For reference, I'm 23 m and 6' tall. I started out at around 250 lbs, went down to 145 several years ago, and am now at 170 and much more muscular after hitting the gym hard for the past few years.
When I was first losing the weight and started getting into the normal range, I was disappointed that I didn't look like a 'normal' person at that weight (that is, someone who had never been overweight, sorry can't think of a better way to say it). I had a lot of loose skin and had this very saggy and fluffy look, which people at my height and weight who had never been overweight didn't have it. It was a very clear difference. I told myself that it was just because I had still had a high body fat % because I didn't have a lot of muscle, so I switched from /r/loseit to /r/gainit and got to work building muscle.
Years later, and now I am much more fit and muscular, have a lower body fat %… and random people who see me shirtless (eg at the pool or whatever) still ask me about the weight loss because it's obvious that I used to be fat. I still have that saggy/fluffy look, and I still look totally different from people with similar body compositions who were never fat. Despite all the work that I've put in, I still look bad with my shirt off. And I can't keep telling myself that I just need to do one more thing and then it'll get fixed; it's clear to me now that I'm just always going to look like this.
This has honestly destroyed my confidence. I felt better about my body when I weighed 250 and had no muscle than I do. I actually never had a big problem taking my shirt off at the beach when I was fat, but now I do! I have been really really upset lately about the fact that I'll never have a "normal" looking body, and have had a very hard time accepting this. I could write about this at much greater length but I think it would just sound the same as this. It's really hard to realize that, after all the progress, there are just some fundamental limitations that you cannot overcome (I am not willing to consider surgery). I would appreciate advice from anyone, especially anyone who's come to terms with this themself, or just some cheering up. Thanks
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from loseit - Lose the Fat