Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Compression underwear recommendations?

Hi All! 28F here, I have been maintaining an ~80lb weight loss for the past 2 years now. I have a bit of loose skin hanging, which has definitely gotten worse overtime as I build muscle and decrease my body fat percentage.

Does anyone have any compression underwear recommendations to help keep the loose skin in place and mitigate chaffing? I've only really seen the full torso shapewear and I don't want all that, just like normal underwear that keeps everything in place lol

submitted by /u/_EnderPixel
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Dating after weight loss

After losing 80 lbs, I’ve noticed that I’ve been matching more on tinder, however, no guy looks at me in real life. The only 2 guys I’ve ever wanted and I cannot get over, have friend zoned me, they wont ever fk me and will never find me attractive; it’s like I’ll always be the fat and ugly chick to them. With one guy i have an intense emotional/mental connection and the other guy it’s pure sexual big D energy he transmits to me. Before my weight loss, I would only be attracted to a more deep connection, and with these guys I have that connection that goes beyond physical attraction. But on tinder, I’ve been matching with these really hot, perfect gym body dudes that I never thought would look at me; sometimes i think I’m either being catfished or they’re trying to play a joke on me, as I still have 40 lbs to go to reach my goal weight. Maybe I’m a more socially acceptable fat, but I’m technically still fat. But part of me wants to know what it feels like to be with a socially acceptable hot guy. I’ve always searched for a deeper attraction in all my unrequited pursuits, and all it’s gotten me is disappointment, frustration, and friendzoning. Maybe I should just become shallow and just date based on looks.

submitted by /u/SusieQu1885
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weird tip for cravings

So I just started my weight loss journey. And I was super worried about my diet since I love sweet, and fast foods.

I however discovered something that really really helped with my cravings and because of this method I am able to keep my diet in check and daily calories under 1500 usually.

The trick is candy. I know seems like I’m trolling right? Lol. But no I’m serious. I’m not talking about chocolate or gummy candy though. I mean candies like ice breakers, tiktac, stuff like that. Each piece has less then a gram of sugar and only 1-3 cal.

Now this doesn’t mean you can eat a box every day. But I tend to consum roughly 4 pieces a day one time in the morning and during the day when I’m super hungry or have cravings. It seriously helps a lot. Specially that one in the morning.

I hope this helps someone and if it doesn’t you can ignore it lol.

submitted by /u/CheriyJuice
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Male/23/5'0 losing weight again!

In 2019 I already started a diet where I went from around 194 lbs back to about 169 lbs. But after that Covid came, and we moved to a new house. A period where the snacking and ordering food for delivery came back. In this period I gained back to around 194 lbs.

But for a few months, I am trying to make it a more permanent weight loss. The previous time I went to the dietician I didn't lose any weight yet, but when I went to the dietician yesterday I finally lost a bit of weight (I am 193 lbs now). And I am looking to start a procedure with weight loss medicine!

Losing weight is an important thing for me since I have a muscle disease/muscle weakness. I am happy I made the decision to start losing weight again because with my muscle disease I don't want to get to the point that I already need a wheelchair at my age!

submitted by /u/RuKo1998
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

cutting out alcohol

So I'm not exactly on a weight loss journey, but I am making changes in my life due to some family issues that made me look at my impulse control/lack thereof lol. Part of that is making healthier choices for my body like stretching before work, working out in my room, eating proper portions, etc, so weight loss should end up being part of the changes down the line. I had a pretty specific question and hope this is a good sub to ask it in.

I realized one night that I had been drinking two to three beers/drinks a night standard, and in social situations I frequesntly lose track after five. Since that night I've stopped drinking. Alcoholism runs in my family, and believe it or not, this is an early warning.

Tonight I was thinking about what kind of weight loss I could expect to see just from cutting out alcohol. Can anyone tell me what differences they saw after they stopped heavy drinking?

submitted by /u/emzyme212
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Are there any advantages going from fat to fit?

I’m feeling a bit discouraged in my weight loss journey right now. I went from being a normal weight in my teens, to anorexic, to a normal weight again, to now 40ish pounds overweight. I’ve acquired SO many stretch marks the last two years, my body is sagging in places, and I know it’ll never go back. The medications I’m on make gaining weight easy, and I haven’t been successful at dropping any pounds since I started my journey. My exercise is there, but food quality / quantity, sleep deprivation, and extreme stress is tripping me up. Are there any advantages of going from fat to fit that might cheer me up? Mostly looking for some motivation and kind words. Thank you.

submitted by /u/digitalglowdiary
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I’ve been trying to lose weight for over a year now, I’ve tried everything & losing hope

19F, CW: 180 lbs, SW: 179.4, GW: 120 lbs H: 5’3

Hello, I first started my “weight loss journey” in January of 2021 and my starting weight was 179.4. I lost 8 pounds between the beginning of January ‘21 and the end of February ‘21. I was weighing out all of my food & eating 1,200 calories. I fell off track & everything went downhill since then. I’ve been trying to go back to my caloric deficit routine but it has been very frustrating & I kind’ve feel burnt out from this whole “weight loss journey.” I’ve been tracking my calories on and off for about 6-8 months now. I’m getting discouraged because my weight loss has been really slow since February ‘21. I went to the doctor, thinking that something hormonal was going on but nothing. They did blood work and everything. The most amount of progress I made since then is only 3 pound loss in 2 months. But that didn’t last forever, I’ve been binging & I think the number on the scale is triggering it. I’m right back at my starting weight. I have tried multiple things like reverse dieting & incorporating exercise. Right now, I’m eating 1,400 - 1,500 calories with no exercise. I weigh myself almost everyday and want to cry when I see it’s the same number as the day before or a little less than that. I’m thinking about all the progress I could’ve made if I stayed consistent when I first started. I’m even considering weight loss surgery such as gastric bypass or something similar. I don’t want to give up but I have little amount of motivation & I’m stating to accept the fact that I’ll be fat forever.

submitted by /u/azaraasun
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from loseit - Lose the Fat