journal of Nutrition.”

Healthline explains that caffeine has been shown to increase resting metabolic rate by increasing the breakdown of fat. “One study showed that caffeine increased fat burning by as much as 29% in lean people, while the increase was only about 10% in obese individuals,” says Healthline. Furthermore, an expert at Mayo Clinic credits coffee with potentially decreasing hunger and appetite for a short amount of time.

So, does coffee boost metabolism? From the research, it definitely seems possible. While it’s not going to magically help you drop pounds, coffee can still be incorporated in moderation into your healthy diet. (How much is too much? Click here! >) Just be sure to speak to your doctor before adding coffee and other caffeinated beverages into your routine to ensure it’s safe for you.

10 Healthy Coffee Recipes

Black coffee is a Free Food on the Nutrisystem program and fat-free creamer is an Extra. If you like your coffee sweet, stick to a natural zero-calorie sweetener like Stevia for your cup of joe. You can also try these delicious coffee recipes to get a little more of this metabolism-boosting beverage into your diet:

1. Caramel Coffee Protein Shake >

caramel coffee protein shake. does coffee boost metabolism?

Our members and followers love to get creative with coffee! This user-generated recipe submitted by Leaf visitor, Judy, is one of our favorites. Get the best of your favorite coffee shop drink (with far fewer calories) with this scrumptious beverage. It combines cold coffee with Nutrisystem Vanilla Protein Shake mix, sugar-free caramel syrup and ice. Blitz it together in your blender for a perfect start to your day! This morning protein shake is only 142 calories and counts as one PowerFuel and one Extra on the Nutrisystem plan. Click here for the full recipe! >

Hitting the Local Coffee Shop? What to Order to Stay on Track

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2. Coffee Balsamic Marinade >

coffee balsamic marinade. does coffee boost metabolism?

Did you know that coffee acts as a meat tenderizer? It’s great for lean cuts of meat like flank steak which can be tough. Combined with balsamic vinegar, brown sugar, whole grain mustard and minced garlic, it imparts a unique, rich, savory flavor to the meat. The recipe makes four servings and each is only 48 calories. It counts as two Extras on Nutrisystem. Click here for the full recipe! >

3. Morning Coffee Cacao Power Smoothie >

morning coffee cacao power smoothie

We’ve got another delicious morning beverage to start your day! Our Morning Coffee Cacao Power Smoothie can be enjoyed as a tasty breakfast or morning snack. This delicious smoothie has some surprises: a medium-sized frozen banana, frozen cauliflower and whey protein. A garnish of cacao nibs goes on top for extra chocolaty flavor. This great morning breakfast is only 199 calories and counts as one SmartCarb, one PowerFuel, one Extra and half of a Vegetable on Nutrisystem. Click here for the full recipe! >

4. Mocha Coffee Overnight Oatmeal >

mocha coffee overnight oatmeal. does coffee boost metabolism?

The best part of this stimulating and comforting breakfast is that you make it the night before and leave it in the fridge in a Mason jar. Have it cold or warm it up in the morning for a quick and easy breakfast. It’s a delicious blend of dry oats, brewed coffee, plain nonfat Greek yogurt, unsweetened cocoa, sliced almonds and chocolate chips. It will give you the motivation you need to jump out of bed. One serving is only 217 calories and counts as one SmartCarb, one PowerFuel and one Extra on Nutrisystem. Click here for the full recipe! >

5. Iced Coffee Popsicles >

iced coffee popsicles

This is the sweetest, easiest pick-me-up you’ve ever had. Just three ingredients—coffee, plain fat-free yogurt and sweetener—are popped into a popsicle tray with a popsicle stick. Throw it into the freezer overnight and in the morning, you’ll have a sweet treat waiting for you! The recipe makes four popsicles that contain 33 calories each. They count as one Extra on Nutrisystem. Click here for the full recipe! >

7 Healthy Reasons to Enjoy Your Morning Coffee

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6. 3-Ingredient Chocolate Coffee Mousse >

3-Ingredient Chocolate Coffee Mousse

Cool down and fuel your day with a creamy, dreamy dessert. With just three simple ingredients and a few simple steps, you can be digging your spoon into a light and airy Chocolate Coffee Mousse that’s rich, decadent and delicious. This chocolaty java treat clocks in at just 88 calories per serving. If you’re on the Nutrisystem weight loss plan, you can count it as all three of your Extras for the day. Click here for the full recipe! >

