Tuesday, April 12, 2022

When losing weight with a calorie deficit, does it matter what you eat, as long as you are eating in a deficit?

I was just curious because I'm doing a calorie deficit for my weight loss, and while doing so, I was debating on eating a German potato salad for lunch (I was in a rush and got one from a local market).

It wasn't many calories, but the fat in the mayo made me wonder if I should have picked something different. Would I still lose weight, as long as I'm in a calorie deficit? Or should I be completely eating stuff that's healthier?

(I realize that I should be eating healthier stuff anyways, but I was kinda curious with the answer to this question anyways.)

submitted by /u/gisellasaurus
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/FPtiYrB

NSV Shoe size changing

The other day, I was on my way to out, and it was unusually cold where I live. I wore sandals, so I grabbed the only other pair of shoes I found it my car—a pair of slip on leather sneakers (the Madison sneaker from Dr. Scholl’s in case anyone cares/it matters).

What was surprising is that they would not stay on my foot. At all! Felt like they were an entire size and a half too big. I even took them off to make sure they weren’t my roommate’s shoes!

I haven’t worn them in over a year and I distinctly remember how they fit before. Super comfortable, worn in/molded to my feet because of their memory foam soles. Never too big.

Taking it as a good sign, but I guess I just did not expect this. Not sure it’s a full victory, since I likely have to buy new shoes now, but it’s also yet another metric of progress. More than anything else, my supination has been corrected and the only thing I can relate that to is my 50 pound weight loss.

submitted by /u/elem1989
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/aWGAn8N

Maintenance is getting harder - Would love your advice on lazy dinners


I started off at 73.7 kilos in December 2020. Roughly a year later, I was down to 54 kilos. So I lost 20 kilos in just about a year. That's all fine and dandy and I've been maintaining this for 4-5 months now. I was well aware even during my quite successful and fairly easily achieved weight loss, that the hard part wouldn't be losing but it would be maintaining.

Most of my workdays I come off work quite late. Like 7 pm and then I'm home by the time of 8 pm. Lunch is around 2 or 3 PM. I lost the weight purely by focusing on my diet, I didn't exercise, and although I've tried to pick it up I haven't yet. What this means is that I only get to eat 200 more calories per day compared to when I was dieting. It's because I'm petite and sedentary.

The biggest issue for me right now is exhaustion and feeling uninspired after work. I don't really feel like cooking when I get home (live alone). I've been struggling twice these past two weeks. What I did after work was pick up a bag of chips and cookies and eat it all... Yikes. This is why I need to get my shit together and find better solutions.

This ended up being a wall of text but I just wanted to give some background info. What I really wanna know is what you guys in a similar situation as me (no energy to cook late evenings) tend to eat when you get home? It could be something snacky or maybe even a favorite recipe of yours (so I can make extra portions and microwave after work). I strive to eat things that are rich in protein but I also want variety. I used to eat a lot of protein puddings, protein bars and etc in the evenings as dinner but I'm getting sick of it and I just don't want to miss out on vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that real food provides. I really need to come up with good ideas for lazy AF dinners that give at least 15 grams of protein and are between 300-400 calories because that's usually what I have left after breakfast and lunch. My maintenance calories are 1400 calories per day.

Thank you! I know I'm not the only one struggling so I hope we can all inspire each other to get back on track.

submitted by /u/bluebluegreengreen
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/d8jReZs

Here we go! 🙈


This is my millionth time starting with a weight loss journey. I'm sick of feeling depressed about it. I cry myself to bed most days because this has been the root cause of insecurity and low self confidence. I want to force myself to change. I'm 30F, 155cm, 80kg. However, this is my first time trying to post my journey online. I want to see if this kind of accountability works for me. I'm going to be dumping posts everyday here. Apologies if it pisses anyone off 🙈

SW: 80kg GW: 55kg

I will try to check my weight once in 2 weeks so I don't get discouraged if there's no change at all. I really really reaaaallyyy want to keep at it this time around. Wish me luck. 🤞🏼

submitted by /u/nowOrNever2022_f2f
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/EjtQVPU

Win! 🎉

So I generally keep a pretty tight calorie restriction and keep to my macros for my weight loss plan because that's my system and that's the way I want to lose weight. Yesterday though, I baked a whole bunch of cookies for an activity I was helping with and I tasted the dough and had a few cookies (which is a big indulgence for me since I'm doing low carb and I haven't really had a treat like that in months). I didn't worry too much about it because I havent had a single "cheat" day in the past 3 months and I KNOW that one day cannot ruin me or my progress. So I went to my activity and I had dinner and I didn't worry about my calories for the rest of the evening like I usually do. I just paid attention to portions and ate more intuitively.

