Friday, February 18, 2022

Not sure where to go from here

I've been trying to lose weight for a while now and have made v little to no progress. I signed up for fitness classes and have been going sort of consistently (I go 3 times a week usually but not on a regular schedule so my gymming schedule is all over the place). I can definitely see progress in my fitness level since I can run for longer now (used to have the worst endurance on earth!) and I can definitely feel my ab and arm muscles forming. However, the scale is not budging. I just can't seem to get my eating under control. I have good days where I'm pretty good about my CICO, but then the last few days I just went ham and started binge eating.

I think the small change in my lifestyle like going to exercise 3x a week was a good addition to my life, but I'm a little frustrated by my eating habits. I think that is my biggest adversary in this weight loss journey. I'm pretty happy with the gym progress that I can see and feel, but I'm not sure where I should take it from here in terms of losing weight. Should I just keep trying to do CICO? Try something else? I'm just getting a little frustrated with myself and wanted to know what suggestions people might have!

submitted by /u/Small_Molasses_8345
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Does anyone know at what point the groin fat disappears.

Hello everyone I am new to the subreddit. I am about 1/3 of the way through my weight loss. I hope this topic isn't too inappropriate (I am not going to any explicit details so don't worry)


Anyways I just wanted to talk about the 'pubic' fat that tends to 'visually' cover my privates at its base. I've noticed that the super-fit male actors in pornography tend to have verrrrry minimal fat around their groin so that everything 'shows out'. I think losing my groin fat will add layers to self-esteem and motivate me even further to straighten my body out.

So far I have lost fat around my face and upper body, I don't I've lost too much from my lower belly area. Now I am kind of wondering that I may never lose the groin fat at all :(

I'd like some good motivating stories/experiences from other people on here!.

submitted by /u/Pokemonthrowawayy111
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I joined the gym but too scared to go.

Hi everyone.

I recently decided to join a gym to help concur my weight loss. I currently tip the scales at 360lbs ( not my heaviest weight) and I’m genuinely really nervous about going to the gym. I suffer with anxiety and have done for most of my life.

I did go to the gym a few years back when I wasn’t as heavy and I enjoyed going. I got into a little routine and it was great but now the thought of me going makes me feel sick.

Maybe I’m worried in case people point and laugh at me or I break some of the equipment I don’t know what it is anyway maybe I need to be told to man up. I’m going to try and go tonight.

I really want to lose this weight.

Thanks for reading.

submitted by /u/SirNoots92
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My first 10lb down and some significant nsv too!!

At the start of febuary I made a choice to not be a stay at home spouse and to enlist (more money to spoil my dog and project cars) I started counting calories not to start a deficit but to see where i was at, i had been eating over 1500 in one meal!!! I started intermitten fasting and was suprised at how easy it was for my lifestyle! I dont see the weight loss yet but... I ran my fastest 10 minutes (0.83 of a mile!) No longer out of breath walking my dog I wore a skirt out for the first time!

10lb isnt a lot (i need to lose about 50 for basic) but i already feel the change and im now kicking myself for letting myself get obese.

Thank you guys for the amazing advice here! Best of luck with your journeys!!

submitted by /u/Negative-Butterfly65
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Lost 50% of my body weight (seeking maintenance advice)

So as of yesterday I'm officially half of what I used to be. It took me 22 months, first 6 was really where the most changes happened and then slowly with a few hiccups. Anyways, I am looking for maintenance/ toning advice. My progress is mainly due to diet.

For weight loss: F20, 5"3, 110lbs, -1300kcal, mostly sedentary during the week + around 2hrs/week cycling + around 16 hrs/ week waiting tables

Now with all that I was losing weight (not persistent as in nothing, nothing, boom 4 lbs down) The question is how do I change to maintenance? Should I start at 1500 for a week and see how it goes or perhaps jump straight to 1700? Or maybe something else? I've been on the diet so long I don't want to just "drop" the calories counting just yet, I also don't really have time for gym to tone but would appreciate something I could do at home.

Thank you in advance, x

submitted by /u/Specific-Environment
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I’m down ~80lbs… and I’m stuck

Hi everyone. I’m in need of some encouragement. From Feb 2020-April 2021, I went from approx. 230 lbs to 150 lbs, but I’ve been stuck there ever since (+/- 5-7 lbs).

My original motivation for weight loss was to lower my BMI in order to qualify for breast reduction through my insurance. I did it, and last November, I got my reduction. Couldn’t have been more thrilled!

