Friday, December 31, 2021

Lower belly sticks out so much but overall I'm quite skinny


I really hope this is not a silly question, I am just someone who knows nothing about weight loss and has never successfully lost weight (IK it's funny I'm posting this on New Year's Eve). I'm 21F and I'm around 60kg and am 5'3 tall, I'm quite thin overall but my lower tummy sticks out so much and it seems no matter how much I diet it never really decreases. Does literally anyone have any ideas on how to help me?

Thank you!

submitted by /u/sunny7055
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

New Year, New You! Lose the Weight with Nutrisystem

Happy YOU Year! Now’s the time to lose the weight and become your healthiest self. Whether you have significant weight to lose or just want to shed a few pesky pounds that showed up over the holidays, the new year is a great time to tackle your weight loss goals. Nothing says clean slate like tossing last year’s calendar in the trash and hanging up a brand new one.

But if you’re like most people, setting a goal and putting a plan into motion are two very different things. Even for those who get off to a good start, life can end up getting in the way. For a weight loss resolution, that could mean finding yourself reverting back to old eating habits or skipping workout sessions. Without structure and support, it can be really hard to keep working toward those healthy living goals.

Trust us; we get it. Here’s the good news: The Nutrisystem weight loss program was designed for people like you–people who want to lose weight but aren’t exactly sure the best way to go about doing it.

10 Healthy New Year’s Resolutions You’ll Actually Keep

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With Nutrisystem, you’ll be set up for success from day one. Research suggests that eating smaller, balanced meals throughout the day promotes greater weight loss and maintenance. On the Nutrisystem weight loss program, you’ll be doing just that. You’ll be eating a variety of guilt-free, nutrient-dense foods every two to three hours. Enjoy a mix of Nutrisystem breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snacks along with some of your favorite grocery add-ins like fruits and veggies.

And because we know that any weight loss meal plan that’s overly restrictive is bound to fail, we’ve also built Flex meals into our program. These are healthy meals you prepare at home (with our guidance!) or order while dining out. Flex meals give you the freedom you crave while keeping you moving along toward your weight loss goals.

Ready to start the clock? Click here to sign up today! >

5 Reasons Nutrisystem is the Best Diet Plan to Become Your Best You

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Want a little more info before you take the pound-trimming plunge? Here’s everything you need to know about losing weight with Nutrisystem:

What You Get

lose the weight

We know how eager you are to see results after starting a weight loss program. That’s why we include our One-Week Reboot in your first shipment. This is a low-calorie meal plan for your first week on the program and is formulated to deliver fast weight loss results.*

  • You will receive a specially designed guide to help maximize your weight loss.
  • During your first week, you will eat Nutrisystem® breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snacks for all seven days.
  • You will receive seven Nutrisystem® shakes to use as your morning snack during this first week. These delicious shakes feature 15 g of protein to keep you feeling full and satisfied. Plus, Vitamin D to support immune health and Chromax® chromium picolinate to help reduce body fat and support lean body mass.**

In addition to this first week meal plan, your shipment will include your Nutrisystem meals and snacks for the remainder of the month. If you selected our Basic package, you’ll enjoy our ready-to-go menu. If you opted for one of our other packages, your shipment will include top-rated frozen foods.

You’ll also have access to our awesome weight loss app, NuMi. NuMi is the perfect companion to your weight loss program since you can use it to track what you’re eating, how much you’re moving, how much water you’re drinking and more. And don’t forget to follow our Facebook and Instagram pages! We offer up tons of tips and tricks for navigating the program plus awesome giveaways and exclusive offers.

Of course, you’ll also want to check back here daily since The Leaf is your healthy hub! We are always adding fresh content, Flex meal recipes and fool-proof tips for making the most of your Nutrisystem weight loss program.

What You Do

lose the weight

During your first week, we keep it super simple. You will enjoy Nutrisystem meals and snacks each day. The Nutrisystem shakes will be your morning snack during this first week. The only things that you will have to add are non-starchy vegetables and water.

This first week includes Nutrisystem meals, snacks and shakes each day. Every food item is color-coded so you know if it’s intended for breakfast, lunch, dinner or snack.

Once you’ve completed your first week (congrats!), you will continue losing weight in week two and beyond while enjoying Nutrisystem meals and snacks. You’ll also start to add in some of your favorite grocery foods (think fruits, veggies, nuts and nut butters, eggs, etc.). Plus, you’ll get to enjoy Flex meals–healthy meals you enjoy cooking at home or ordering out at your favorite restaurant. Don’t worry, we will give you all the guidance you need to make smart and healthy selections. That’s what our weight loss blog, The Leaf, is for! And get this; you can even relax with a glass of wine while on the Nutrisystem weight loss program.