7. Skinny Pumpkin Cream Cold Brew >

Skinny Pumpkin Cream Cold Brew

Stay on track with your weight loss while indulging in the flavors of fall with this Skinny Pumpkin Cream Cold Brew recipe! It’s perfectly portioned, lower in calories and eliminates the added sugar that typically accompanies these tasty drinks at the coffee shop.  Each 107-calorie beverage can be counted as half of a PowerFuel and two Extras on Nutrisystem. Click here for the full recipe! >

8. Sweet Cinnamon Latte >

Sweet Cinnamon Latte

This Sweet Cinnamon Latte is super easy to whip up. All you need is nonfat milk, Truvia, ground cinnamon and of course, coffee. Whether you need a morning pick-me-up or a midday treat, this sweet cup of joe will give you the energy you need. One serving is just 126 calories. It counts as one PowerFuel and one Extra on Nutrisystem. Click here for the full recipe! >

9. Iced Mocha Latte >

Iced Mocha Latte

Even if you’ve never considered yourself to be an expert barista, our Iced Mocha Latte will be done faster than a barista can call out that your order is ready. Plus, your wallet will be feeling a little heavier! This tasty drink provides the caffeine kick you need with the perfect amount of chocolaty goodness. Click here for the full recipe! >

10. Vanilla Latte Protein Smoothie >

Vanilla Latte Protein Smoothie

Turn your morning coffee into your morning time meal with this latte recipe! This smart sip is packed with protein, fiber and probiotics for a nutritious breakfast that fuels your day. Blend up this six-ingredient shake and enjoy a refreshing, energizing beverage that fits into your weight loss meal plan. It clocks in at just 176 calories and counts as one PowerFuel and one Extra on Nutrisystem. Click here for the full recipe! >

The post Does Coffee Boost Metabolism? The Benefits of Coffee for Weight Loss (Plus Recipes!) appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf https://ift.tt/3n22BJa

Tantrum Tuesday - The Day to Rant!

I Rant, Therefore I Am

Well bla-de-da-da! What's making your blood boil? What's under your skin? What's making you see red? What's up in your craw? Let's hear your weight loss related rants!

The rant post is a /u/bladedada production.

Please consider saving your next rant for this weekly thread every Tuesday.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3lxVZ6Y


I need to lose 50 pounds ASAP for surgery; any suggestions? I’m at a standstill! I’m over 400 pounds, closer to 450 but not at 500. I’m 5’3 I just need something easy and simple to follow!
Everything hurts! Just to walk 1 minute my back gets stiff! I just I don’t know what to do other than roll over and die! I been fat all my life! I take antidepressants weight loss pills and nothing works! I just want to give up! I don’t want the weight to kill me but I’m scared it will because I haven’t lost enough for the Bariactric surgery! I feel like my doctors don’t understands. The most I’ve done is lose 7 pounds in the last 4 months. My next way in is on thursday and I’m scared! I just want to be making progress! Life is passing me by!

I am young and I just want to life my life sigh!

submitted by /u/KookyAlternative8
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3lz73AN

Do you guys think that calling ourselves big or heavy is being dishonest to ourselves?

You always see posts everywhere where people say “i’m a bigger person” or “i’m on the heavier side” as opposed to saying “I’m fat”. Do you guys think it’s being dishonest to yourself? I don’t know about others but what helped me was just honestly realizing that I was fat and obese and not just “healthy” (as my parents kept calling it) or “big boned” (a la Cartman). Back then I didn't realize how fat I actually was because people around me just called me a healthier kid or a bigger kid. That caused me to be a bit delusional for decades. What woke me up was when I saw myself in the mirror one time and realized how disgustingly fat I actually was and not just "big". I think it's part of the mental aspect of weight loss. I found it important to be truly honest with myself even if it hurt. It's even helping me to not go past a certain weight because I don't want to physically see myself as fat anymore. I feel like being honest with ourselves helps more when it comes to our journey. The mental aspect of it is the hardest part.

Maybe people who are susceptible to emotional eating prefer to not call themselves fat because it kinda stings and they become depressed and then binge eat again? Maybe my perspective is just wrong but I would like to understand your view on it. I am still 10kg away from my goal weight and still consider myself fat.

submitted by /u/SirHovaOfBrooklyn
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/30mR54N