Sunday, May 15, 2022

Outdoor Cardio vs Gym

I recently started outdoor cardio activity to stay fit and loose weight. It has been good weight loss journey for me have been 2 months for now.

I am not a gym person so I do combination of walking and Jogging daily for 10 miles.

I have a question - What if I do Outdoor cardio for maybe few more months till I reach the target weight I want to achieve and do not lift weights/build muscles? Will there be any negative impact? Is it recommended to just to cardio?

I am not interested in building muscles, I just need lean fat free body.

submitted by /u/LatterTwo9469
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

160+lbs To Lose. Great Two Weeks. Suddenly Very Worried And Overwhelmed About Sustaining Weight Loss Until Down To Goal Weight.


I knew something would creep up on me. I’ve been too happy the past week. I finally stayed within my weekly calorie range successfully without going outside of it. 1,550 ish calories a day to lose 2lbs per week at 317lbs.

I surprise-weighed myself this morning and was extremely happy, literally clapped for myself, when I saw I had lost about 5 1/2lbs. 311 as of this AM. I felt really great and proud of myself. I’ve been talking often about a change in myself regarding my weight loss and goals. How something has just clicked more the past few weeks, and I am feeling both excited and very ready to follow through with the mountain of weight loss in front of me. I know it’s going to be a journey and I feel ready for it.

So, even after seeing this 5lb loss, the high wore off kind of quickly. Obviously, it’s not entirely significant at 300+lbs. it’s great, but my body is still very much the same and I found myself feeling very insecure while out. But, I have been working to be extremely empathetic with myself. And I said, “it’s okay, this is just a beginning, you need to follow through to be where you truly want to be and I get that you have a lot of bad thoughts around your weight.” I am literally talking to myself like a little kid, in a way. Like reparenting. It’s been a pretty great tool so far, if I’m completely honest.

Well, I’m just planning for the future. My calories are already pretty low at such a high weight, and I’m panicking about sustaining 2lb weight loss, at least for my first hundred pounds. I am set at sedentary, because I mostly am. But if I keep sedentary at even 250lbs, my calories go down into 1,100. Which isn’t sustainable.

I have a desk job. I’m sitting 8 hrs a day. I’m just trying to understand how I will be able to continue losing weight when I’m seeing that even a somewhat active level is exercising almost everyday for at least thirty minutes? I mean. It’s sad, but the world just isn’t set up for that, so what do I do when I’m starting to go below 1,500 calories? Which I’m guessing will actually be rather soon, so my only option is to start becoming active. But even somewhat active is exercising literally everyday?

Someone please help me out here. I’m starting to feel a little hopeless even though I know that’s silly.

Especially if you have lost a very significant amount, how did you keep the momentum of weight loss while going down in weight?

**also, what’s the lowest calorie limit I can go to while still remaining healthy?

submitted by /u/EBeewtf
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight Loss Jealousy??

So basically I had gotten a little chubby after having a baby 2 years ago and then lost 13 pounds recently. Im super proud of myself and I've been eating way less and exercising and it's like causing my mom to act weird af. I've never felt this weird kind of jealousy from her before which doesn't really make sense if this is about weight because I was really underweight all my life before having my daughter.

She just keeps making shitty comments. She will ask me my weight like every day and then say something like "that doesn't make sense I'm skinnier than you, how do I weigh more than you?" Or a few days ago I asked if I could wear her coat and she said "won't that be way too small on you?" like what is going on. She obviously knew the coat would fit me. These kind of things have been happening a lot recently. Is this a common thing for parents to do when you lose weight?!? I don't know where else to ask this lol

submitted by /u/Barbie_Crash
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I have so much more energy now that I'm 50 lbs. lighter!

Long time lurker, first time poster here!

I am in recovery from a binge eating disorder and have been in recovery for a little while now. My highest weight was just about 300 lbs but I was closer to 275 lbs when I started getting more serious about weight loss.

I finally hit the first 50lbs lost milestone! Though I do still have a ways to go before I'm a healthy weight, I have so much more energy now. Before, I had to really think my days ahead as I wouldn't have the energy or ability to do everything that I wanted. Things like cleaning my room would be entire day consuming activity... And I'd still likely get tired halfway through the process and need to rest because I was so out of breath and so out of shape.