Alcohol on Nutrisystem: Everything You Need to Know

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Does it Work?

lose the weight

One look at all of our awesome Success Stories and you’ll know; Nutrisystem works. And not in the quick fix, crash diet kind of way. Our customers tell us all the time that they love Nutrisystem because it’s a sustainable lifestyle after you lose the weight. Even when they’re ready for life after our weight loss program, they are successful because they’ve mastered the skills they need to eat healthy for life.

Are you ready to become our next weight loss success story? Click here to sign up for Nutrisystem today! >

*Results vary based on starting weight and program adherence.

*IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Continuing this meal plan for more than one week in any consecutive four-week period may lead to health complications and is not recommended. If you have diabetes, are under 18 years of age, are pregnant or a nursing mother, or are following a specialized diet for health issues, you may not use this meal plan. Please consult with your physician before beginning Your First Week on Nutrisystem or any other weight loss program. Please be sure to eat all of the food that’s recommended for this program. Failure to follow the program protocol and eat all recommended food may result in developing health complications.

**As part of a healthy diet and exercise program.

The post New Year, New You! Lose the Weight with Nutrisystem appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

How to Enjoy New Year’s Without Falling Off Track

For many, New Year’s Eve is code for slim-down sabotage. Between the celebratory spread, the bounty of adult beverages and the late night curfew, it’s no wonder so many people vow to jumpstart their diets the very next day. But you can still ring in the New Year without packing on the pounds. Here’s how:


Stick to your normally scheduled mealtimes, and don’t “save room.” Showing up for a party ravenous is a fast-pass to diet failure. Eat your meals as you would on any other day and don’t forget to drink your water—it can help you feel fuller and slow down your noshing. If you feel like you have to eat once the festivities begin, pile your plate with raw veggies and fresh fruit. Remember, if you’re on Nutrisystem, we don’t recommend drinking alcohol—especially since it can cause your willpower to wane. If you decide to break the rules tonight, opt for one light beer or small glass of wine, then switch to seltzer with lime or mix it up with a festive mocktail.

Bring a Healthy Appetizer

Ever head to a party with the best of intentions, only to find there isn’t a single healthy option available? Take the guesswork out of the equation by arriving with your own guilt-free dish. Offer to bring a big salad, fruit tray or some healthy appetizers. Or be the healthy hit of your party with these fun and simple skewer recipes. The hostess will thank you—and so will your waistline.

Exercise Before You Go

You know it burns calories. But did you know it may also keep you from overeating? A study, published in 2009 in the American Journal of Physiology, revealed that vigorous exercise may suppress a key hunger hormone for up to 30 minutes after workouts and can increase the levels of a key appetite-suppressing hormone for as long as three hours after exercise. Plus, exercising may play a role in what you put on your plate. A 2013 study, published in the journal Neuroreport, revealed that participants who exercised craved healthier foods, like fiber-rich beans and veggies rather than those packed with refined sugar, like cookies, cakes and other sweet treats. The natural mood-boosting effects of exercise may also keep you feeling so content, you won’t feel the need to dive into all the diet destruction at your disposal.

Pay Attention

Practice mindfulness: hone in on why you’re eating and always give your body time to tell you it’s full. In a study, published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, researchers found that people who ate more mindfully weighed less than those who reported eating when not hungry or in response to anxiety or depression.

Go Ahead, Wear THAT Dress

You know the one—it fits like a glove and doesn’t leave much room for overindulging. Although there isn’t much science to back this one up, we all know what happens when the elastic waistbands come out. Wearing something snug may just be the thing to help you skip seconds.

The post How to Enjoy New Year’s Without Falling Off Track appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

Looking for accountability / support - recommendations?

Hi everyone! I’m asking to see if any of you find people know of a service or group where I can get extra personal support to help me on my health journey.

I’m willing to pay and want someone who can like check my food dairy and talk to me about it once a week for a couple of months.

Part therapist, part dietitian?

I’m realizing I cope with food. I know what to eat, but it’s the comfort I get from food that is holding me back. I’ll get stressed out and eat five mini peanut butter cups. I do that every other day and all the sudden I’m eating like 800 calories of candy a day.

I have a baby, and I’m seriously motivated since having her. But with my limited time and brain power I help figuring out what to do and have encouragement along the way.

I’ve tried WW, noom, my fitness pal, etc on and off for years. None of it is enough help and I think having someone to talk to (or a group of people) would be so helpful.

Should I look into a food oriented therapist? Medical weight loss program? Dietitian? I don’t know where to start.


submitted by /u/queenofquac
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Weird visit to the doctor on weight loss

Hi. I just came back from a visit to the doctor 30 mins ago. I have been obese for 3-4 years now due to weight gain. I was fit and active previously. I basically just let myself go when I buried myself in my job.

