Monday, January 2, 2023

Looking for a better weight/calories/macro/activity tracker

I've been using WW off and on for years, and when I work it, it works for me, and that's fine. But I'd like a deeper dive into my macros, activity, and weight, and I'd like a tracker that will track these things and allow me to dig into the data. For instance, graph my protein intake or carb intake against my weight loss, my sugar intake against my overall weight, my activity level against my weight loss, etc. Maybe even IF hours against weight loss.

Do you know of a tracking app that will provide this? I haven't used anything but WW so I'm not aware of what other apps are considered good. Thanks!

submitted by /u/CleverAmbrosia
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Can we hear it for tiny goals?

Here I am again, like many of you probably, trying to lose the weight I lost and gained back several times over the last decade. Twice in my life I've lost massive amounts of weight, like 50+ pounds, and several times smaller amounts through lifestyle changes I implemented inadvertently. The most recent journey kinda messed me up; too low calorie, over doing it on excercise until an injury and covid made that impossible. My relationship with food and my body really took a hit and I've spent the last few years in therapy working on healing that first before I try intentional weight loss again.

All of that and I had a baby this year lol.

But I'm back, and this time I'm hoping to take the long way around by setting progressive micro goals and working my way up from there. So many times I'd try to jump back in saying tomorrow I'm going to start eating 1300 and working out 5 times a week, which I'd predictively fail and end up drinking and binging instead. I don't have the time or the mental energy for all that anymore. Instead, I'm starting with the smallest steps possible and building from there.

So here are my teeny tiny baby goals to begin my new journey:

-step foot in the gym or work wellness center once a day on weekdays (no actual workouts required) -go on a walk every work day -put everything I consume in cronometer (not focusing on deficit yet, that's the hard part)

Eventually I'm shooting for some sort of excercise every day, 10k steps a day, and a one pound a week deficit, but it's going to be a slow and steady go until I get there.

So just for now, I say screw big goals. Tell me about the smallest thing you're doing to achieve results!

submitted by /u/Ambitious_Client6545
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Knock knees and weight

Hi everybody,

when looking at before/after-pictures on reddit it came to my notice that people often have knock knees while they are heavier and after weight loss it looks like their legs straightened up.

Is this only because people's posture improved overall (and they are posing for the camera)?

Or can you expect to get straight (or at least: straighter) legs just by losing excess weight, without any medical interventions?

submitted by /u/DwarfAwesome
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Cardio or Home workout?

My starting weight was around 90kg in january 2021 and after weight loss(CICO and walking with a little bodyweight exercise here and there) I was around 7kg5 in February 2022... And maintained it for 4 month then stuff happend I am again 85 kilo now...

So I have 4 months in my hand and I want to get fit... I am in a 500 calories/day deficit but not sure if I should do cardio or bodyweight exercise... I only have time for one.

Please help

submitted by /u/Pristine_Meat7449
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

For those of you that have had a good amount of success on your weight loss journey, what would you say are some of the key tenets to your success? Here are mine.

  1. Food is energy. We need it to live, to move, to breathe, but we need a lot less of it than we realize. Also the less you move throughout a day, the less you need. Also also if it's getting later in the afternoon to early evening and you really aren't going to be very active the rest of the day, do you really need a big meal for dinner shortly before bed? I'm a big proponent of dinner around 3 or 4 pm and no meals after and just a snack or a few bites of something if you need something later or have plans later.

  2. Walking is love walking is life. This past year I lost 86 pounds and the main exercise I got for most of the year until September when I added weight lifting, was walking. This year I walked 2.8 million steps or around 1400 miles. I believe the benefits of your mental health improvement and your breathing improvement with consistent fresh air is just as if not more important than the calories burned through walking. It's literally a life changer. Obviously everyone knows about 10k a day, I personally try to shoot for 16k a day but you can see improvements in as "little" as 4k a day.

  3. Don't drink your calories. I cut out all sugary sodas late last year and haven't had one since. All I drink is water, black coffee, 5 calorie lipton diet teas, and sprite zero. Pretty self-explanatory, but I'll make sure to drink a lot of water throughout the day. Many times when you think you're hungry you're just dehydrated. If you are still hungry 10 minutes after a glass of water then maybe look to eat something.

