Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Becoming obsessed with my changing body in a good way!

For a backstory I started this journey after a bad breakup and been at it for 3.5 months now. I've lost 50 lbs during that time and I'm far from being done with it. All I can say is while I never hate my body at my heaviest, I didn't like it either. Fitting clothes were getting harder to find and didn't look amazing on me.

Now as of recently I'm starting to slowly see some muscle show up in my shoulders, my pecs a little bit, my arms, I'm getting very very MINIMAL definition, but that's more than when I had none. I'm now catching myself posing and looking at my body in the mirror very often. Noticing change and it's honestly a rewarding and amazing feeling. I've never had a body I was proud of, I'm far from my goal still, but I'm expecting the next 40 lbs will probably show even more than this first 50lbs and I can't wait. Then the final 20 or so will just be huge.

I know it might be hard right now for some of you to think the effort you're putting don't seem to be reflecting the loss showed on the scale, but trust me, I think one day you'll just look at yourself and see the amazing progress you've done and you'll be shocked.

Though I have lost weight during the holiday, I'm on a diet/workout break for the remainder of my vacation and I just can't wait to get back on it. It's a weird thing to describe but as much as I was bummed and depressed about my weight loss probably 1 month ago, this just rejuvenated my hunger to lose more weight. When I look in the mirror I now see the potential there is, I see that the body I've projected to be is more than achievable and that makes me so happy.

Happy weight loss friends. Consistency is key, remember.

submitted by /u/Noktawr
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Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Weight Loss as a South Indian

Hi! Long time lurker here, and started reading the posts here even before I started my weight loss journey. Reading the posts from this subreddit and stepping on the scales after years and seeing 89.7kgs and realizing that I am overweight made me horrified and led me to start on this weight loss journey.

I started my journey in August and I have reached my first goal weight right before New Year. I have lost around 14.5 kgs and I am no longer overweight. I have never felt better or more beautiful in my life. Clothes fit me better, I look younger and I have so much more confidence in myself. However, it isn't easy losing weight as a South Indian who stays with her parents, and where the staple diet is rice and which they insist we eat 3 times a day. So here are some tips and tricks (which worked for me, please don't take it as a formal guideline) for my fellow Indians who are struggling with weight loss.

  • Calorie Counting/Portion Control: It is very difficult to get accurate calorie counts, even in Healthify, especially when some of the foods your parents' cook are available only in your region and doesn't even have a standard name. My idea was to reduce my portions. Instead of eating 3 dosas, I had just 2 for breakfast, two servings to half a serving of rice for lunch, just fruits for dinner, etc.

  • Snacks: We have so many fattening, oily snacks in India. Try to avoid them as much as possible. This is what I believe helped me the most. I stopped having snacks with my evening tea. I have a sweet-tooth, so I still had sugar cravings. I satisfied it by eating a small 5Rs Munch or some other small chocolate.

  • Exercising: This was easy as my grandmother walks at 5AM daily and I started going along with her. I don't know how much it helped me in terms of burning calories, but it helped me set the tone for the rest of the day, by making me feel accomplished right in the morning itself. Currently I am doing C25k and I love it. I also love cycling, and do it if I have energy and time after work.

  • Negotiating with parents: They would want you to eat more rice/rotis, but we know we can't. To console them, fill your plate with the vegetable sides that they cook. Then you'll automatically end up taking less rice, and they would be fine too, as they would see your plate filled. Eat an egg instead of an extra dosa/idli in the mornings. Replacement would work fine for them. In their eyes, volume matters more.

I hope these help at least a few of you all. I am in the second phase of my journey, inching slowly towards my GW2 and I still follow these steps. Weight loss is slower now, but it still works. Good luck to everyone trying to lose their weight and Happy New Year! Also, huge thanks to this sub for being the biggest helping hand in my journey. Finally, sorry for the extremely long post.

submitted by /u/sedsackofpotatoes
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Roadbump in my weight loss journey

Hello team,

So I have spent the last 12 months counting calories, running and lifting weights and have gone from 250lbs, down to 163lbs. I am a 27 year old male at 5foot 5. It has been a very rewarding experience and one that I have not regretted from day 1.

I now count calories on a daily basis and it’s a part of my life, I have become obsessed with making sure I am either eating maintenance, or eating in a deficit.

I am currently at an all inclusive resort in Mexico for the next 12 days, and I am having a VERY hard time. I am finding it next to impossible to count my calories and am finding for the first time in 12 months that I am being derailed from what my goals were and the lifestyle change I adopted over the last year.