The problem is, as soon as I hit the target BMI threshold, I stopped losing. I can’t seem to push myself any further, even though I still “feel” like I’m dieting.

Even though I am much more comfortable and confident now (in my appearance, which has no small part to do with how I perceive I am treated by others), I’m not happy. I literally had a dream the other night where someone told me that if I lost another 20 lbs, I’d look great – and it’s true, of course.

I’ve recently started taking Orangetheory classes, but the problem is with the kitchen. It’s getting harder and harder for me to feel satisfied enough to have the self control to stop eating large portions and snacking.

If anyone has been in a similar position and has any words of advice or encouragement or a story of how you overcame it, I’d really appreciate it.

submitted by /u/0-90195
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

For people new on this sub and in the beginning of their CICO journey, PLEASE understand there is a lot more to CICO than you think there is.

This subreddit is a huge proponent of CICO, and for a good reason. CICO is scientifically accurate, it paints a very easy picture when it comes to understanding weight loss. and it is generally the first step to get started.

However there is a lot more when it comes to CICO, particularly the CO part of CICO. When I first started my weight loss journey 4 years ago, I thought CICO was just Cal In Cal Out. I thought the CO part (other then exercise) was the standard number of calories my body would exhume REGARDLESS of what my CI was. For 4 years it went like this, I would restrict calories for 1-2 weeks, lose around 70000 calories and be happy. Then it would happen, the inevitable of an eating disorder. I would feel extreme hunger, extreme cravings, terrible desperation and I would binge and eat 7000 - 10000 calories in one or two days.

Once my binge was completed, the dread would set in. I lose 7000 calories in 2 weeks, and ate 10,000 in 2 days. Meaning I lose no weight, I negated everything. All my efforts for the past 2 weeks were worthless. Money on expensive protein and fibre to fill me up all gone down the drain. This feeling was terrible it would spiral me into sadness. I stopped counting calories, stopped weighing myself, went back to my overeating until a few months had passed and I was ready to start again. I told myself this time was different, this time I would not binge. But I binged, again. This cycle continued for 4 years.

This year, I was ready to start again. Except I heard a quote that struck me, "Doing the same over and over again and expecting something to change is the definition of insanity." I decided this time, WHEN I binge, I will continue recording my weight and calories to see what happened. Naturally, for as long as I could I put off my binge. Infact at 2 weeks binge free I genuinely thought maybe I was stronger now and I could actually put the binge off.

I am an obese person with an eating disorder. So I binged. 7000 calories in 2 days. Initially, the same dread of failing filled me up. I binged more, and more and felt worse and worse. I lost track at some point but all my binges combined were somewhere around 15,000 cals. Around 4 pounds, to recap I had lose 2 pounds the week before. When I finally checked myself on the scale, the numbers didn't lie. I had gained 4 pounds. Usually at this point in my life, I quit restricting, quit counting, quit weighing, all because the knowledge of negating what I did made me feel like a failure. This time however, I told myself I would counting calories post binge. For upto 4 days, I ate my baseline tdee around 2000k. On the 5th day, I went back to 1200-1500 cal restricting. The next morning, I did a giant dump. And I mean GIANT dump. I lost 1.5 pounds in the dump alone. For the next 2 days, I did my normal restricting at 1500 cals. I lose 2.5 pounds within those 2 days. 4 pounds in total.

The feeling of dread I had was gone, I felt so happy. The realization that my efforts the week before did not get negated, was the only thing I needed to not give up. For the first time in my life I did not give up.

My point of this post is, when people are new to this sub and to weight loss, they instantly get tunnel vision of my CICO. This results in entering the terrible cycle I entered for 4 years. Folks, it is NOT all math. I mean yes, the very underlying physiology is all math, please do not come at me for that. But the CO part of CICO is SOOOO much more complicated then you think it is. Your body will hurt you by trying to hang on to as many calories as it can, but once it knows that you, it's hooman soul, is safe and not devoid of food, it will "Calorie Out" those extra calories as soon as it can. I'm not a nutritionist so I can't go much into it, but I will link a very good video that helped me understand. This video basically explains that CO part of CICO being so much more complicated than many things it is.

tl;dr you did NOT negate anything you did when you binged/overate. Go back on your restricting the next day, and it will fix itself in your poops and your energy expenditure. You did not fail. Let your body decide the math, not your brain.

DISCLAIMER: I know for a lot this is common knowledge, but for new obese people with ED, who get tunneled vision about CICO, who constantly fail at CICO and cannot lose weight, this is for YOU friend.

submitted by /u/starberryic
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from loseit - Lose the Fat