  4. For the love of God, fix your sleep people. Sleep is not for the weak. I used to think this. I bragged about how little sleep I got. I hated sleeping. I was also super obese and hated everything else so it makes sense lol But seriously sleep is when you have success. Sleep is vital to recovery and building muscle and losing weight. I go to bed around 9 every night and get up around 4 every night. That's just cause I need to do that for my work but as long as you are getting at least 6.5 quality hours of sleep every night, preferably up to 8 but I don't even get that so I won't preach it, you will see improvements.

  5. And finally, weight lifting. I lost about half my weight this year from January to September. In September I started weight lifting in earnest, and lost the other have of my weight in 4 months. So I lost the same amount of weight in just 4 months with walking, weight lifting and dieting, than I did in 8 months with just walking and dieting. Weight lifting is a game changer. Muscle burns calories just existing. The more you have, the more you will passively burn. Also its much easier to build muscle than it is to lose fat by just trying to diet, so it's much easier to replace the fat with muscle and lose weight that way. I'm not a workout guy, I don't really know what I'm doing, I'm constantly asking reddit on what to do, so I won't recommend anything but I'll just say do something. You don't have to sign up at a gym, dumbbells are literally all you need to get started. There are SO many full-body dumbbell workouts out there you can look up and see if you like anything you see.

submitted by /u/Nolan-
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Weight loss: what helped you/motivated you through your journey.

Motivating myself for my goal of loosing 20-30 pounds in the next 9 months, what helped/ is helping you the most stick to your goals and to a healthy new routine ?

Thinking of anything material (getting a pretty journal for meal or weight tracking, getting nice clothes whenever loosing a size) to habits that promote positive re-enforcement (taking pictures in a too big or used to be too small clothing item, listening to your favorite podcast or watching a specific tv show only when running)…

Thank you all!

submitted by /u/hirogirl
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My Year at Goal Weight

27 year old female. Rock climber since 2015 but never serious until last year. On and off weight lifting - got to 225 lb deadlift my first year. I’ve had some moderately bad injuries in my life since I was 17, grew up very unathletic.

July 2021 - November 2021 was weight loss phase. I had yo-yo’d between 150 lb and 175 a few times now, and this was the last time. By November I had reached 150 again by focusing on eliminating binge-restrict habits alone. No food tracking only intuitive eating, moderate amount of exercise but no cardio.

November 2021 - February 2022 Mini bulk! I put on 5 lb over 12 weeks, putting me at 155 lb. My clothes still fit albeit a little tighter, and I’m ready to shed the fat. Bulgarian split squats, deadlifting pyramid, push-ups, cable machine shoulder work, some core calisthenics at home, pull-ups.

March - June I hit a new low of 144 lb in May. I look the same but smaller, and I’m climbing like shit. Need more calories. If I had to guess, I was eating 1600-1800 at this time. I had started working from home and lost my drive to cook and clean for 3 meals a day.

June - August It’s the dead of summer and I’ve given up on climbing outside. I had climbed from February until mid-July but couldn’t do it anymore. Mini bulk again, up to 154 lb over 12 weeks of lifting and calisthenics.

August - December Performance season. Fall is prime time for climbing in New York, and I hit all my goals and then some. Intuitively eating allowed me to eat lots of carbs before, during, and after workouts. I kept protein intake high and wasn’t afraid to eat a lot. I didn’t weigh myself often during this time because I probably got up to 153 based on how clothes fit, but I ended the year at 151 lb.

It felt really good not to focus on my binge-restrict disorder though I did slip up at times and overeat causing myself pain. I learned from these moments, and had really great self control that I was proud of during this past week of holidays. It was a true testament to my mental hard work I’ve put in this year. Cheers to another beautiful year in recovery in 2023!

Please feel free to ask more about my routine and mental cues and habits. Im a long time member of this sub way back to 2016 when I was at my high of 200 lb.

submitted by /u/marimbaclimb
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from loseit - Lose the Fat