I know once I’m home, I will be 100% dedicated to the regime I had before my vacation. This trip won’t derail me for good. But I know I will gain weight this trip for the first time in 12 months….

Any suggestions? Do I just accept where I am at and work at losing all the weight I gain once I get home? I just need some people who may have experienced the same thing as me, or have any suggestions to help me.

Thanks for your time guys,

submitted by /u/Noodlesjr32
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Vent- Comments from family

To preface I am 27/F/5’4/226lbs just two weeks ago I was 233lbs and I am 8 months pp. In 2018 I went from 210 > 160, so this isn’t my first weight loss rodeo.

The issue is now we are stuck living with my family due to an unforeseen housing issue for a little while. Right now my parents are on the keto diet and have done very well and have been pushing me to do keto- just isn’t what I want to do right now. My focus is more on IF and CICO and just in general trying to make better choices.

However, every time I eat it feels like there’s some sort of comment “You drink too much pop” - it’s Coke Zero which they also drink, so I get comments like these. Now the big issue I had are from today and yesterday.

Yesterday after I had finish fasting I made myself breakfast with lox salmon, an egg, a bagel and turkey soup with cauliflower rice. After that I decided to eat two cookies and 4 hours later I had 2 chocolates. However, yesterday my stomach was in so much pain right in the morning before I ate and then I realized it was my period. I made a comment about asking for help to watch the baby as I had to run to the washroom and when I came back I let my mom know that the pain was from the period.

But she said back to me “No it’s from the sweets you ate/lay off the sweets”- it was two small cookies and two chocolates? My stomach was hurting before I even ate them! And continued to hurt way after I had eaten.

Now today I blew up- I had ordered a sashimi salad, and decided to mix it with a bag of ice berg lettuce my sister had got me that had some other veggies in it and added cucumber and nutritional yeast. This was a big salad in a big bowl- volume eating.

Well the comments started right away with tones and dirty looks. “That’s way too much” “She’s done this before with another bag of salad”. I explained that I was volume eating this salad and my sister defended me, but my mom said “Your uncle ate a lot like that and you’re just going to train your stomach to hold more”. My uncle eats a lot of pulled pork, ribs, corn bread, 2l pops.

I finally said “ I don’t talk about your weight or diet or food, please don’t talk about mine it’s rude “. All they said was “Don’t bring it up then and stop talking about it”. I wasn’t even the one who said anything to begin with.

/end rant :(

submitted by /u/Fine_Bit_1439
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Failure after failure with weight loss 😢

Hello everyone, First I want to say that I love reading all the motivational posts and helping others with their weight loss. I have been dreading posting here and asking for help because I feel like I should already know how to kickstart my weight loss due to the fact I have failed miserably in the past. I’m here to ask for some guidance and advice from people who have been obese and dealing with bad health conditions.

I have uncontrollable high blood pressure and I take 3 pills to try and control it. I track my calories, macros, and water intake. The problem I have is the exercise portion. My wife and I are both 250lbs + and I have been trying to get my wife to exercise with me and start walking, or start going to the gym or anything. I guess I feel like I have to get her to exercise with me or I won’t exercise.

Has anyone had similar experiences? How do I just kick my ass into gear and start working out for me and my health rather than slowly dying while I try to convince my wife to join me? Please be a little respectful, I know I need help… that’s why I’m reaching out to this sub.

Thank you.

submitted by /u/BxL_L3G3ND
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Trying to find a specific weight loss / lifestyle YouTuber who inspired me… goth girl with black hair? Other recommendations are helpful too

I remember really enjoying her videos but even with my best efforts can’t find them again.

While I’m here asking- any other recommendations for weight loss / healthy lifestyle YouTubers who are alt / quirky women? I have a hard time with a lot of these accounts feeling similar or just not people I relate to so any recommendations of women with great content who are younger, and have alternative style (punk / goth / etc) or tattoos etc.

Thank you so much for any guesses or other recommendations!

submitted by /u/Iris_bunches
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Transition to pregnancy

Ladies - how did you transition from weight loss to pregnancy? I have lost 50 pounds since my daughter was born last September and am now below my pre-pregnancy weight. I wanted to lose another 15 pounds but we are now expecting our second child. How did you mentally transition out of “weight loss mode”? I have already verified how many calories I need to consume now, but I want a much healthier pregnancy than last time and don’t quite know how to do that.

submitted by /u/Done-By-Hand
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