Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Does anyone else eat so many veggies now that they deal with terrible gas? What do I do? Bean-o isn't cutting it lol.

I'm about 9 months into my weight loss journey, down 77 pounds so far.

I've never been vegetable-averse, but I definitely eat more veggies now than I ever have. Whether to bulk out my daily lunches or to eat a large dinner without breaking the ol' calorie bank, I eat a ton of veggies per day.

Ad ohhh my God the gas is unbearable. Only once or twice has it actually caused painful gas or bloating due to overloading undercooked cruciferous veggies in a day (brussels sprouts, broccoli, and cabbage) but I would estimate that I have nearly constant stinky farts on 6/7 days. It's embarrassing and gross.

What gives? Do I need more fiber? Less? Do I just need to accept that maybe I can't bulk out meals with veggies as much as I'd like? What the actual hell do vegans and vegetarians do? And before anyone asks, no, it's not due to dairy or gluten intolerance. I eat very little gluten with rare exceptions, and my only dairy consumption is limited to sources that are already low-lactose or lactose-free.

Any help is appreciated.

submitted by /u/LandonTheFish
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Embarrassed to workout

I've been struggling with my weight for almost half my life, I remember crying at the age of 10 about being "ugly" and "fat". I'm now 19 and at the heaviest I've ever been (242lbs at 5'7) Mid 2020 I got an elliptical with the intention of using it almost daily to help with my weight loss goals. The only issue is I'm embarrassed to use it. It's in my room, but to get to my room I have to walk past my mom's room, my mom works from home and almost always keeps her door open. Having to walk past her fills me with dread and humiliation. And I know it shouldn't, I know working out isn't embarrassing, and I know my mom not only doesn't care that I'm working out but is proud of me for doing so. So why do I find it so humiliating? I can't get over it, and because of this, there are times when I go weeks without exercising.

submitted by /u/RNannabella
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/BNDOJEl

Monday, April 4, 2022

Ruining my weight loss progress and I don't know why

There's a lot to unpack here.

I'm 5'7 and 156 pounds. I was 167 pounds in Jan 2022. I saw transformation videos on tiktok and couldn't help but feel like garbage for letting myself go. So, I started a calorie deficit and weight trained 3-4x a week. I lost about 10-11 pounds so far. Do I feel like I did? No. Do people say I look more toned? Yes. Do clothes fit better on me? somehwat but I still feel uncomfortable with my body.

Back story, in 2018, I lost all my weight. I was 140. I had the best body... it was perfect. Flat stomach, toned big glutes, toned body all around. Clothes fit perfect. I actually loved my body. I achieved it through a very STRICT diet. I refused to eat anything from outside except maybe once or twice a month. I wouldn't touch proceesed foods. It was "healthy" but it was unsustainable. I gained all my weight back. I became the heaviest I've ever been on Jan 2022 (167 pounds). I am in law school so I stress eat...especially during exams.

Now that I am taking more flexible apporach (1500-1600 calories, high protein diet, working out), I feel better. However, recently I've been feeling helpless. I compare myself to my 2018 body and feel anger towards myself. I also this week couldn't control my cravings. I ate for nearly 7 days outside of my caloric deficit - burgers, mcdonalds, candies, chocolate (oh the chocolate). I don't know if it is because I am about to get my period or because exam time is coming around.

It also makes me very anxious because my family has always criticized my weight. my mom told me to get blood work done because with the "way i eat, i should be down to 110 pounds" so I must have a "disease". They constantly point out how fat I am. It kills me inside. I want to be fit. I want to be healthy. However, I feel like I will never get there unless I behave the way I did in 2018. I'll be honest, to an average person, I have a nice body (I mainly have a stomach and a little bit of back fat). If I wear leggings and a hoodie, nobody can tell. but i can tell. I see it everyday. I feel like I am nearing obesity at times (I know it's probably BDD) but eating bad doesn't help.

I can't help but feel really depressed and hopeless right now - I am literally getting back to my old habits. I was wondering if anyone wanted to comment or share their journey.

submitted by /u/Ok_Environment_4110
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2VuEeTv

100 pounds lost!

Y’all, 14 months after this journey began I am down ONE HUNDRED POUNDS!!!!

5’2” female 35 years old. SW- 248. CW-148. GW-136? Maybe?

My motivation: After both my parents were diagnosed within weeks of each of diabetes, I knew my turn was coming. I have seen some really awful diabetes related complications of family members. There’s no guarantees in life, but if I can prevent some of that, I’m going to.

Secondly, I’ve got two little kids. It was hard to get in and out of the floor to play with them. I want to play with my kids, damnit!

How? Step 1, I had to address the mental health part. I have anxiety and I resisted meds for a long time. Meds have been incredibly helpful for me.

Then, I had to get my head right. I’d been working on this step for a long time. Thanks to this community, I have learned so much and had so many great paradigm shifts… helping me be ok with slow weight loss, helping me manage my expectations, working towards sustainable change rather than I must lose it all by a certain day. Life changing.