This morning I went back into MyFitnessPal and decided to estimate my calories from the event just for the heck of it and was EXTREMELY surprised to see that by my estimation, not only did I not eat all that much more than usual for my dinner (maybe 200 cals more than usual at most) but I also didn't eat all that much sweets either and they weren't that many extra calories in my day. I'm a fairly large person still, so my calories for the day (with my activity level) still didn't come up to maintenance calories for the day. It was a nice surprise and honestly made me feel a lot better.

I'm trying to learn good habits for my life as I lose weight right now, and being able to go to events and practice portion control and choosing the healthier options without panicking about entering everything into my manager app right away is really nice. I feel like I'm starting to really get the hang of eating well.

submitted by /u/lambcow
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/kV9jcLH

Not losing weight despite exercise and calorie tracking. Discouraged.

Help: Losing weight while strength training, scale not budging

Hello all,


I am a 23 year old 5'9-5'10 woman who weighs about 170 pounds. I'm fairly new to strength training (about 8 weeks) but have heard a lot about how great it is for fat loss and overall health. I've really enjoyed it so far - I've been using FitnessBlender's Mass program (shoutout to Daniel and Kelli, they've brought me so far already).

Routine: 5 days (2 lower, 2 upper, 1 core) of 30-45 minutes of strength training and 20-25 minutes of cardio (usually Just Dance aerobic/sweat versions of songs), 2 days of flexibility work (yoga, light Pilates, stretching)

Overall lifestyle: I do a good amount of walking as my apartment is about a 15 minute walk away from my law school. I average about 8-9K steps per day, usually hitting 10-11K on workout days. I love to dance and I generally try to incorporate casual dancing in my day just for fun.

Apple Watch: My active goal is set to 800 calories per day. I hit and surpass that easily on workout days (usually getting about 1000-1100 on those days) and usually get around 400-500 on flexibility days (more sometimes if I have social events on those days). My average resting calories off of the health app are 1800 (consistent) and my active calories average out to 900 per day for a combined TDEE of about 2700. However, I do know that this isn't 100% accurate for several reasons.

1) I have a history of weight loss. Over the past 3 years, I've lost about 70 pounds. However, I did so due to restrictive eating (1200-1300 calories per day) and cycles of extremely low calories and binging due to hunger. I know now that 1200 calories was NEVER appropriate for my height, even with no exercise. However, I'm afraid that my metabolism might be severely messed up from this practice (I only started eating more consistently about 4-5 months ago)

2) Apple watches and other devices aren't perfect. Enough said. Athough I have heard that Apple Watch in particular is more accurate than most and I'm truly hoping this is the case.

Eating Now: I try to eat anywhere from 1600-1800 calories per day. I have days where I eat more than this (going out to parties, clubs, out with friends) but I also tend to burn more those days (see above re loving to dance lol). I don't track macros but I'm considering including way more protein given my affinity for strength work so I'd love suggestions regarding how much given my routine/weight/height, sources, etc.

Goals: So I have a classic apple shape. While my weight is just technically not overweight anymore by BMI standards (which I'm sure aren't perfect but they're what I've got now), I still have a lot of extraneous fat especially on my stomach, arms, neck, and inner thighs. I'm just completely unhappy with the way I look and how I carry my extra mass, despite my weight being okay more or less. I've also got a total pancake butt so I would eventually love to focus on that and gain some mass there. I know I can't outrun/outlift the unfortunate genetics but I do want to focus on losing fat (calculators say I'm around 30% BFP - obese which is so scary to me, especially given how much I struggled to lose weight in the first place) because of my tendency to carry it in the worst places for overall health and appearance. I also love strength training and would love to maintain and build muscle.

My Problem:

My weight hasn't budged from 168-170 for about 8 weeks now. I feel like I'm going insane. Yes, my tracking isn't 100% perfect but I tracked for years and I generally know how to do it. I feel like I'm always at a deficit of about 800-1000 calories. I've read about so many reasons why this could be: newbie gains, shitty calorie counting (I hope this isn't it, I've tried so hard to be accurate), fluid retention, whack metabolism, god knows why. I would really love any and all advice about either why this is occurring or any other suggestions to help achieve my goals. I just feel like no matter how hard I work and how careful I am with my calories and exercise routine nothing is happening. Every day, looking at the scale makes me want to give up especially when I can't trust the mirror given my body fat percentage and the way I carry weight.

Thank you all so much for your attention.

TLDR: 5'10, 170 lbs, eating at a fairly large deficit and working out with no scale progress. Discouraged.

submitted by /u/justthatonethough
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/iv0n6Lx

Monday, April 11, 2022

In need of advice.

I am currently one month postpartum after having my second baby. Before kids, I was 5’8 and 150-170 pounds (i tended to fluctuate a bit.) Now, I am 5’8 and 210 pounds. I know one month is still very recent, so I don’t want to push myself too hard. Do you guys have any advice for postpartum weight loss?

My problem areas when it comes to weight loss is portion control and finding motivation to work out. I recently purchased a stationary bike, but have yet to use it due to childbirth.

submitted by /u/Supper_Cut_7813
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/UIktKua