Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Social Anxiety Improving After Weight Loss–Is that healthy?

Hi friends. I started therapy a while ago because of social anxiety and unrelated stress in my life. I am morbidly obese and have been overweight my whole life, but I hit my highest weight in 2022.

During that period, I experienced the stereotypical anxieties and fears about being overweight. I would avoid social occasions out of fear of being judged for my weight or because finding a nice outfit in my size would be difficult. I would have intense paranoia that everyone in public is looking at me and judging me because of my weight.

Since the beginning of this year, I’ve lost about 30 pounds through just portion control and only recently began to actually improve my diet and exercise. I find that I’m slightly less anxious and more willing to socialize since losing the weight, but I am still largely overweight and far from being considered normal for my height. I’ve done a lot of work to repair my negative thoughts about my body and a detrimental relationship with food, which has given me this protectiveness about my body image.

I want to feel happy and confident regardless of my physical appearance, and I want to lose weight to be healthy. But I can’t help but feel like my recent weight loss is the sole reason that I feel less anxious in social situations. Do you guys think this is an unhealthy shift/perspective? My fear is that I’m tying too much of my self worth on my size and other’s opinions. I talked a bit about it in therapy, and my therapist says that I should allow myself to feel good without worrying about where my good feelings are derived from. What do you guys think? How has losing weight impacted your self esteem and body image?

submitted by /u/thevivaciousvirgo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/Dlos0C6

Monday, May 8, 2023

ADHD and the battle with weight loss. Tricks and tips?

Hi all, been following this sub for a quite a long while, but (I think) this is my first time posting in it.

Something I always struggled with personally was weight loss - keeping up with exercise and eating healthy and all that jazz. Recently I've been looking down the barrel of an ADHD diagnosis after a lot of discussion with my psychologist (and potentially a low level ASD one) and it sort makes sense as to some of the struggles (meanwhile thinking I've just been lazy).

So people who are diagnosed ADHD and/or ASD. What do you use for tricks to get around your executive dysfunction? What are ways of getting the healthy foods into you that your brain feels like pterodactyl screeching at you because of texture aversions?

I know I personally had less trouble with going to gym when I was taking my (now 7) son to childcare which was a 2 minute drive from the gym, because I was already out and about, I just had to be in the gym gear ready to go. I'd spend anywhere from an hour to an hour and half doing a mix of cardio and weight training, and for the most part, I'd always enjoy it. I've got sound knowledge on how to do the exercises with all the machines and how they affect the muscles, etc. I even bought myself some simple hand weights for here at home but the brain goes fully into object permeance (or a lack thereof) and even though the weight box literally sits next to my PC (which I work at) I forget they're even there.

Couple this with a tendency to want to snack on the unhealthy foods that I'm craving throughout the day, and it's a recipe for disaster. I managed to make the switch from full sugar soft drink to zero sugar ones, and at the bare minimum it helped me not gain any more weight, but I know for a fact that I needed to be doing the exercise to lose the weight.

Any tips and tricks that have helped you, no matter how silly or small, please let me know. I'm gonna need all the help I can get.

Minor disclaimer: I'm not exercising at the moment because I'm 28 weeks pregnant with twins, but I want to get back into it after recovering from birth, so I'm gathering tricks and tips for my newfound knowledge that after 35 years my brain is just a douche and doesn't want to give me dopamine.

submitted by /u/KirimaeCreations
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/wOTlsrh

counting calories is putting me in a very unwell headspace

so i used to have an eating disorder in my teens, and have been recovered for at least 6 years now. i maintained a healthy average weight for those years but over the past year i've packed on enough pounds to the point where i'm considered mildly overweight for my height. i'm going to be in my sister's wedding in september and i want to lose at least 10 pounds in a healthy manner so i look good in my dress. this obviously means i need to do basic dieting things like counting calories, which i am, but i feel myself slipping into very dangerous waters doing so. all i think about is calories all day everyday, and when i log food into my weight loss app i feel like throwing up just seeing how many calories the food im eating has. i was taught NOT to look at calories during my recovery, but that was when i was trying to gain weight and fix my relationship with food, and now i have to log them in order to lose weight consistently. is there ANY advice someone can give me? is there a method to losing weight without counting calories?

submitted by /u/justpassingbysorry
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/aV7RgrQ

Last 10lb to go

I'm 26m, 5'9". 190.

I'm so close. but it's been a struggle all the way down.

What I've learned about myself -

  • alcohol is the root cause of most of my overeating.

If I drink, I stay at a high weight, period.

  • Intermittent fasting works.

When I actually bear up and do it, I have effective periods of sustainable weight loss. There is no way around this.

  • Going too hard - anything less than 2000 calories in my case, and sometimes even that -- is counterproductive.

I can be done with this in 1-2 months. Will it suck? sure.

How do I keep the weight off? I'm limiting myself to one night of drinking per 2 weeks. I just feel like absolute shit when I do it.

I'm 26. never had a girlfriend.

Had sex once.

Not thrilled with my self image. Used to be a smoking hot dude, but no more.

It's time to stop f**king around.

submitted by /u/Acehehjufd
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/PwMoUiy

I hate going out to eat

Getting invited out to eat stresses me out as I know I will go over my daily limit and my weekly weight loss goal won’t be accomplished. I feel bad for continuously cancelling on friends but it’s not enjoyable for me. It’s hard looking for healthy options in restaurants and most are not with calorie labels so I’m not able to track it and tracking brings me satisfaction so If I don’t I spiral.

I don’t like cheat days or cheat meals. What do I do?

submitted by /u/todayoyo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/hHkTMGA

When will my belly start to get smaller?

Hey guys! First time posting here. I’ve been tracking my calories and exercising since February. I am a male, 26 years old, 5’8 and started at 210lbs on February 10th and am currently 183.5. I am on a 1500 deficit and have cut out alcohol and am working out 6 days a week for an hour (30 mins cardio/30 mins resistance training). I have more energy and have visibly lost weight everywhere on my body except for my belly. My coworkers and friends have noticed my weight loss and are encouraging but I personally don’t see much of a difference in how I look overall because my belly and love handles still hang over my hips a bit and while, yes, I am doing this for health reasons, I have been obese my entire life and always had a large belly and selfishly am getting a little frustrated at the lack of results I am seeing in this one area.

Any tips or advice would be appreciated!

submitted by /u/BakingSomePotatoes
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/XSwcv38

Starting C25k again. Any tips to stick with it?

I’ve done the program who knows how many times in the past, but I really want to stick with it this time. I have two weeks to do a kind of soft start, then a vacation planned, then I plan on restarting again at week 1 and going from there.

I’m tired all the time. My dog deserves better. And I want to actually hit this goal just once in my life. I don’t even really care about losing weight, although it would be nice. I’ve given up on weight loss and just want to focus on healthy habits.

Any tips for going forward? Especially when the excuses start coming in- the rain, I don’t feel good, I can do it tomorrow, etc.

submitted by /u/ChaosofaMadHatter
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/GL9Qz2O