Thank you so much for sharing your stories, your progress photos, your advice and knowledge…. It’s shown me what’s possible- I wouldn’t have had the same success without it.

Step 3- CICO. Logged my calories, if I didn’t know for sure I made my best guess, made choices based on my calorie budget. And did you know, you aren’t limited to 1200 or 1500 calories??? Until this sub, I had no idea. Again, life changing.
The amount of calories I’ve eaten have changed as I’ve lost weight.

Got an Apple Watch - established baseline data of how much I typically walk in a day so I could set goals. No real exercise other than just trying to be active more throughout the day and walks when I can. My goals have to be sustainable and I’m not in a place in my life where I can dedicate 45 consecutive minutes to exercise most days. I hope as my kids get older I can improve in this area.

I’ve logged my weight every day and kept a journal of non scale victories. These things have been very helpful for me. (Also the quantitative AND qualitative data makes nerd-me soooo happy!)

I wish I could say I dug deep and used tons of will power and fought tooth and nail for every pound … I have to be honest, I had help. I’ve been taking saxenda and it’s really helped me stay with it. I’m very lucky my insurance covers it, with a reasonable copay. If it’s something you’re looking at- check to see if your insurance will cover it, first, and be aware there is the potential for some gnarly side effects. My side effects weren’t bad at all.

What now? My doctor would like my BMI to be at 25, which for me is 136 pounds. That sounds like a good goal to me. I’m nervous about maintenance… I’ve kind of accepted that logging calories may be a forever thing for me. I also have additional fitness aspirations I am looking forward to working on.

I know I wrote a book here … but it’s been cathartic to reflect on my journey … and hopefully share something that might be helpful for someone else.

submitted by /u/Harmony23446
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/8tYoCT6

Need advice for weight loss during SIBO/gastritis recovery

I am getting married in 3 months and need to lose weight for the wedding. But I have also had a lot of stomach issues for 1 year in which I could not eat most foods. I just recovered 2 months ago and obviously have been eating all the things I could not before. I am worried because I gained 6lbs in 2 months, I dont want to go back to when I was my heaviest. How do I eat healthy and exercise in a way that’s sustainable but that will also allow me to lose enough weight for the wedding? Is this impossible?

submitted by /u/Pertinent-Rabbit
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/PDvMuEl

Partner gaining more weight

So we (20's M and F) both have been trying to lose weight for a long time and I'll be the first to admit that I'm not perfect either. This year has been stressful for us both and he has always been incredibly supportive of me and my weight loss attempts/discussion. But recently I've been getting worried about the direction he's going in.

I am very upfront about my eating issues and talk often about weighing myself, calorie counting, and overeating. He supports me but believes that his issues aren't about overeating. He also isn't really active unless its with me. Overall he seems to prefer when we both do our own thing about weight loss and I know that me talking about my efforts too much stresses him out.

With that context: the last four months he has gained a lot of weight. He already struggles with cardiovascular and respiratory issues. I know he is "trying" but I think he doesn't understand how much he's eating and how little he is active. But I also know it doesn't really help when I talk about it and it just stresses him out.

I love him and I'm attracted to him and I'm committed to our relationship. I also don't want to micromanage his life or worry him. But I can't help but worry about his health.

My current plan: whenever we feel like getting take-out offering to make dinner instead, cooking healthy meals in small portions when its my turn to cook, and to keep inviting him on walks with me. But these are things I've been trying for months already

Please, how to help my partner without becoming controlling or stressing him out? Or should I just chill about his journey, focus on my own, and assume he'll figure it out on his own?

submitted by /u/throwawy4advce
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/dWKBMl7

Lesson: strict cuts and restrictions are NOT FOR ME

I'm getting close to one year since I took my "before" pictures, and have been hovering at having lost around 30 pounds for months, i thought it would be nice to say i lost 50 pounds my first year. So I decided to only eat 1200 calories a day, and work out every week day. This was instead of my usual working out 3 times a week and eating between 1200 and 1700 calories without restrictions.

Long story short, my 1200 calorie weeks coincided with the most stressful week I've had at work in a long time, some wild pms, some family drama, all resulting in the fact that I've been stuffing my face as much as I can. Instead of losing weight I've gained 5 pounds, instead of going to the gym every day I've skipped KB class. Meal prep has flown out the window. Calorie counting? What is that? I've felt like total crap, I'm bloated, I'm squishy, my stomach hurts all the time.

Lesson learned! Strict restrictions may work for some people, but not for me. I have a lot of stress in my daily life and stacking hunger on top of that just makes me a neurotic, snacking, mess. I enjoy going to the gym but I'm not going to force myself to go at 4 in the morning. I might not have the rapid paced incredible weightloss that so many people have, but slow and steady has been working and if it ain't broke don't fix it. I admire people that have great control but I'm not there yet.

So I'm using this post as a little pledge to myself. I'm going to keep going slow and steady, I'm going to be nice to myself, and I'm going to stop giving myself weight loss deadlines. I have an open ended goal, to reach a healthy weight, and as long as I'm working towards that I'm doing okay.

submitted by /u/accioallbugs
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/qc1PjkR