I've been going to the gym and eating much healthier (and received treatment for the BED, which is now in remission). If I want to clean my entire apartment, it's no longer a 16-hour commitment. If I want to do laundry, I no longer have to weigh the pros and cons about going up and down three flights of stairs... I can just do it.

I never realized how limited my life was becoming until I started losing weight and getting serious about my health. I was avoiding hanging out with friends for walks because a stroll around a park would use up all of my "active energy" for the day.

Though I'm still not at a healthy weight, I just wanted to post here... It's so worth it. You'll be able to do so much more and worry about so much less once you start hitting those big (or even small) milestones. I no longer feel like I'm limited by my body - and I'm learning to love myself again.

Thank you for reading through this, and stay strong out there! (and a big thanks to this community for being here!)

submitted by /u/GetYourFixGraham
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Unconventional Weight Loss Motivations

Hey guys, do any of you have a motivation for fitness that's somewhat unconventional?

I'll start: I am 165cm, F, 93.4 KGs. And I want to be quite fit and about 65kg. My motivation?

I want to wear my fursuit longer.

She's very pretty, I received her at a furry con in my country a couple weeks ago, and I bought her during the start of the pandemic because the Australian government had temporarily raised income support payments, so before I had a full time job I could afford to buy a partial fursuit. But she's a cat, meaning her mouth is small, and the ventilation isn't great. I joke about her being the Dark Souls of fursuits because I've gotta git gud. This isn't a jab at the maker, the craftsmanship is impeccable. But I'm obese and a smoker, so I'm trying to quit both of those things because currently, I can only wear my fursuit for about 10 minutes at a time before I feel dizzy.

Do any of you have unconventional weight loss motivation?

submitted by /u/HorchataSanchez
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Protein Intake

If you are not working out, does increasing protein still help with weight loss?

I have been trying to increase my protein intake but still stay within my calorie deficit but was wondering if that actually makes a difference if I am not incorporating any exercise yet.

I am confused as to what percentage of micronutrients I would need if I am not working out or if it makes any difference as long as I am in a calorie deficit, please help!

submitted by /u/MS2614
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, May 14, 2022

Today is my Day 1!

About me: 25M, SW/CW: 320lbs, GW: 190-200lbs, 6'1"

I don't know what it was about today, but today I demanded change from myself. In the morning I took time to write up a bunch of health and weight loss related goals which I have never done. Every time I have told myself to start this before it hasn't lasted more than a week. This time I want it to be different. I want to do it for myself, but I also have a toddler that I want to be a role model for, especially when it comes to health. I can't be that for him if I can't do it for myself.

Recently I've fallen in love with the idea of hiking. I struggle mentally with depression, anxiety, and was recently diagnosed with OCD. There was just something about watching these vlogs of people hiking that I loved. I want to do that.

So today I started. I took my son to a local river front walk, loaded him up in the stroller, and put one foot in front of the other. It was a 4 mile total trail, 2 miles out, 2 miles back with a 312ft elevation gain. Halfway through we stopped at the crest of a hill with a small bench and took a 5 minute break. My legs felt like they were weighed down with cement, my face was dripping with sweat, and I told myself "Hey, that was good, you made it halfway just turn around now and head back and that's a pretty admirable first attempt." And then I told myself no. I looked at the map and I was exactly halfway. I said no, I'm not turning back now. I'm walking to the end and then turning back. I'm doing the whole thing. So we did. I managed the whole 4 mile walk.

I'll be honest, I went in with an inflated head. Surely a short four mile walk out and back won't be hard. Surely I can do it with relatively no sweat off my back. Boy was I wrong. But once we got back to the start, even through the small emotions along the way, I was excited. We had a small celebration in the car. We did it.

Today is the day I decided I want to change. Today is the day I decided I wanted to be that role model for my son.

Today is the day.

Hopefully you will start seeing my posts every once in a while here with updates. I need to hold myself accountable, however hopefully this sub might be that motivation boost I might need every once in a while.

Good luck to everyone here, whether it's your first day or your thousandth. We can do this!

submitted by /u/MoonSick-
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from loseit - Lose the Fat