So currently I weigh 108.5kg and I’m 1.65m tall. BMI is around 39. So yeah obese. I tried almost everything but this post is more about my visit to the doctor.

So someone suggested I visit the doctor for medical advice because I got a little frustrated with the results I’ve gotten. I always lose few kg then pile even more. So I read a lot of good reviews for this clinic and the doctor specialises in weight loss.

After the nurse took my height, weight and blood pressure, I went to see the doctor. He asked me what’s the story, how did I gain weight, how did it happen and since when. I do not remember the details like which year my weight ballooned so of course I was not able to be precise but I know for sure I was fat then I lost weight then I became obese till now. So I shared with him that I lose weight when I didn’t eat much and was busy with work 10 years ago and then started to pile on the weight after I got a promotion and then find it really hard to lose all that weight. I told him I’ve tried everything from IF, AMAD, water fasting, cc, gym, walk an hour a day, keto etc. They worked but I always gain the weight back after a month.

He asked me these:

1) how much water do you drink? 2) what do you work as?

He then attributed to my weight gain to my water intake. I drink mainly water and teh with milk. He said the reason I’m fat is because I have 90L(30 days X 3L) of water in me but only max 1.5L can go out as urine.

He then for some reason asked me if I realised and know why chinese and Indian population are more aggressive when it comes to career. I was pretty much stunned when he was asking all these so I did not say a word but just looked at him. I practically told him the reason I was eating so much was cos I was flying all the time due to my position as a regional post so I don’t know what he was insinuating that my race was a bunch of lazy fat people who have no drive?

I then asked him what was wrong with drinking 1L-3L of mineral water per day? He said runners, soldiers or mothers during confinement drink isotonic drinks or Milo but not water. He then advised me to drink anything but not water. So I asked him, you mean it’s better for me to drink Pepsi or coke than Ice Mountain mineral water? He said yes. He also continued to say, do you realise when people drink Pepsi they have more energy? I said yeah cos they’re hyped up on sugar. He then replied, so? I was so weirded out by the whole thing. It’s as though what I’ve been reading was dead wrong or he was just spouting something from air. But he’s a doctor. Then I said how about diabetes then? He asked me how does one get diabetes? I replied from consuming a lot of sugar which then affect their insulin. He then say it’s when their insulin does not work, not about sugar... he then wrote down few things to stay away: soy, oat, Pokka tea and fruits. He then told me my body is damaged but my energy level is high. He gave me a bunch of medicine(3 types of pills)to eat and I should see results in a month. He asked to come back in a month to check the results. If it doesn’t work, he will give me a jab of vitamin D??

I left the room 240 bucks poorer and feeling totally annoyed and weirded out. So have all the stuff I read about drinking more water and less soda is all a fad? What was the point of the race discrimination?

submitted by /u/imsleepyalways
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Leftovers, losing weight and getting back on track

It's the same story that's probably been told ever since weight loss and Christmas was first introduced. And this is probably more than statements than questions, but I need to get the questions out somewhere.

So the diet has taken a back seat over the festive period (read since early December). There's almost 100% an element of self sabotage to deal with, plus the long standing argument with myself over "it's not a diet, its a change in lifestyle". My parents used to fill the house with all manner of treats, collected piecemeal from weekly shops and hamper gifts, so in fairness to myself, I don't buy in much "festive" treats and generally have plans for most of it rather than it being there for the sake of it.

But inevitably, there is always some left over, where either no-one felt like pudding after all or just generally purchasing too much. I've actually started to get on track (today) and honestly half the reason for writing this is just to try and resist the call of the yule log from the table. I'm not even hungry. (and its not even 11:00). What do you do with this food - do you just unceremoniously bin it all, try and eat it in within your plan, insist it on other members of your family? Food banks would be the obvious option for the unopened stuff, but not the 2/3 handfuls of leftover quality there is an element just because its a food bank doesn't mean they have to take your unwanted festive food and be grateful for it.

I'm mostly annoyed at myself, but trying not to beat myself up which just leads to feeling like it's pointless trying, not bothering (and starting the whole sorry cycle again). TBH, it's not even the food itself, I'm just sick of this cycle of doing well, "something" happens (positive or negative), back off track for weeks, hating myself, dragging out the motivation again, and back to "doing well".

submitted by /u/nikky0x
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Being constantly cold

Hey everyone ! i'm currently halfway through my weight lost journey (10kg - 22pounds down, yay!). I can feel several changes, but the most obvious one by far is that i'm almost constantly shaking and shivering whilst people around me aren't.

However, i've also moved to another country for college. Where I'm from, winters are extremely dry, but here, they're pretty humid.

Since i don't feel like i've lost that much weight, i've been wondering if it's really the weight loss that's making me cold rather than the change of environment.

Is anyone having a similar experience?

submitted by /u/Phobos_Cress
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from loseit - Lose the Fat